Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1068


Chapter 1068 This is the gap!

"I'm too lazy to talk big with your father and daughter. Dragon Clan has always believed in powerhouse is respected. You and I are both Dragon Clan. Do you dare to speak with strength?"

Young The man sneered, "If you think you can't do it, you father and daughter can go together, and I'll go." I haven't been born yet, I'm afraid you can't even sense my father's cultivation base, what qualifications do you have to challenge my father?> The young man indifferently said, "Your father is indeed older than me, but if the qualification and strength do not match, then the qualification is worthless, what is the use of relying on age to show of age? Besides, I really can't sense it. Your father's cultivation base, however, does not mean that his cultivation base is higher than mine. In this world, there are too many secret techniques to hide the cultivation base, which is not surprising."

Tantai Nianchen was enraged He smiled and said to Long Qingchen, "father, since he wants to be beaten so much, you should beat him fiercely, and let him remember who is the real Supreme genius of Dragon Clan!"

"Beat him?"

Long Qingchen stretched out his hand and touched his chin, feeling a little embarrassed, "I was already a patriarch more than 13,000 years ago, and he It's just a junior with less than 5,000 years of cultivation. If I attack him and spread it out, I'm afraid it won't sound good, and everyone will think that I bully the junior."

"If you don't dare to say it directly, why make any excuses? ?"

The young man coldly said, "As long as you hand over the general patriarch token and abdicate from the position of general patriarch, I don't bother to embarrass you. After all, you are senior, and I don't even bother. Bullying the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.”

The old, the weak, the sick and the disabled?

At the age of 10,000, he was in his prime, how could he become old, weak, sick, and disabled, Long Qingchen laughed, "Boy, you are not ordinary arrogant, well, I accept yours Challenge."

Hearing Long Qingchen's agreement, sharp rays of light burst out from the young man's eyes, fighting intent was high, "Go to outer space for a battle!"

"There is no need for that. Trouble."

Long Qingchen waved his hand slightly and said indifferently, "If you need to go to outer space and spread it out, I'm afraid of being ridiculed by the Great Influence."

This is obvious contempt

Tantai laughs when she is pu chi, and the father talks, it is also very annoying

Sure enough, the young man's face is embarrassed, "Then you say Where to fight, if you start directly here, the entire Heavenly Dragon star will be destroyed. If you go to the martial stage, our Dragon Clan's martial stage can't bear the cultivation base of my Undead Realm. When you fight, you can't let go. "

"Just fight here."

Long Qingchen indifferently said, "Don't worry, with me, you can't even destroy the flowers and grass around you, if you can If I lose a weed, what if I lose?"

Tantai Nianchen couldn't straighten his waist with a smile, his stomach hurts, what father said is too shocking

"boasted shamelessly!"

The young man was furious.

"Long Qingchen, you have been in seclusion for more than 13,000 years, and you haven't improved much in other abilities, have you only learned to speak big?"

His cultivation is less than a hundred years, and he is promoted to chief Habitat, cultivation less than 5,000 years ago, set foot on Undead Realm, and was hailed by the entire Dragon Clan as the highest innate talent in the history of Dragon Clan, which has already overshadowed the honor that Long Qingchen left more than 10,000 years ago. When was he like this? Despised?

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "I'm talking big, you'll know if you try it."

Tantai Nianchen's big eyes flashed with brilliance, and finally knew that the father is now What is the cultivation base.

"Ancestral Dragon, it's not good!"

The acting chief patriarch, that is, Emperor Xuanyi, hurriedly came to the residence of Ancestral Dragon, said with a bitter smile, "Listen. A guard reported that he saw Patriarch coming back, but was stopped by Holy Son, who asked Patriarch to hand over the token, Holy Son's hot temper, he would never listen to me, only you old man. The only way to stop him is to come forward in person, so I rushed over."

Time Ancestral Dragon took a slow sip of tea and said with a smile, "The guard has already reported it to me, I know. "

"Then why don't you stop it?"

Xuan Yilong said strangely, "It's not a good thing that there is a conflict between the President Holy Son and the President Patriarch."

Time Ancestral Dragon said indifferently, "The younger generation, relying on their high innate talent, regardless of the law and of natural morality, can learn a little lesson."

Xuanyi The Dragon Emperor was stunned for a moment, and his eyes became strange. "Ancestral Dragon means that the total patriarch has starlight battle clothes, can you teach the general Holy Son a lesson? I am afraid that this will make the general Holy Son even more dissatisfied."

Time Ancestral Dragon laughed, "Then you underestimate the stinking brat of Long Qingchen. He has given starlight battle clothes to Nianchen. With his own cultivation base, he can cross the void."

Hearing this, Emperor Xuan Yilong's body trembled. With his own cultivation base, he could cross the void. What does this mean?

"I understand."

Dragon Emperor Xuanyi smiled wryly, and said with deep emotion, "In recent years, with the cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds of President Holy Son, I have I thought that Dragon Clan had the highest innate talent in history, didn't expect, the highest innate talent in Dragon Clan has always been the total patriarch, and has never been surpassed. Compared with the total patriarch, the total Holy Son has It's not a small gap."

Time Ancestral Dragon's eyes were deep, "If I guessed correctly, Long Qingchen, the smelly brat, has cultivated Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian's ultimate Profound Truth to Small Accomplishment, and , he also cultivated the Red Dust Fairy's Red Dust Immortal Sutra, only in just over 10,000 years can he become one of the world's top-ranking powerhouses."

Dragon Emperor Xuanyi laughed, "We Dragon Clan It's getting stronger and stronger, and even if you don't use the trump card thing, you can still wrestle with the Peak all-star forces."

Time Ancestral Dragon opened his mouth and hesitated, and finally, Still didn't say much, even if Xuan Yilong Emperor was the agent of Patriarch, he didn't know the background.


The young man's eyes were cold, "I want to see, what ability do you have, so that I can't even destroy a weed!"




Long Qingchen smiled slightly, stretched out a palm, a ray of nine-colored glow and a ray of pink immortal strength appeared in the palm, these two energies flashed like thunder, Then, it turns into a dragon shape, and rotates with each other, hugs each other, and finally turns into a mysterious Yin-Yang Diagram!


With a wave of your hand, the Yin-Yang Diagram disappears and instantly appears above the young man's head, covering the young man!

The young man frowned. Although he didn't know what this Yin-Yang Diagram meant, he could see that it wasn't that simple.

“break for me!”

He exploded, fist above condensed immortal strength, and slammed to the top of his head!


However, his immortal strength is like a cow entering the ocean, without even a single wave, it was directly swallowed by Yin-Yang Diagram, but Yin-Yang Diagram completely motionless!

"I can't believe it!"

The young man roared.


He threw hundreds of punches in a row, and the result was the same, all swallowed by Yin-Yang Diagram!

"How could this be!"

His brow was sweating, unbelievable.

Since he stepped into Undead Realm, Long Jin Beiming, Long Shi Xiaoning, Long Qing Baizheng, the Dragon Clan Supreme geniuses more than 10,000 years ago, have all been easily crushed by him.

However, a Yin-Yang Diagram released by Long Qingchen at will, suppressed him, which was a great blow to him, unacceptable!

"You are too weak, work hard on cultivation."

Long Qingchen shook his head slightly, it would be detrimental to his identity to start a relationship with such a junior, he really couldn't be interested.

Tantai Nianchen smiled and said, "Aren't you very arrogant just now? Why can't even my father break a single move, and I dare to challenge my father with this strength, fortunately my father is not yours Enemy, otherwise, you've already been flying ash annihilation, and you can't even find ash!"

"If it can't be broken, then it won't break."

The young man slowly He calmed down, gritted his teeth suddenly, and punched Long Qingchen's side with a punch, the immortal strength leaked from his fist and turned into a ray of light ten thousand zhang!


However, a strange thing happened again. This formidable power-shattering fist just flew out not far, just like encountering an invisible barrier, unable to break through The scope of the Yin-Yang Diagram is still swallowed up by the Yin-Yang Diagram above the head!

"How could this be, impossible, impossible."

The young man was completely stunned, staring at his fist in despair.

Undead Realm, the punch of full strikes, what kind of formidable power is that?

Enough, punch through the Heavenly Dragon star!

Enough, crush any long-living expert!

However, he couldn't break through a small Yin-Yang Diagram, which had a blow to his Heart of Martial Dao, beyond his cognition, and made him realize his Undead Realm cultivation base has created doubts.

This little Yin-Yang Diagram seems to contain the entire universe, which made him feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

"It's not impossible, it's just that you don't have enough cultivation base levels and don't understand the true meaning of it."

Long Qingchen's eyes were flat, "Even, I don't have to use Yin-Yang Diagram. If you draw a circle, you can't get out, this is the gap."

Tantai Nianchen smacked his tongue lightly and whispered, "father, you are too cruel, will you hit him? It has been abolished and never recovered."

Long Qingchen didn't care, "Dragon Clan has never lacked Supreme genius, but what is lacking is Supreme genius who can overcome all difficulties and reach the top of Martial Dao. If He can't even take this blow, so he doesn't deserve to be called a Supreme genius, and he doesn't deserve to be the chief Holy Son."

"Come on, we should go home, let him stay Here, think about it carefully."

He was too lazy to say more, so he took Tantai Nianchen and flew to the fairy palace where Xuan'er and Sister Li, Senior Sister lived, for more than ten thousand years, He couldn't wait to see them, as well as the other two children.

"I can, I can definitely get out of this Yin-Yang Diagram."

The young man's eyes were red and bloodshot.




He tried various means, using Dragon Clan's fastest movement method, Use Dragon Clan highest martial skill, use your own thousands of natural phenomena, use your own Tao, however, Yin-Yang Diagram seems to be able to devour everything and devour all his means!

No matter what means he uses, he can't get out of the scope of this Yin-Yang Diagram!

This Yin-Yang Diagram is like the most terrifying cage in the world!


He was completely desperate, he slumped down and hugged his head in pain, "Damn Long Qingchen, what is the cultivation base, why is it so strong? , is it the immortal realm in the legend?"

Dragon Clan, who saw this scene from a distance, couldn't help but snicker, and at the same time, he was extremely shocked. patriarch, the cultivation base has been deep and unmeasurable, and the Holy Son of Undead Realm will be suppressed by raising his hands and feet. If it spreads out, it may cause a sensation in the entire universe.

"What are you laughing at!"

The young man flew into a rage out of humiliation, "If you have the ability, come in and try!"

Dragon Clan all Averted their eyes, looked up at the sky, rolled their eyes, of course they wouldn't walk in foolishly

Time Ancestral Dragon and Emperor Xuanyi Dragon stepped out of the air and looked at him with a light smile.

"Ancestor Senior Long, let me out."

The young man lowered his head, as weak as frost hit him. With his original arrogance, of course he didn't want to ask for help, but this Yin-Yang Diagram too terrifying, he really can't help it.

Time Ancestral Dragon shook his head slightly, "I can't let it go. I'm afraid nothing that uses the Dragon Clan trump card can break this Yin-Yang Diagram."

The young man sucked in a cold breath, with a bitter face, "Has his cultivation base reached this point?"

Time Ancestral Dragon said with a smile, "Indeed, his current cultivation base makes Dragon Clan all trump cards. Everything is useless, including starlight battle clothes, Dragon Clan in the future will no longer need to use trump card things, and with him, the taboo forces want to use Dragon Clan, and they have to weigh it carefully.”

The corners of the young man's mouth twitched, "It's all my father's fault, short-sighted, he wants me to take over as the chief patriarch sooner, and encourages me to challenge the chief patriarch."

Time Ancestral Dragon seriously said, "Don't put the blame on To your father, you are too, relying on your own high innate talent, supercilious, do not look down on any of the Dragon Clan contemporaries, even, despise your seniors, need to know, the most important thing for a cultivator is humility, there is Heaven beyond the Heaven, there is Person beyond the Person, a mountain is taller than a mountain."

The young man smiled bitterly, "I know I was wrong, can Ancestral Dragon let the chief patriarch let me out?"

Time Ancestral Dragon helplessly said, "It's not good for you to provoke someone, but go to provoke him, Long Qingchen, this smelly brat, is not a good temper either, if he doesn't trap you for hundreds or thousands of years, he probably won't I let you out."

"For so long?"

The young man felt cold all over, and said in pain, "If I'm trapped for hundreds of thousands of years, wasting so much time, I will be surpassed by my contemporaries."

Time Ancestral Dragon looked at Yin-Yang Diagram deeply, "You don't need to be pessimistic, Long Qingchen this Doing like this is actually for your own good. This Yin-Yang Diagram contains the mystery of his cultivation base. If you can comprehend a little, it will benefit you endlessly. You should calm down and be trapped, which is also a kind of cultivation! ”

“Being trapped is also a kind of cultivation”

The young man muttered to himself, these words seemed to have magic power, and his eyes became firm, “many thanks to Ancestral Dragon for pointing , I understand, I will treat this place as a retreat, and I will never go out without understanding this Yin-Yang Diagram! "

Time Ancestral Dragon smiled with relief, "That's right, with your innate talent, in the entire Dragon Clan, it's the second only to Long Qingchen, if you can penetrate this Yin-Yang Diagram, you will surpass it. He is not impossible either, I look forward to Dragon Clan to have another super-strong player close to the indestructible field."

The young man sat cross-legged in the air, closed his eyes, calmed his mind, and started cultivation .

Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi was amazed, "It is worthy of being the number one Dragon Clan in the young generation for 5,000 years. He can immediately drop everything and enter the state of cultivation."

If Long Qingchen was present, He will definitely laugh, he trapped the Holy Son who doesn't know the immensity of Heaven and Earth, in fact, he didn't think so much, just gave a lesson at random, didn't expect, time Ancestral Dragon mistakenly thought he was pointing the juniors

Time Ancestral Dragon took one last look at the young man with satisfaction, then left with Emperor Xuanyi, returned to his residence, and continued to drink tea!

Dragon Emperor Xuanyi was a little confused and said in a low voice, "Is it really possible for the Holy Son to surpass the patriarch"

Time Ancestral Dragon indifferently said, "Long Qingchen this smelly brat, I can't see it through, but from that Yin-Yang Diagram, we can see his horror now, it is estimated that he will be the ultimate Profound Truth of Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian, Profound Truth of Red Dust Fairy Book, and Dragon Clan's Profound Truth Fusing into One, this is the real Martial Dao, even if Holy Son really understands Yin-Yang Diagram, he only sees part of Long Qingchen Martial Dao, how can he surpass Long Qingchen?"

Dragon Emperor Xuanyi smiled bitterly, "Then why do you say that the Holy Son might surpass the patriarch?"

Time Ancestral Dragon laughed, "Young generation, you have to give some encouragement, Give him some confidence, he can't be let down."

"" Xuan Yilong Emperor was a little speechless, "Okay"

Time Ancestral Dragon said seriously, "I said so, too. It makes sense, in Ancient Times, there is an invincible clan, and there is a child in the clan, with the lowest innate talent, but, in order to prevent him from giving up his belief in cultivation, his father deceived him in good faith, telling him that his The innate talent is unparalleled in the world, as long as he works hard in cultivation, he will definitely become a peerless powerhouse."

Xuan Yilong asked, "What happened later?"

Time Ancestral Dragon said, "He always thought that he had a peerless talent for innate, and he continued to practice asceticism, and his belief in cultivation was extremely firm. In the end, he lived up to his father's expectations, reached the half-step Undead Realm, and created a big family by himself."

Xuan Yilong Emperor was shocked, "didn't expect that there is such a genius in the world, think about it carefully, since ancient times, in The number of peerless talents is endless, but there are not many people who can truly become peerless talents. Although innate talent is important, effort and belief are also indispensable. As long as you are willing to work hard and have firm beliefs, even if the innate talent is low , also has great potential. "

Time Ancestral Dragon laughed without saying a word, and said no more.

Actually, he still didn't say a word.

This one has the "peerless" "innate talent" child is the first generation of Ancestral Dragon!

(PS: Two-in-one chapter, let's go, if you have a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket, please adjust it!)

(End of this chapter)

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