Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1030


Chapter 1030 Dragon Clan Fleet!


The entire fleet sailed inside the Void at the speed ordered by Long Qingchen.

Soon, they arrived at a small galaxy. All the forces in this small galaxy felt their scalps tingle, for fear that the commander of Dragon Clan would be convulsed and suddenly give them a blow. Galaxies have to fly ash annihilation.

Of course, Long Qingchen's mind was not exhausted, he sat cross-legged on the deck, closed his eyes and rested.

After one hour, the Dragon Clan fleet has passed through more than 200 galaxies. At this speed, it will take ten days to reach the galaxies where the eight Desolate Sects are located.

In the second hour, after passing through more than 300 galaxies and reaching a large galaxy, the entire large galaxy was affected by the power of the battleship, trembling slightly, Long Qingchen suddenly opened his eyes, Glitteringly, "Stop!"

The huge fleet stopped and emerged from inside the Void.

"What are you doing down here?"

Spear of Destruction wonders.

The five Ancestral Dragons also looked at Long Qingchen in confusion, but did not notice anything unusual around them.

"If I remember correctly, this big galaxy is the territory of the Immortal Sect, right?"

Long Qingchen's mouth twitched slightly and he laughed.

Gold Ancestral Dragon frowned, "Yes, it is indeed the territory of the Tianlin Immortal Sect. The Tianlin Immortal Sect is an ally of the Eight Desolate Sects, but, in our war with the Eight Desolate Sects, there is no need to Eight Desolate Sect allies are involved.”

“I know it.”

Long Qingchen laughed.

When! when! when!

Innumerable detection arrays in this big galaxy all discovered the Dragon Clan fleet, and a rapid alert sounded. How could such a big movement not be detected.

Immortal Sect Everyone is terrified, what is Dragon Clan doing?


The high-level powerhouses of Immortal Sect are all rushing shuttling through the void with their butts on fire.

"Dragon Clan, what does this mean?"

"Isn't it okay, the war between the Eight Desolate Sect and Dragon Clan, the allies of both sides are not allowed to participate in the war, Dragon Clan Is this going to violate the rules of the league?"

The top powerhouses of Immortal Sect all looked ugly.

"Don't worry everyone, we Dragon Clan certainly know that we will not involve the Immortal Sect in the war."

Long Qingchen lightly said with a smile, "However, I suddenly thought Get up, our Dragon Clan fleet forgot to bring supplies, I hope Immortal Sect can borrow some supplies to save us running back and wasting time.”

Forgot to bring supplies?

The powerhouses of Immortal Sect are all glaring at him, such a huge fleet, forget to bring supplies, ghosts will believe it!

The five Ancestral Dragons were also speechless for a while, and they understood Long Qingchen's plan. Obviously, they wanted to take the opportunity to knock Tianlin Immortal Sect's bamboo stick!

To put it bluntly, it is martial power extortion!

martial power blackmail!


Spear of Destruction laughed, "Boy, it's still the same as before, full of bad water."

"No loan! ”

The Arrival Sect Master was furious.

Long Qingchen indifferently said, "In this case, our fleet has to be repaired in your territory."

"You dare!"

Heavenly Sect Master Eyes wide open.

"why not dare?"

Long Qingchen's eyes turned cold and he waved his hand, "Send orders, enter this galaxy, make repairs!"


The huge fleet immediately rushed towards this big galaxy!

The powerhouses of the Tianlin Sect are all face deathly pale. If they charge in this way, the entire galaxy will collapse, and the entire Immortal Sect will be destroyed!


Tianlin Sect Master hurriedly shouted with sweat beads on his forehead.


Long Qingchen looked at him with interest, "Are you willing to borrow it?"

Tianlin Sect Master gritted his teeth, "Do you want to? How much."

Long Qingchen laughed, "It doesn't need too much, just a thousand trillion."

Tianlin Sect Master reluctantly took out a space ring, Called empty.

Long Qingchen took it and checked it out, there are one thousand trillion Immortal Spirit stones in it, "I'm talking about Top Grade Immortal Spirit stones."

"Long Qingchen, you Don't bully intolerably!"

The Immortal Sect Master roared, his face turning green as if he had eaten live flies, he couldn't bear it any longer, "At worst, we Immortal Sect will fight!"

"Okay, that's what you said."

Long Qingchen sneered and waved his hand, "Send the order, kill one, and leave no one behind!"


The huge fleet continued to rush past, shaking the entire galaxy.


The Defensive Great Array of the Immortal Sect's galaxy suddenly cracked, and densely packed cracks appeared, like an egg shell that was about to collapse!


Tianlin Sect Master both shocked and angry.

"I'll give it."

He hurriedly took out a space ring and called.

Long Qingchen took it, and after checking it, he found that the number was correct, and his smile softened, "Alright, this is a loan, and in the future, I will return the Immortal Sect to you."


Also, it's impossible

Of course, he has to say this, after all, the rules of the alliance are laid out, the agents of the Great Influence may follow the Dragon Clan fleet, he can't directly say grabbing .

“Turn around and keep sailing.”

Long Qingchen put away the two space rings.


The fleet turned grandiosely, plunged inside the Void, and shuttled away.

The Immortal Sect powerhouses watched the fleet leave with a gloomy face.

"This Long Qingchen, his motherfucker is simply the most shameless chief patriarch in Dragon Clan's history."

The Immortal Sect is an elder foul-mouthed.

The Tianlin Sect Master clenched his fists tightly, "If you don't avenge this revenge, you will never do it!"

Of course Long Qingchen doesn't care about Tianlin Immortal Sect's hatred , anyway, they are all mortal enemies, so what if they offend?

In the third hour, it also passed through more than 300 galaxies. As before, all the forces of more than 300 galaxies were trembling with fear, huddled in the territory, and opened the Defensive Great Array To the maximum, for fear that the Dragon Clan fleet will suddenly come to them.

In these more than 300 galaxies, there are also eight Desolate Sect allies. However, Long Qingchen did not continue the martial power extortion. He knows the reason for taking enough time. If the extortion is too much, they will join forces to fight. , that would be troublesome.


Suddenly, the total patriarch token trembled.

Long Qingchen turned on the sound transmission, "What's the matter?"

"The fleet of the Eight Desolate Sects has set off!"

The total patriarch token came Dragon Soul Palace Lord Long Zidig hurriedly said, "The direction of the Eight Desolate Sect fleet shuttling through the void, deliberately avoided our Dragon Clan fleet, and ran to our Dragon Clan's four galaxies!"

"Fuck, it's so sinister!"

Long Qingchen couldn't help but let out a foul language, "Taking advantage of our Dragon Clan's lair to be empty, want to copy our Dragon Clan's lair?"


Long Zidig said anxiously, "Eight Desolate Sect's fleet is lightly loaded, without heavy strategic supplies, the speed of shuttling through the void is very fast, and it is estimated that in about two hours, we will be able to reach our Dragon Clan four galaxies. ."

The five Ancestral Dragon and Long Qingchen glanced at each other, this situation had been thought about when we discussed it before, but didn't expect Eight Desolate Sect would really come to this trick.

Golden Ancestral Dragon smiled lightly, "It's okay, continue to move towards the Eight Desolate Sect territories."

Long Qingchen asked, "Our galaxy Defensive Great Array, can it stand it? ?"

Gold Ancestral Dragon said with a smile, "The Defensive Great Array alone will definitely not be able to withstand it. However, I left some trump card things in the hands of Qing Ancestral Dragon and Time Ancestral Dragon, Eight Desolate Sect can't make any big waves."

Long Qingchen nodded slightly

, did not stop the fleet, and continued sailing.

In order to fight against the Eight Desolate Sects, Dragon Clan is very well prepared. The Dragon Clan fleet carries 1.32 billion Dragon Clan warriors, as well as heavy strategic materials, the evil spirits of the Ancestral Dragon evil spirits The army, five Ancestral Dragons and Long Qingchen also brought four pieces of Heavenly Supreme Treasure, as well as the Spear of Destruction, an immortal "expert", and most importantly, some trump card items.

(end of this chapter)

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