Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1049


Chapter 1049 Patriarch of taboo forces?

"Since no one is here, let's start."

Long Qingchen became impatient.


“Whoever has the highest price, get it.”

Lord of Ageless Mountain, Lord of Immortal Sect, Lord of Patriarch, Lord of Penalty Sect Tian It is also urging that if someone comes again, the competition will be more intense and the price to be paid will be higher.

Golden Crow Clan long said with a smile, "Let's get started, please bid, if anyone makes a bid that Golden Crow Clan can't refuse, we will naturally offer Sun Fruit."


Long Qingchen, Lord of Ageless Mountain, Lord of Immortal Sect, Patriarch of Wen, Lord of Punishment Sect looked at each other, and their eyes flashed. Whoever bids first will definitely suffer a loss, and those who bid later can According to the previous price, just add a little more. Of course, if the price is too high, you can choose not to.

Seeing their thoughts, Bai Fatai said to the Elder, "Everyone, it's not a one-time bid, you can also add more, just like a real auction."


The Lord of Ageless Mountain was helpless, "I'll come first, I'll make a material for the Imperishable Realm weapon, the rain of tears!"

Hearing this, Golden Chief Crow Clan and the Elders were just laughed and didn't say anything, and apparently, the offer from the Lord of Ageless Mountain didn't impress them.

The materials for Imperishable Realm weapons, in fact, each Great Influence inherited from the Ancient Times has a little reserve, but it is not useful for everyone who lacks Imperishable Realm materials, cultivation base Not enough, not usable at all.

Breaking the Immortal Sect, "I will also produce a material for the Imperishable Realm weapon, red blood ice crystal, plus a roll of Undead Realm's top martial skill."

Golden Crow Clan Chief His eyes lit up, and he was a little moved. "Undead Realm's martial skill is a good thing."

"It seems that the Immortal Sect master is determined to win, and he has made a lot of money."

The punishing Sect Lord Tian sighed, "I will produce a piece of Imperishable Realm weapon material, celestial white iron, plus a roll of Undead Realm's top-level martial skill, and one trillion Immortal Spirit stones."

Break The corner of Immortal Sect's mouth twitched, "I also said that I paid the blood, and the penalty Sect Lord Tian paid more."

The penalty Sect Lord Tian said with a smile, "There is no way, your blood is so much." Too many, I can only add more."

Golden Crow Clan long looked towards Wen's patriarch and Long Qingchen, "Both, please bid."

Wen's patriarch Said, "I will produce two pieces of Imperishable Realm weapon materials, plus two volumes of Undead Realm's martial skill."

Everyone is sucked in a cold breath, worthy of being a taboo force, really rich and imposing .

Bai Fa Taishang Elder laughed, "The price offered by Wen's patriarch is really sincere and has exceeded the true value of Sun Fruit."

Wen's patriarch indifferently said, "Then let's make a deal?"

The Elder shook his head, "Dragon Clan patriarch hasn't bid yet, he's the first to come here."

" I also provide the materials for two Imperishable Realm weapons, the Martial Skill of Undead Realm, Dragon Clan does not have, but I have an Imperishable Realm's main skill."

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, no matter how big For the price, he will win Sun Fruit.

Imperishable Realm's major exercises?

Except for the little fellow, everyone present was stunned, even took out this unspread secret?

You must know that only the taboo forces have the Imperishable Realm's major exercises, because only the taboo forces have the Imperishable Realm's super expert.

In the entire universe, among the Fengyuan forces, there are only twelve taboo forces, and among the open source forces, there are only six taboo forces.

In other words, in the entire universe, Imperishable Realm's major exercises are definitely no more than twenty, each of which is an unspread secret, which can be called a treasure of forbidden forces.

“Dragon Clan doesn’t even have the powerhouses of Undead Realm, so how can they have the major practice of Imperishable Realm?”

Wen’s patriarch frowned, “Isn’t that what you said? Is it the Red Dust Immortal Sutra?"

Long Qingchen said, "Yes, it is the Red Dust Immortal Sutra."

The entire immortal hall suddenly became silent, and everyone looked strangely.

Of course they know about the Red Dust Immortal Sutra, and they know it very well.

The Red Dust Immortal Sutra, this Imperishable Realm's main practice method, should be the most peculiar of all the Imperishable Realm's main practice methods, and they once sent strong men disguised as young people to join the Red Dust Immortal Sect, as a result, all the powerhouses sent betrayed them and never wanted to leave the Red Dust Immortal Sect.

So, so far, no one has taken the Red Dust Immortal Sutra out of the Red Dust Immortal Sect. .

"I heard that there is no cultivation technique recorded in the Red Dust Immortal Sutra."

Wen's patriarch said indifferently, "So, this exercise, strictly speaking, counts. I can't go to the Imperishable Realm's main practice."

Long Qingchen asked in return, "The Red Dust Fairy, relying on the Red Dust Immortal Sutra, has reached the realm of immortality. Dharma?"

Wang's patriarch said, "This kind of magic is not suitable for everyone."

Long Qingchen said, "You have never cultivated the Red Dust Immortal. Jing, how do you know it's not suitable?"

Wang's patriarch was a little unhappy, coldly snorted and said, "The words are arrogant."

"I don't bother to argue with you."

Long Qingchen's eyes were flat, "I threw the Red Dust Immortal Sutra out, and the Great Influences will definitely fight for their heads and blood. You don't need to judge the value of the Red Dust Immortal Scripture, the Golden Crow Clan will naturally evaluate it. It's worth it, I'm not replacing you with Sun Fruit, what are you talking about here?"

Ask's patriarch complexion ashen, angrily shouted, "Long Qingchen, pay attention to your identity, who are you talking to? !"

Long Qingchen sneered, "Of course I know my identity, the general patriarch of Dragon Clan, and you are also the Head of a Clan, we are considered equal identities, what tone do you use to speak to me, I'll just talk to you in what tone, is there any problem?"

Wu's patriarch disdainfully said, "A patriarch of a High Level star-filled force, I am a patriarch of a taboo force, an equal identity, Thank you for being able to figure it out, and you're not afraid of the wind blowing your tongue!"

"The taboo force, isn't it great?"

Long Qingchen coldly said, "I hate you the most. Relying on the status of a taboo force, this kind of poses as aloof and remote, and don't use the taboo force to scare me, I won't eat this!"

Wen Shi's patriarch trembled with anger, "I asked Mr. Family, Not Eight Desolate Sec t, do you think a starlight battle clothes is invincible in the whole world! "

"I didn't say invincible in the whole world." "

Long Qingchen showed no signs of weakness, "However, we Dragon Clan are not afraid of you, a taboo force. We want to go to war or whatever, we Dragon Clan will accompany us. ”

The Golden Crow Clan Chief, the Sixteen Elders, the Ageless Mountain Lord, the Immortal Sect Lord, and the Punishment Sect Lord Tian were all stunned. This Long Qingchen got mad, really fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, even the patriarch of the taboo forces don't give any face.

Little fellow also stared blankly at the father. In her impression, the father always has a gentle smile, and this is the first time she sees the father get angry.

Long Qingchen picked up the little fellow and put it in his arms, "Don't be afraid, don't give any face to someone who sees people as inferior. "

"Hmmmm. "

little fellow stared wide-eyed, "If he dares to kill the father again, I'll ask the mother to kill him." "

Being despised by a five-year-old child, Wen's patriarch's face turned green.

Long Qingchen was amused, "father doesn't need your mother to protect us, we Dragon Clan It is also a strong family, not afraid of him. ”

The little fellow continued to eat snacks, and, grimacing at Wen’s patriarch, “Ouch~ I won’t give you food.” ”

What is this?

The senior leaders of Ageless Mountain, Immortal Sect, penalty Sect Lord Tian, Golden Crow Clan are a little speechless, and they still sigh in their hearts, this little fellow As expected of a woman who is a Fairy in the world, she is not timid in the face of any strong person.

(end of this chapter)

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