Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1057


Chapter 1057 The conceited Red Dust Fairy!


Long Qingchen also knows that the desperate Ancestor Master of the Eight Desolate Sects can only wait for Wu Tianya to come to the rescue. He will not give the strongest Ancestor Master of the Eight Desolate Sects a chance to delay. , the endless starlight swept out, launched a violent attack!


The strongest Ancestor Master of the Eight Desolate Sects has a solemn face, his palms shake, the vast immortal strength is like a big river, rushing out, collapsing and roaring, worthy of being High-level Undead Realm powerhouse, immortal strength is extremely strong!

Let's not talk about other things, Undead Realm powerhouses, with their strong immortal strength alone, can easily suppress anyone in the immortal realm!

Unfortunately, Long Qingchen is not a "normal" person in the realm of immortality, starlight battle clothes make his battle strength catch up with the super strong in the indestructible realm.


The endless starlight and the vast immortal strength collided fiercely, as if a galaxy collapsed, bursting out with gorgeous rays of light, the space of a billion miles was shattered, and countless space fragments seemed Falling like a waterfall, a world-destroying scene!


After a stalemate for a while, the vast immortal strength was finally penetrated by the endless starlight, and the entire body of the strongest Ancestor Master of the Eight Desolate Sects was like a broken sack. Shocked thousands of miles away!

This is the horror of starlight battle clothes. It can gather endless starlights. No matter how strong immortal strength is, it is impossible to block endless starlights. Only the super strong in the indestructible field can rely on the cultivation of proven base dissolves endless starlight.

"Long Qingchen, I am willing to take out eight Desolate Sects to accumulate several epochs of cultivation resources, I just ask you to let me live, I can make a great vow, I will live in seclusion forever and never take revenge. Dragon Clan."

The strongest of the eight Desolate Sects, Ancestor Master's eyes are full of despair, starlight battle clothes are too strong, even his high-level Undead Realm cultivation base, I'm afraid it won't be delayed for long, can't wait for Wu End of the World support.

"Of course I know that you took away most of the cultivation resources of the Eight Desolate Sect, but unfortunately, I don't need you to give it to me, I will naturally find it from your corpse, you are not qualified to negotiate with me. "

Long Qingchen's expression was cold, and the killing intent had been resolved, "Besides, I don't believe in any great vows at all, your cultivation base has reached the high-level Undead Realm, and you are already not far from the Undead Realm. Once you reach the realm of immortality, the Great Dao oath will be of no use to you.”


With a move of his mind, the starlight battle clothes trembled, and countless starlights gathered together and turned into a pair of long Starlight Great Hand reaching hundreds of millions of miles, fiercely flanking the eight Desolate Sect strongest Ancestor Master!

The breath is locked by the two Starlight Great Hands, and there is no way to escape. The strongest Ancestor Master of the eight Desolate Sects changes color suddenly, and can only release thousands of natural phenomena of himself, turning into two shields. live by yourself.


Two Starlight Great Hand fiercely slapped on the shield transformed by the natural phenomenon, erupting bright radiance.


After only a moment of support, the shield shattered.


Then, the entire body of the eight Desolate Sect strongest Ancestor Master was photographed into a patty!

This should be the rarest meat pie in the world, made from the flesh and blood of high-level Undead Realm powerhouses

"High-level Undead Realm, also merely this, in my starlight battle In front of clothes, under the realm of immortality, they are all ants!"

Long Qingchen laughed, already winning.

The natural phenomenon appears when the emperor is in the realm. A few people with peerless innate talent can develop a natural phenomenon in the quasi-emperor cultivation base.

The higher the cultivation base, the stronger the natural phenomenon!

For the cultivation base of the high-level Undead Realm like the Eight Desolate Sect's strongest Ancestor Master, every natural phenomenon can easily crush a galaxy, not to mention the people who kill the Long Habitat.

However, compared to the endless starlight, the natural phenomenon of high-level Undead Realm powerhouses is also fragile, unable to withstand a single blow!


The strongest Ancestor Master of the eight Desolate Sects did not die, the meat patties expanded rapidly and quickly recovered.

“Why struggle?”

Long Qingchen sneered.


Use the endless starlight to transform into two big hands, and fiercely strike again!

The Eight Desolate Sect Ancestor Master released his own way and opened up an energy ball, but his eyes were full of fear, knowing that the endless starlight could not be stopped, and that he would definitely die today.


Sure enough, his Dao only lasted for a moment before being smashed by two Starlight Great Hands!


Immediately afterwards, he was pinched into meat patties, and a large blood mist burst out!

"Try my True Fire, the fleshy body of the Undead Realm powerhouse, can it resist."

Long Qingchen didn't give him a chance to recover his body, and played nine colors The flames fell on the meatloaf.


Immediately, the fire raged, and the eight Desolate Sect strongest Ancestor Master mournful scream came from the meatloaf!

"It seems that my nine-color True Fire is not bad."

Long Qingchen is very satisfied. The True Fire from Dongfang Family's ultimate Profound Truth cultivation, sure enough, has formidable power terror. Even the fleshy bodies of high-level Undead Realm powerhouses can be incinerated.

"Long Qingchen, since you don't give me a way to survive, the eight Desolate Sect has accumulated several epochs of cultivation resources, and it is absolutely impossible to give it to you!"

Inside the burning nine-color True Fire , came the painful voice of the Eight Desolate Sect Ancestor Master.


It shattered the space ring directly, so that the cultivation resources in the space ring were scattered into the endless void.

Long Qingchen complexion changed, it would be a pity if the eight Desolate Sects cannot accumulate the cultivation resources of several epochs.


He turned the endless starlight into a big hand, plunged into the endless void, and took a handful, as much as he could.

The Starlight Great Hand returned with a full load of cultivation resources, which he put into the Time Dragon Ring.


He took another handful of Starlight Great Hand, but unfortunately, only a little this time.

After that, I fished a few more times, less and less, and eventually, nothing.

"You really die without regret, and you waste so many cultivation resources before you die."

Long Qingchen is a little unhappy, although he has made a lot of money, it is estimated that it is less than ten One part, the others are scattered into endless void, and it is no longer available.

This is how the space ring is. Once broken, the culture resources in it will be scattered into the endless void, and it is difficult to find it again. Even the super strong in the immortal realm can only try one's luck. , occasionally scooping something out of endless void.

"With the afterglow of my life, curse Long Qingchen not to die!"

Suddenly, the nine-color True Fire that was burning went out, and the eight Desolate Sects inside were the strongest Ancestor Master Directly flying ash annihilation, the ashes form a strange "curse" word, which will not disperse for a long time.

"Is this the lost curse of life from Ancient Times?"

Long Qingchen slightly frowned, staring at the strange curse word, feeling a chill in his heart.

According to legend, Ancient Times has a kind of life curse, at the cost of its own life, it curses the enemy, so that the enemy is haunted by bad luck and will not end well.

The Ancestor Master, the strongest of the eight Desolate Sects, cast this curse in the event of death, making him feel bad.

"Forget it, no matter what the curse is, it can't help me when I'm alive, and what can I do when I die."

Long Qingchen shook his head slightly. Think again.

He crossed the void, back to the small town of the light green planet.

I saw that Yujiuweng and Hongchen Fairy stared at each other quietly, motionless, as if they had lost the body of their souls.

Long Zidig and the young young man next to the Red Dust Fairy were both tense and afraid to breathe.

The whole market was even more empty, and all the people closed their doors as if they had seen a ghost.

"What's going on?"

Long Qingchen walked over suspiciously, "Hasn't the duel between Hongchen Fairy and Wu Tianya started yet?"

Long Qingchen Zi Dig smiled bitterly, "It started a long time ago. Hongchen Fairy's immortal soul rushed into Wu Tianya's body. It is estimated that he is fighting against Wu Tianya's immortal soul. It's really ferocious, and he actually fought against Wu Tianya's immortal soul."

The young young man looked at the red dust Fairy with admiration on his face.


Long Qingchen couldn't help but click his tongue.

The Red Dust Fairy specializes in the state of mind, and Wu Tianya specializes in the cultivation of the soul. It is the most correct way for the Red Dust Fairy to use the state of mind technique to fight against Wu Tianya.

However, Hongchen Fairy fought against Wu Tianya's immortal soul with his immortal soul.


He released endless starlight to surround Long Zidig and the young young man. In case the Red Dust Fairy was defeated and the fairy soul was destroyed, he would have to bring Long Zi with him. Dug and young man run away quickly

(end of this chapter)

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