Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1027


Chapter 1027 Got it?

"Yesterday, how was the defense of Ancient Dragon Domain, Tianlu Galaxy, Heavenly Dragon Galaxy, Tianque Galaxy, Tiansha Galaxy?"

Long Qingchen used the total patriarch token and connected Sound transmission from Rain Dragon.

Rain Dragon Dihui reported, "According to the detection array on the edge of the four galaxies, some latent squares of the Eight Desolate Sects were found. They tried to sneak into the four galaxies, but the breath of Dragon Clan was very difficult. Being imitated, they were quickly exposed, and I dispatched guards to kill them."

"You did good."

Long Qingchen applauded.

Rain Dragon said, "In addition to the latent squares of the Eight Desolate Sects, the detection of the Great Array also found that there are many strong men hidden in the space around the galaxy, it is estimated that the Great Influences sent people to watch the battle, Of course, it is also possible that the powerful forces of the Eight Desolate Sect allies monitor the movements of our Dragon Clan, and then tell the Eight Desolate Sect."

Long Qingchen said, "As long as they do not break into our territory Within a space scale, don't pay attention to them."

"Understood." No signs of enemy intrusion have been found, but the defense in the ancient Dragon domain is the weakest, and there is not even a dragon Imperial Capital, which is the easiest to become the breakthrough of the eight Desolate Sects."

The weakest defense?

Long Qingchen is amused, the ancient Dragon domain is the origin of Dragon Clan, Dragon Clan is impossible to give up, and there must be a backhand. , "Since the Eight Desolate Sect has not been invaded for the time being, then don't worry about it."

After finishing the sound transmission with Rain Dragon Emperor, he connected to the fronts in charge of other Dragon Emperors and listened to other The Dragon Emperor's report probably knew the overall situation.

"You can know the world without going out, no wonder the Sect Master and patriarch of the Great Influence are so comfortable, different from what I imagined, I thought a Sect's Master and Head of a Clan everyday all I'm very busy, it turns out that all the busy things have been done by the subordinates."

After listening to all the reports from the Dragon Emperor, it was noon, Long Qingchen stood up from the main seat, walked out of the immortal hall, facing the brilliant Sunshine, stretched his waist, if nothing major happens, then in the afternoon and evening, he has nothing to do, and there is still plenty of time every day.


He took one step, shuttling through the void, came to the small courtyard where time Ancestral Dragon lived, and found that seven Ancestral Dragon were drinking tea leisurely.

He walked over quickly, poured a glass each minding their own business, and drank it, "Everything is almost ready, I think it's time to fight the Eight Desolate Sect."

Golden Ancestral Dragon said with a smile, "Since you are in full command, you decide when to fight."

Long Qingchen said, "Before the decisive fight, I have to go out for a while. This time, let the Spear of Destruction and the Ancestral Dragon evil Spirit Ginseng fight, the Spear of Destruction absorbed countless baleful aura in Immortal Valley, the battle strength has been restored to Peak, even stronger than Peak, it is a great weapon, Ancestral Dragon evil After the spirit escaped from the Immortal Valley, it took millions of evil spirits to plunder blood energy, and the battle strength is also deep and unmeasurable, which will be a great help for us.”

Seven Ancestral Dragon glanced at each other, and the golden Ancestral Dragon nodded slightly, "With or without the Spear of Destruction and the Ancestral Dragon Evil Spirit, we can destroy the Eight Desolate Sects. However, inviting them to join the battle will make our Dragon Clan less exposed. Some trump card stuff."

"The Ancestral Dragon evil spirit had the best relationship with me before his death."

The blood Ancestral Dragon said, "Well, let's split up, I Go to the Ancestral Dragon, you go to the Spear of Destruction."


It's okay to make a trip less, of course Long Qingchen has no problem.

Qing Ancestral Dragon said, "Now, there must be eight Desolate Sect ears and eyes hidden in the space around the four major galaxies. If you leave the range of the Defensive Great Array, these ears and eyes will notify the eight Desolate Sects, the eight Desolate Sects. Desolate Sect will definitely send strong men to attack and kill you, it is very dangerous, you should disguise it."

Long Qingchen nods, "The second batch of hunting squads are gathering ready to go, we can mix with hunting squads. Inside, it can reduce the attention of those eyes and ears."

Therefore, Long Qingchen and the blood Ancestral Dragon went to find the sin dragon emperor together, and let the sin dragon emperor arrange them in a hunting squad.

On the largest martial stage of Gangxing, the second batch of 5,000 hunting squads stood neatly, with a total of 25,000 members, all of which were cultivation bases above the dragon king realm, and murderous aura rushed to the sky. , At a glance, the crowd is crowded, and the black pressure can't see the edge.

"After the last hunt, the dísciple that the Eight Desolate Sect has been training outside has become alert and has become quite cunning. You should be more careful."

Sin Dragon Emperor Stand in a ring and lecture.

"The Eight Desolate Sect did not recall the dísciples that had been trained outside, but still kept them outside. Obviously, taking you hunting squids as whetstones is despising you hunting squids, and even more so. Despising Dragon Clan!"

"If that's the case, then sharpen the knife!"

"Live up to the expectations of Ancestral Dragon, to live up to the expectations of the total patriarch, raise my Dragon The power of Clan!"

The sin dragon emperor knew that the blood Ancestral Dragon and Long Qingchen were mixed in it, so this lecture was extraordinarily passionate, with a sonorous and impassioned voice, which made every hunter's blood boil with enthusiasm. !

"Sharpen the knife!"

"Raise the might of my Dragon Clan!"

The hunting squads are like chicken blood, hissing Shouted loudly.

"This flattery fine, this is shooting our flattery."

Long Qingchen on the blood Ancestral Dragon sound transmission.

Blood Ancestral Dragon sound transmission Laughing, "hahaha, mainly to shoot my flattery, you are secondary."


Long Qingchen was helpless, "Who made you an Ancestral Dragon, the seniority is here."

The blood Ancestral Dragon said, "Your cultivation base has reached the long life realm, which is in line with the first step to be promoted to Ancestral Dragon. One condition; the second condition is to make meritorious deeds. If you win this war, you will make meritorious deeds; only the third condition is left, which is your seniority. Future generations may also call you Ancestral Dragon."


The Sin Dragon Emperor finally announced.

He personally led the way, with five thousand hunting squid, grandiose to the interstellar Transmission Great Array.

bang! bang! bang!

5,000 hunting squads lined up like a long queue, entering the interstellar Transmission Great Array one by one, and the interstellar Transmission Great Array kept on opening transmissions , one after another huge beam of light shot straight into the sky, quite spectacular.

In the space on the edge of the Tianlu galaxy, a middle-aged man hides inside the Void, staring at the spectacular sight of the interstellar teleportation war of the star like electricity, he turned his hand and took out the super long distance. sound transmission talisman, in a low voice, "reporting to Sect Master, Dragon Clan sent a second batch of hunting squads, the number is expected to be around 5,000."

The sound transmission talisman trembled slightly, and came out eight The voice of the Sect Master, "Don't worry about it, remember your mission, mainly to monitor the movements of Dragon Clan's senior management, and to inquire about the details of Dragon Clan."


middle-aged man Turn off sound transmission talisman and put it away.

It was the turn of the blood Ancestral Dragon and Long Qingchen, who walked in with three other players.


The interstellar Transmission Great Array shines through the sky with a beam of light, space distortion, and the square disappears immediately.

When it reappears, it is already on a planet.

"Before I set off, I forcibly replaced two of my team members. I know that you must have backgrounds. You may be the grandson of an elder, or the son of a steward. Come to our square to gild, Just make a little merit, and after you go back, your elders will have a reason to promote you."

The captain of this squid is a handsome young man, he looked at the blood Ancestral Dragon and Long Qingchen coldly, "I warn You, I don't care what your background is, since you have entered my square, you must obey my orders. If you dare to make your own opinions, then don't blame me for being ruthless, understand?"


Blood Ancestral Dragon is very depressed.

Long Qingchen almost laughed out loud, this brother was talking to Ancestral Dragon and the general patriarch like this, he has reached Longsheng Peak

The other two team members are quite beautiful young women And a thin boy who also looked at the blood Ancestral Dragon and Long Qingchen with strange eyes, forced to replace them before departure, there must be a background.

"And you?"

"Do you understand?"

The handsome young man looked at Long Qingchen coldly.

Now, it's Long Qingchen's turn to be depressed, "understand"

(end of this chapter)

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