Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1042


Chapter 1042 A First Look at Profound Truth!

"This question will not be known until I learn the Red Dust Immortal Sutra."

Long Qingchen shook his head slightly, unable to figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

He flipped through the Red Dust Immortal Sutra again, this time, and read it very carefully.

The Red Dust Fairy has experienced a total of one hundred and thirty-sixth World Red Dust.

The first world of red dust is the life of Red Dust Fairy himself.

She was born in a remote small mountain village and had a happy childhood. However, the good times did not last long. At the age of seven, a plague broke the tranquility of the small mountain village. Many people died in the village. The people below panicked and fled with their family and family.

On the way to escape, some people were eaten by fierce birds and beasts, some people were killed by robbers, some people caught the plague, and many more people starved to death.

Her parents were killed by a group of robbers. At the age of seven, she was taken captive in a cottage. Like many girls, she was raised in captivity. Imagine.

All the girls are crying, every day all is in fear, she is the calmest one, she made a poisonous vow, she will avenge her parents, she will get rid of the tragic fate, her gang of robbers a debt of blood must be paid in blood.

She seized the opportunity and tried every means to beg the youngest son of the really strong thief leader, and finally became the maid of the robber leader's youngest son and got out of the captive cage.

From now on, she will be all cautiously every day, and every day all will be plotting against. Once, when this group of robbers were fighting with another group of robbers, she used the young son of the leader of the robbers to offer a trick to let the robbers fight.

Successfully killed another group of robbers.

From then on, the youngest son of the robber leader became the little military advisor in the cottage, and was highly regarded by the robber leader.

The youngest son of the robber leader is naturally proud of her, and he is also regarded as a confidant.

With her help, the youngest son of the robber leader offered one trick after another, allowing the gang of robbers to destroy gangs of robbers and occupied one hill after another.

The youngest son of the robber leader has a pivotal position in the cottage, becoming one of the 18 Bandit Leaders under the robber leader, nicknamed "deadly military advisor", and has become many sons of the robber leader. The most advantageous successor among them.

However, the complacent robber leader's younger son didn't know that in the process, she secretly cultivated her own cronies, and gradually gained a considerable power in the cottage, secretly growing up. .

As this gang of robbers became huge, it aroused the fear of a surrounding kingdom and sent troops to conquer.

The youngest son of the robber leader is in a hurry, so she has to come up with a plan.

She knew that the opportunity for revenge had come, and she came up with a stupid "trick". Of course, in her opinion, it was stupid, but in the eyes of the leader's younger son, it was wonderful, because the leader The younger son had long believed in her plan.

Therefore, the leader's younger son offered this "trick", and the gang of robbers believed in the "trick" of the leader's younger son, and went out to fight according to this strategy.

As a result, one can imagine the results

This group of robbers and the kingdom's army fought both sides to suffer and suffered heavy casualties!

In the end, she took action and led the cronies she secretly cultivated to defeat the robbers who suffered heavy casualties and the kingdom's army, and captured many prisoners.

She led her cronies and escorted the captive grandiose back to the cottage. The old, weak, sick, and disabled robbers who were left behind in the cottage were all crawling on the ground, and elected her as the leader!

That year, she was twelve years old.

The robbers on the other hills all dropped their jaws and gave her the nickname "Black Spider", which means the poison hidden in the dark.

She began to take revenge and kept the robbers who killed her parents and villagers in a cage without giving any food. She released the captive girls and invited them to enjoy together. .

In the first three days, the robbers in the cage kept pounding the cage, trying to rush out, but unfortunately, the solid cage made them desperate.

Three days later, the robbers began to kill each other because they were too hungry.

The girls were all stunned by the horror scene in the cage, only she was quietly admiring it from start to finish, as if it was the most beautiful scenery in the world.

In the following years, she supported these girls to become Bandit Leaders. She quietly went away and left the cottage. No one knew where she went. with the name.

“Cultivation first cultivates the mind, the state of mind is successful, and the cultivation base is self-contained!”

Ten years later, a young Supreme genius named Red Fairy turned out in Cultivation World When she was born, she defeated one after another of the top Supreme geniuses, and was listed as one of the top ten Supreme geniuses with Ning Xiaocheng and the others. Moreover, she was known as the top ten Supreme geniuses Ranked 1st. Her unique cultivation method was even more dazzling. Illuminated the entire end of Immemorial.

She declined the solicitation of various Great Influences, founded the Red Dust Immortal Sect, and created the world-class miracle of the Red Dust Immortal Sutra.

The Immortal Sect of the Red Dust is very low-key, secluded from the world all the year round, and never offends the Great Influence.

"I may never be able to comprehend her state of mind at that time, because I am lucky to not have such a bleak life experience."

After watching the red dust of the first world of Fairy After the experience, Long Qingchen pondered, "Fortunately, I don't need to understand her state of mind at that time, I just need to understand my own state of mind." The fourth generation has been to this life of Tantai Qian'er.

It's been half a month after reading the entire Red Dust Immortal Sutra.

"The experience of the Red Dust Fairy's life in the world of red dust looks like the reincarnation of one life, but in fact, it is the sublimation of the state of mind again and again. In the end, the state of mind is Great Ascension, transcending everything."


Long Qingchen closed the Red Dust Immortal Sutra and understood the Profound Truth of the Red Dust Immortal Scripture.

However, it is one thing to understand, but another to understand.

"If I want to fully comprehend the Profound Truth of the Red Dust Immortal Sutra, I need to fall into the red dust of the world just like the Red Dust Fairy."

He frowned, having experienced so much The world's red dust, at least thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years.

"It will take tens of thousands of years. Should I study the Red Dust Immortal Sutra?"

He hesitated.

According to his normal cultivation speed, he does not need to cultivate the Red Dust Immortal Sutra, because, in tens of thousands of years, he can be promoted to the ninth rank Peak of the immortal habitation, and even hit the transcendent immortal immortality.

However, after the cultivation base was promoted to the long-lived realm, he could clearly feel that his cultivation speed had slowed down. It would be good to be able to reach the fourth and fifth levels of the long-lived realm in tens of thousands of years.

You must know that he is an emperor without Taoism and does not need to comprehend the Great Dao. This kind of cultivation speed is already very terrifying. When several Ancestral Dragons reach the immortal realm, it takes hundreds of billions of years to advance to a rank. time.

"In the short term, it's a bit worthless to waste tens of thousands of years studying the Red Dust Immortal Sutra, but in the long run, the Red Dust Immortal Scripture is a quick shortcut that can make me the fastest. The speed is beyond the realm of longevity."

In the end, he made up his mind and decided to study the fairy tales of the red dust, and spend tens of thousands of years to experience the red dust of a lifetime to sublimate his state of mind.

Of course, he had to wait until the Fengyuan Power Conference was over before he had to arrange the Dragon Clan affairs properly. After all, he was now sitting in the position of the chief patriarch and couldn't just leave.

"General patriarch, the messenger of the Dongfang Family has arrived."

Two days later, the ancient and modern Dragon Emperor brought an old man over.

The old man indifferently said, "We Patriarch Dongfang has an order, the battle between Dragon Clan and the Eight Desolate Sect has ended, and the Dragon Clan chief patriarch immediately rushed to Heaven Beyond the Heaven to participate in the gathering of Fengyuan forces."


"Patriarch Dongfang has an order?"

Long Qingchen sneered, "Patriarch Dongfang, the Alliance Leader, really regards himself as the superior of each Great Influence?"

The old man His eyes were flat, "Snakes cannot do without a head, and a country cannot stand without a ruler. Since the Great Influences have elected us Patriarch Dongfang as Alliance Leader, our patriarch can naturally command the world."

Long Qingchen sarcastically said, " Since the Fengyuan Powers Gathering Conference is held again, the Alliance Leader will also be re-elected. I think I am qualified to be the Alliance Leader."

"Long Qingchen, you impudent!"

The old man was furious.

The ancient and modern dragon emperors scolded very dog-legged, "You are just impudent, what thing are you, dare to call our general patriarch's name? Are you impatient?"

"If you dare to talk to me like this, I have to give you a slap in the face. However, you are just a little messenger, an ant-like character. I will not lower oneself to somebody's level with you, which is a loss of identity."

Long Qingchen casually glanced at the old man and used the endless starlight to tear space and traverse the void.

The old man's face was blue and his whole body was trembling with anger. After all, he was also the second-class Elder of the taboo force Dongfang Family, the Emperor Realm Peak cultivation base, and he was only one step away from the Long Habitat Realm. How could he become an ant?

(end of this chapter)

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