Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1032


Chapter 1032 Attack!

"Give the Hachi Desolate Sect a blow first!"

The Spear of Destruction yelled, lest the world be in chaos.

"Where is one hit enough?"

Blood Ancestral Dragon laughed, "At least a thousand hits!"

"Four fleets obey orders!"

Long Qingchen uses the total patriarch token to sound transmission to the captains of all battleships, "The four major fleets take turns to transmit energy to the command ships, and the command ships carry out ultra-long-distance attacks. The order of turns is as follows: Golden Dragon fleet, Azure Dragon Clan fleet, Time Dragon Clan fleet, Space Dragon Clan fleet!"

roar! roar! roar! The rays of light turned the entire battleship into golden color, as if it was made of gold.


The ultra-long-range attack formation mounted on the command ship suddenly ran wildly, absorbing all the Golden Dragon power, and then spit out a golden energy The sphere, containing boundless power, penetrated the void and headed for the strikes of the galaxy where the Eight Desolate Sects are located!

I saw that in the galaxy where the Eight Desolate Sects are located, the energy array on each planet is also lit up, and a burst of energy is sent to the Eight Desolate Sect Holy Land.


Eight Desolate Sect Holy Land's ultra-long-range attack array absorbs this energy, and also spit out an energy ball, rushing out of the galaxy like lightning, towards Dragon Clan Fleet strikes are coming!

Long Qingchen's eyes narrowed, "Interesting, fight against our Dragon Clan fleet, then come and see who has more energy!"


The energy spheres emitted by the Eight Desolate Sect Holy Land intercepted the energy spheres emitted by the Dragon Clan fleet outside the galaxy, and fiercely collided together, as if the sun had collapsed, and dazzling rays of light, the terrifying energy swept away in all directions, and the space with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles was suddenly fragmented, and the space fragments fell like a waterfall, like a world-destroying scene!

"Continue to attack until the Eight Desolate Sect is destroyed!"

Long Qingchen gave the death order.

roar! roar! roar!

Each battleship of the Azure Dragon Clan fleet is a power of Azure Dragon, and the dragon roar shakes the sky and sends it to the command ship.


The super long-range attack formation of the command ship absorbed the Power of Azure Dragon, spit out an energy ball of Power of Azure Dragon, and sent it to the eight Desolate Sect Where the galaxy strikes away!

Blood Ancestral Dragon sighed, "Unfortunately, the dragon powers of various types cannot be integrated, otherwise, the four major fleets will send different dragon powers to the command ship together, and the eight Desolate Sects can be destroyed with one blow! "

"Even if all kinds of dragon powers can be fused, the super long-range attack array on the command ship can't withstand so much dragon power."

Frost Ancestral Dragon turned over With a blank eye, "It is already the limit to attack a large formation from a long distance and withstand the energy of a fleet."

The blood Ancestral Dragon sneered, "That's what the eighth sister said."

"It's okay, one fleet comes in turn, one fleet can still destroy the eight Desolate Sects."

Long Qingchen is full of confidence in the Dragon Clan fleet. After all, Dragon Clan made every effort to mobilize 13,000. Hundreds of billions of warriors come over, which can send countless energy to the battleship. However, the population base of the Eight Desolate Sects is far less than that of Dragon Clan. The warriors that can be used are 300 billion in full, and they will not last for long.


Eight Desolate Sect also spit out an energy ball again, intercepting Power of Azure Dragon's energy ball.


The two energy balls collided, and a burst of dazzling rays of light erupted again. The scene was terrifying.

"Attack, attack, attack!"

Long Qingchen yelled at the general patriarch token, cheering for all battleship captains.

roar! roar! roar!

The four major fleets take turns to send dragon power to the command ship, and the super long-range attack array carried by the command ship spit out energy circles one after another Ball, as if going endlessly!

The Eight Desolate Sects also spit out energy balls one after another. It is necessary to intercept the energy balls sent by the Dragon Clan fleet. Strike, once the galaxy Defensive Great Array collapses, then the entire galaxy will be exposed to the firepower of the Dragon Clan fleet, which is dangerous.




The two sides launched a frantic counterattack. The energy spheres emitted by the two sides kept colliding, causing a large area of collapse in space. It really seemed like a world-destroying scene!

"Eight Desolate Sect has so much energy, it is easy to understand, after all, it is the Peak full star power, the power standing at the top of the entire universe, but Dragon Clan is just a High Level full star power, with The energy is no less than that of the Eight Desolate Sects, and even suppresses the firepower of the Eight Desolate Sects. Dragon Clan is probably the strongest of all the High Level full-star forces, and it can completely challenge the Peak full-star forces!"

"This is also normal. The Dragon Clan is one of the oldest races. No one knows what period it originated from. It has accumulated one era after another. The family property is too strong to be underestimated."

The powerhouses of the Great Influence are hidden inside the Void, watching the battle from a distance, all gasping for breath, can't help but exclaim.


One hour has passed, and the battle continues!


Two hours have passed, and the battle continues!


The three-hour, four-hour, and five-hour counterattacks are still fierce!

Because the two sides poured too much energy into this space, the temperature rose sharply, and the whole space turned red, like burning red charcoal!




Three days and three nights have passed, and the two sides are still fighting fiercely!

"Hahaha, the galaxy where the Eight Desolate Sects are located, some of the planet's energy arrays have been extinguished, and the Eight Desolate Sects will not last long."

The fairy eye of the blood Ancestral Dragon It was always on, he was observing the situation of the Eight Desolate Sect, he found a clue, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Long Qingchen's expression was indifferent. This was expected, and he was not surprised.


When the counterattack reached the fourth day, the energy arrays of the eight Desolate Sects were extinguished. There is no way to intercept all the energy spheres of the Dragon Clan fleet, and the energy spheres of the Dragon Clan fleet finally touched the Desolate Great Array of the eight Desolate Sect galaxies.

ka-cha! ka-cha! ka-cha!

Every time it is hit by an energy ball, a crack will appear in the Desolate Great Array of the eight Desolate Sect galaxy, more and more cracks will appear, like a broken egg shell!

"At most one hour, the Desolate Great Array of eight Desolate Sect galaxies will collapse."

The golden Ancestral Dragon laughed and predicted the time.

Long Qingchen also laughed, "When the Desolate Sect Galaxy Defensive Great Array collapses, the entire galaxy is exposed to the firepower of our fleet, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered."

"Has a Peak full star power ended like this?"

"Ai, the galaxy Defensive Great Array is about to break down, and the Eight Desolate Sect general trend is gone."

"I don't think so. , the eight Desolate Sect trump card things haven't been used yet, this kind of energy confrontation is just an appetizer, next, is the main dish that decides the outcome!"

Hidden inside the Void's powerhouses discuss spiritedly .

"Dragon Clan friends, if we fight like this, we eight Desolate Sect have to use the trump card thing, when the time comes, both sides will fight both sides suffer, it is better for both of us to calm down and stop fighting. Let's go."

Suddenly, in the galaxy where the Eight Desolate Sect is located, an old voice came from a long distance.

This voice is exactly the same as the voice on the decree. It is the strongest Ancestor Master of the Eight Desolate Sects!

The Great Influence powerhouses hidden inside the Void were all stunned for a moment. Is this a requirement for the Eight Desolate Sect?


Long Qingchen was also stunned for a moment, then he sneered, "Who is your friend, don't be close to our Dragon Clan, when the two sides declared war on Heaven Beyond the Heaven of the Dongfang Family, they said Clearly, irreconcilable, either, the eight Desolate Sect will kill all the Dragon Clan, or, the Dragon Clan will kill all the eight Desolate Sect, now, you are making peace with our Dragon Clan, please take back the reconciliation, don't make me look down on you eight Desolate Sect!"

"I took the initiative to ask for peace, I have given enough face to Dragon Clan, you don't be fool enough to reject a face-saving offer."

The old voice He calmly came down and said, "We are in a hurry for our eight Desolate Sects. We have to use all the things in our eight Desolate Sect trump cards. When the time comes, let's see how you end!"

"Face, no The face of Dragon Clan does not need to be given by the Eight Desolate Sects.”

Long Qingchen has a tough attitude, as the chief patriarch, his attitude can fully represent the attitude of the entire Dragon Clan, "Which Great Influence doesn't have the trump card thing? The Eight Desolate Sect has something, just show it!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

The old voice Furious, "Then let's fight either the fish dies or the net splits!"

Long Qingchen was too lazy to say more, and used the general patriarch token to sound transmission to all battleship captains, "Continue to attack , don't stop!"

(end of this chapter)

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