Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1065


Chapter 1065 Ten thousand years!

Time flies, in the blink of an eye, more than 13,000 years have passed.

The Red Dust Immortal Sect, within the valley.

A beautiful young woman sits cross-legged by the lake, with a dusty temperament on her body, like a Fairy dripping down from the mortal world.

Hongchen Fairy walked out of the wood house and looked at the black bamboo forest in the deepest part of the mountain valley as if she felt it, said with a smile, "Mianchen, your father is back."


The young woman suddenly opened her big eyes, full of surprises, she stood up suddenly, rushed towards the ink bamboo forest like lightning, and shouted, "father!"

In the black bamboo forest, bamboo leaves are flying. On the empty rock, Long Qingchen's silhouette suddenly appeared, as if coming from across time and space.

For more than 13,000 years, it has gone through one life after another, a total of sixty-three times, and finally achieved a small achievement.

The experience of red dust like Wu Chen and the son of the landlord's family is very short, and the time of several decades is over.

Of course, some Hongchen experiences are relatively long. For example, there was a lifetime of Hongchen who was a person with a Profound Grade martial art. He joined the sect and became a cultivator. The life essence was relatively long, and finally, he became a cultivator. Elder, lived for thousands of years.


Long Qingchen's eyes fell on the young woman's face, from between her eyebrows, she could vaguely see what she looked like when she was a child, said with a smile, "More than 13,000 years old, my little fellow has become an old girl."

Tantai Nianchen sighed, "Where are you getting old, really, as soon as the father comes back It’s just that people are getting old and don’t want to care about you anymore.”

“The cultivation base has reached the fifth level of the Long Habitat. Induction, inducted into her cultivation base.

Tantai Nianchen came over, stretched out his hand to pick up Long Qingchen, took his arm, chirp chirp twitter twitter kept saying, "Actually, my cultivation has reached long-term in less than a hundred years. Habitat is much more powerful than the father back then. However, after the cultivation base reaches the Long Habitat, the promotion will slow down. It took more than 10,000 years to go from the Long Habitat First Rank to the fifth rank. With my current cultivation base, in In the entire universe, he is considered a third-rate powerhouse, but my mother is very strict with me, she always tells me to stay here, not allowed to go out, I am annoying."

Long Qingchen slightly nodded. , that's true, he just felt that the promotion base was too slow after reaching the immortal realm, so he chose the cultivation Red Dust Immortal Sutra, "Your mother is for your own good, more than 10,000 years have passed, the current situation in the universe should be more chaotic, right? ."

"It's not messy at all."

Tantai Nianchen looked at him strangely, "father doesn't know what big things have happened these years?"

Long Qingchen shook his head, "In every life I've experienced, my identity and cultivation base are all relatively low, so how can I know about cosmic events."

Tantai Nianchen said, "Let me tell my father. Let's go."

"Hundreds of years after your retreat, a war broke out between Fengyuan forces and Kaiyuan forces. Both sides suffered heavy casualties and lost many strong men."

"Fengyuan forces had to reconsider how to deal with Kaiyuan forces, and in the end, they chose peace talks."

"The condition of Fengyuan forces is to prohibit the use of dark matter in the entire universe, and the condition of Kaiyuan forces is to renew the Back in the universe, no longer hiding, of course, Fengyuan forces also need to give them some galaxies as their territory."

"Both sides agreed to each other's conditions, and the peace talks proceeded. It's going well."

"So, now the entire universe is peaceful and not at all chaotic."

Long Qingchen's eyes were deep, "Peace is only temporary, it is impossible to maintain it for too long. , some superpowers will disrupt the entire universe in order to let the eternal stealing machine appear, your mother won't let you go out, that's right."

Tantai Nianchen pouted, "This is all peaceful ten thousand For many years, she just wanted to control me."

"The peace of more than 10,000 years is just a brief moment in the situation of the universe. Most of the time, the universe is still in chaos. ”

Long Qingchen laughed, with a thought, starlight battle clothes appeared in her hand, put it on her hand, "it's not impossible if you want to go out, put on this starlight battle clothes, you can go out, with it, you can be considered Have the ability to protect yourself. "

"Thanks father! "

Tantai Nianchen happily took over the starlight battle clothes and couldn't put it down. She didn't really like this treasure, just so she could go out.

Suddenly, she seemed to remember something , frowned and said, "I can't have this treasure, the father has too many enemies, so let the father wear it. "

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "It's no longer useful to me. "

"It's useless? "

Tantai Nianchen stared wide-eyed, "So, what kind of cultivation base does the father have now, reaching the realm of immortality? "

Long Qingchen said ill-humoredly, "How can the immortal realm be so easy to reach. "

Tantai Nianchen was curious, "What kind of cultivation base is father now, and why starlight battle clothes are useless to you." "

"Although I haven't reached the realm of immortality, it's not far away, and I don't need to use it to save my life." "

Long Qingchen said casually.

"Oh. Only then did Tantai Nianchen accept the starlight battle clothes.

Father and daughter walked out of the ink bamboo forest holding hands.

Tantai Nianchen is still the same as when he was a child, always saying There are endless words, "Listen to my mother, this era is about to reach the cultivation peak of this era. The current juniors are very powerful, and they are very arrogant. The father has just come out of retreat, and you are not familiar with this era, so don't be the same as before. Offend people everywhere, otherwise, anger those juniors, they can do anything no matter who you are. "

Long Qingchen was amused, "Really? "

"Of course it is. "

Tantai Nianchen said seriously, "Once, I sneaked out and offended a Peak Supreme genius of this era. He knew that I was my mother and your daughter, yet he dared to chase and kill me." I, chased me for several galaxies, but fortunately my mother came in time and scared him away. "

Long Qingchen smiled, "Your mother appeared, did he still run away?" "

Tantai Nianchen rolled his eyes, "What kind of identity is the mother, how could she do anything with him, is it not a loss of identity. "

"That's true." "

Long Qingchen's eyes flickered for a while, the cultivation of the Red Dust Immortal Sutra was a small achievement, and he understood the terrifying of the Red Dust Immortal Sutra even more. With the cultivation base of the Red Dust Fairy, there are few people in the entire universe who are worthy of her actions. , "You have been cultivated for more than 10,000 years, why can't you beat a junior Supreme genius? "

Tantai Nianchen said helplessly, "His innate talent is also very high, although the cultivation time is shorter than mine, the cultivation base is not lower than mine, and he still has treasure on him, as well as Dao Protector followed, of course I had to run away. "

"Well, it's good to know how to run, with my style back then." "

Long Qingchen laughed.

Tantai Nianchen lowered his voice and said, "There is one more thing, my mother has changed, her hair is only a little black, and it is about to become all black. Pure white. "

Long Qingchen knew some of the mysteries of the Red Dust Immortal Sutra and sighed, "She cultivated the Red Dust Immortal Scripture to the extreme, we can't help her, we can only rely on her. ”

(end of this chapter)

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