Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1039


Chapter 1039 The Red Dust Immortal Sutra is here!

Finally, Hongchen Fairy coaxed Tantai Nianchen to fall asleep, and put it lightly on the grass.

Long Qingchen hurriedly took out an Immortal Cloth and put it on Tantai Nianchen's body, worried that she would catch a cold, although she knew that she had been cultivated to a cultivation base capable of spatial flight, and it was impossible to catch a cold, but she was still worried. , maybe this is the common problem of every father.

He walked side by side with the Red Dust Fairy, strolling around the small lake.

"In the future, should I call you Hongchen Fairy or Tantai Qian'er?"

Long Qingchen is in a complicated mood. Hongchen Fairy is a peerless powerhouse that Immemorial Era has become famous for. The miracle of creating the Hongchen Xianjing is to sublimate her body in the ten thousand zhang red dust. Tantai Qian'er is just her first red dust, and he is just a "passer" in the red dust Fairy's thousands of lifetimes.

"As you wish."

Hongchen Fairy chuckled, and she is indeed a Hongchen Fairy, who has already detached from this distorted relationship.

Long Qingchen's heart gradually regained his calm, and he said indifferently, "I want to take away Nianchen, let's make a price, as long as it's not too much, I'll agree to everything, including starlight battle clothes, heaven. Whether it is Supreme Treasure, or the territory of a galaxy, I can agree."

"starlight battle clothes, Supreme Treasure in the sky, the territory of a galaxy, so powerful."

Hongchen Fairy stopped and mocked said with a smile, "In your eyes, is I Tantai Qian'er so snobbish? My own biological daughter, to me, is a priceless treasure, you think, I will sell it Is it?"

"Not for sale, but to thank you for giving me this daughter."

Long Qingchen also stopped and stared at her.

Hongchen Fairy shook his head slightly, "You are wrong, I gave birth to this daughter, not for you, but, I like this daughter."

Long Qingchen was silent, he I have imagined many times, thinking that Tantai Qianer will use the child as a bargaining chip to blackmail him and force him to offer some benefits in exchange. However, he didn't expect that Tantai Qianer doesn't want anything, just simply likes this child.

Hongchen Fairy said indifferently, "Don't feel that you owe me, you never owe me anything, Tantai Qian'er dug out the Star Core of the forbidden treasure ancient star for you, and gave birth to this daughter, on the surface. It seems that you took a big advantage, but, in fact, for me, this is the inevitable result of Tantai Qian'er's life, the red dust of Tantai Qian'er's life is very important to me. The Red Dust Immortal Sutra has finally reached the Great Accomplishment, in the vast universe, there are not many people who are my opponents, and I have to thank you."

Speaking of this, she paused, "If you have to If you say that you owe someone, then you owe Tantai Qian'er, not me, understand?"

Long Qingchen's expression became cold, "You finally admitted that you are not Tantai Qian. Son, what did you do to Tantai Qian'er!"

Hongchen Fairy sighed softly, "Why don't you understand, I'm not Tantai Qian'er, but Tantai Qian'er is me, It's a part of me, a piece of my memory, and my entire life, just like you in a certain period of time, can you say that you were not you in that period?"

"I don't understand, and I don't want to understand either."

The killing intent flashed in Long Qingchen's eyes, "I'm going to kill you, let Tantai Qian'er come back!"

Hong Chen Fairy couldn't help laughing, "Then kill me. If you kill me, it means killing Tantai Qian'er and Nianchen's mother. She will never forgive you."

Long Qingchen Annoyed for a while, he clenched his fists tightly, but did not shoot.

"Tantai Qian'er and I are the same person, why are you still obsessed with the kindness and grudge in the past."

Hongchen Fairy said, "As a cultivator, I I have to say, your state of mind is still far from mine.”

Long Qingchen coldly said, “You think everyone is as specialized in mind as you, but for me, state of mind is just Marital Dao A stepping stone on the Path, a means to hone yourself in the world, it has no real effect on the cultivation base. On the Martial Dao road, if the Heart Demon dares to stop me, I will break it by myself, why do I need too much cultivation Mood?"

Red Dust Fairy shook his head, "Your level is not enough, you won't understand the importance of mood, when you go beyond the immortal realm, beyond the Undead Realm, and touch the immortal realm, you will naturally I understand that mood is a Secret Realm that every cultivator must cultivate, and I am the one who specializes in this Secret Realm."

Long Qingchen was suddenly surprised, what she meant by this, could it be that she has already Touched the immortal realm in the legend? Could it be that she can easily take over the attack of starlight battle clothes, it's really amazing.

"Don't you want to read the Red Dust Immortal Sutra?"

Red Dust Fairy mysteriously smiled, took out a volume of ancient scroll, and handed it to him.

Long Qingchen hesitated for a while, but took it, knowing that it might be a trap, he still couldn't help but jump into it.

"Those who have cultivated the Red Dust Immortal Sutra, you have seen it, all of them are inseparable from my Red Dust Immortal Sect."

Red Dust Fairy refers to outside the mountains valley.

Long Qingchen looked at it, just like what he saw before, men ploughing and women weaving, like a scene of hidden land of peace and prosperity, everyone is happy laughter and cheerful voices, as if there is no trouble, red dust Immortal Sect As a High Level sect full of stars, this is too weird.

Hongchen Fairy Li Mou said indifferently, "Anyway, we also had a relationship, for Tantai Qian'er and Nianchen's sake, I remind you, after reading the Hongchen Fairy Sutra, don't. I regret it."

"I never regret anything."

Long Qingchen quickly calmed down, even he could understand the ultimate Profound Truth of the Dongfang Family, he still didn't believe it, A scroll of the Red Dust Immortal Sutra can stumped him.

Hongchen Fairy glanced at Tiantian Nianchen by the lake, and Li Mou said strangely, "Do you think Nianchen is too lonely?"

Long Qingchen was slightly stunned and didn't understand what it meant, "If you are alone, you can let the children of the Immortal Sect of Hongchen come into the valley to play, or let Nianchen go out of the valley to find those children to play with."

Hongchen Fairy said with a smile, "Don't you see it, Hongchen Immortal Sect, except for me and Nianchen, everyone else is dead, or rather, dead, I don't want Nianchen to play with dead people."


Long Qingchen's eyes burst with cold light.

Hongchen Fairy said, "Of course it's not a dead person in the true sense, but a dead person to some extent, with no desires and no desires, nothing but nothing, not what is a dead person?"

Long Qingchen clenched the Red Dust Immortal Sutra in his hand, knowing that all the secrets were in the Red Dust Immortal Sutra, he resisted the urge to watch it directly, coldly said, "I don't know what their situation is now, but, with this It's too arrogant to control the entire sect."

"It's up to you, I don't care."

Hongchen Fairy chuckled, "It's better to go back to Nianchen's loneliness. On this issue, do you want to give Nianchen a younger brother or younger sister, or have a companion, you can take me as the original Tantai Qian'er."

"Go away."

Long Qingchen tore the void, crossed away.

Watching his back disappear inside the Void, Red Dust Fairy giggled.

Long Qingchen was no longer in the mood to deter other allies in the Eight Desolate Sect, so he returned directly to the Eight Desolate Sect.

Through the incident of the Red Dust Fairy, he found that several Ancestral Dragons were right, that the Great Influences were hidden deep and deep, far from being as simple as the surface.

Take Ba Desolate Sect as an example, before Ning Xiaocheng appeared, no one knew that Ning Xiaocheng was still alive.

Take Hongchen Immortal Sect as an example, he didn't expect in his dreams, Tantai Qianer was actually Hongchen Fairy's first red dust, fortunately at that time Tantai Qianer didn't kill him to get Perfection for the first red dust , otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

(end of this chapter)

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