Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1071


Chapter 1071 No one can save you!

"More than 10,000 years ago, although my father was not on the Supreme list, his strength is definitely not worse than the thirty-six Supreme geniuses on the Supreme list!"

Tantai Nianchen It is reasonable to argue, "More than 10,000 years later, in today's peak era of cultural prosperity, my father has not been surpassed by the younger Supreme geniuses of this era. As a Supreme, I am still the junior of shocking and stunning in today's era, and no one can beat my father!"

The woman in the gazebo sneered contemptuously, "Fairy in the red dust, as Immemorial Era recognized the number one Supreme genius, amazing the whole Immemorial, no one does not admire her, I also admire her very much, unfortunately, her daughter did not learn the slightest bit of her ability, but learned to speak big, which is ridiculous."

Some beauties who were jealous of Tantai Nianchen also laughed.

Tantai Nianchen's face turned red.

"Remove your anger."

Long Qingchen sighed softly. Although she is over 10,000 years old, she has too little experience going out and is in a bad mood. I can't stand it, "Dogs, barking at you, you, there is no need to bark at dogs, after all, we are not dogs, there is no need to lower oneself to somebody's level with dogs."

Hearing this, Tantai Nianchen couldn't help laughing, "What the father said is that we don't need to lower oneself to somebody's level with the dog."

"You said it was a dog!"

Bower The young woman in the room screamed, "Tantai Nianchen, you are just a wild breed! What right do you have to call me a dog!"

Long Qingchen's face changed immediately, and others criticized him He doesn't care if he says a few words, because since his debut, he has been criticized too much, disinclined to pay attention to so much, but others say that Nianchen is a wild species, which has touched the bottom line in his heart.

"Take back your words, and kneel down to apologize, otherwise, you will die!"

His eyes turned cold in an instant, and he wanted to go to the pavilion step by step.

Although there is no strong aura on him, however, when each step falls, it seems to be stepping on the rhythm of the earth, so that all the young heroes and beauties of the Great Influence present have their hearts beaten by a heavy hammer. I felt that my heart skipped a beat, and I looked at him in amazement. Maybe Tantai Nianchen didn't say big things, he retreated for more than 10,000 years, and his cultivation base really didn't fall, even more so!

The young woman in the pavilion was taken a few steps back, her face turning pale, although she was startled by Long Qingchen's strange steps, but in front of so many of her contemporaries, let her kneel down and apologize. Of course she wouldn't agree, and she slowly calmed down, "Are you going to fight with me? Well, I'm just about to experience it!"

"A duel, you deserve it?"

Long Qingchen laughed angrily.


With a wave of his hand, pink's immortal strength flashed across the pavilion in an instant!


Too fast!

Don't say stop, the young woman can't even react!

Strangely, the pavilion was not damaged, and the young woman was not injured. However, a more terrifying scene appeared. I saw that the young woman was rapidly aging, and naked eyes were visible!

Her slender figure became rickety and scrawny!

Her long black hair instantly turned gray, and kept falling out, and finally, became bald!

Her rosy skin had countless wrinkles, as if it had turned into old tree skin!


The young woman, now an old woman to be exact, screamed in horror, "What have you done to me!"

Long Qingchen's expression was indifferent, "It will cut the life essence of your era, and let you have a longer memory."

All the young talents and beauties present were stunned and waved. Depriving the life essence of an era, what a terrifying method, it made them all feel shivering, and they couldn't help but wonder if they could stop it if they were replaced by themselves?

This young woman, they also know, is the great-great-granddaughter of the Sect Master on the Solitary Sword Sect of the taboo force. She has a very high innate talent and reached the ninth rank Peak of immortality at a young age. However, She couldn't even stop Long Qingchen's move, and she couldn't even react. Long Qingchen's current cultivation base, one can imagine how terrifying it has reached!

"Have my father ever been angry, do you know now?"

Tantai Nianchen looked at her with pity. More important than life, the father directly made this woman enter the "old age", it was too cruel, and it made her more uncomfortable than killing her.

"Long Qingchen, you can kill me if you have the ability, too Solitary Sword Sect will not let you go!"

The old woman covered her face with her hands and cried bitterly, she was really embarrassed to see people.

Long Qingchen's voice was icy cold, and a strand of pink immortal strength floated in his palm, "Do you think I dare not?"

"Long Qingchen, you are so powerful!"

Suddenly, over the garden, the space was chaotic, and an old man came across the void, looking down at Long Qingchen with a cold gaze.

"Mysterious grandfather, save me."

Seeing this old man coming, the old woman rushed up like she saw a savior, bowed down in front of the old man, and cried even more. incredible.

The old man lifted her up and looked at her with pity, "Good child, don't be afraid, if the Xuan grandfather is here, I will definitely get justice for you, and no one can bully you!"

The talented and beauties present glanced at each other, and they all stepped back in tacit understanding, all the way to the edge of the garden. The Sect Master of the Solitary Sword Sect came in person, I'm afraid this matter can't be resolved, they can I don't want to get involved.

"Long Qingchen, you rely on your long cultivation time, what is your ability to bully the younger generation?"

The old man's voice was cold, "Do you think I am too Solitary Sword Sect unmanned? "

Long Qingchen's eyes were flat, "I don't mean to despise the Solitary Sword Sect, nor do I rely on my own cultivation time for a long time, but, you great-great-granddaughter supercilious, like a mad dog, biting people everywhere, since You didn't discipline her well, I'll discipline her for you."

The talented and beauties secretly clicked their tongues, not to mention how the Long Qingchen cultivation base was, but this courage and daring had to make them admire, worthy of It was Long Qingchen, who traversed the universe more than 10,000 years ago. Even if the other party was the Sect Master of the taboo force, he dared to speak like that.


Sure enough, the old man was furious, "My great-great-granddaughter, do I still need you to discipline me, what thing are you!"

"What are you?"

Long Qingchen stepped up in the air and stood in front of the old man without showing any weakness, "regardless of right and wrong, you always protect your shortcomings, in my opinion, you are also It's just an Old Dog."

"Good! Good! Good!"

The old man broke out into laughter caused by anger, "Long Qingchen, after retreating for more than ten thousand years, You are getting more and more mad, and you don't even care about the old man, very good, today, I put my words here, no one can protect you!" , a Sect Master of a taboo force, although he has already abdicated, he can still represent the attitude of the taboo force. This is not a casual statement. Who can keep the person the taboo force wants to kill?


Long Qingchen disagreed, indifferently said, "Many enemies have said this to me, but I still live well until now, it's not that I despise it. Too Solitary Sword Sect, but, you can't."

Tantai Nianchen quietly took out a pink jade pendant and tapped the jade pendant three times with her fingers, this is her mother red dust Fairy gave her when she was a child, so that she could send a signal for help in a pinch, and the red dust Fairy could arrive at any time.

This old man, although the cultivation base is very high, she is not worried about the father, she believes that the father can definitely defeat this old man, but what worries her is the Solitary Sword Sect behind the old man, Too Solitary Sword Sect is one of the twelve taboo forces of Fengyuan, and there must be super strong people in the indestructible realm.

So, she uses this jade pendant just in case.

(end of this chapter)

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