Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1024


Chapter 1024 Enemy Attack!


The dragon emperors of all kinds of Dragon Clan looked at each other and didn't dare to say anything more, but their eyes were still full of worry, and they didn't have any confidence in this war.

Golden Ancestral Dragon looked towards Long Qingchen with a smile, "It's time to start."

Since the Golden Ancestral Dragon said before that he couldn't lose, Long Qingchen no longer refused and started to tell everyone The Dragon Emperor gave an order, "Send the order!"


All the Dragon Emperors stood upright at once, and now, Long Qingchen, as the chief patriarch, gave them an order, and the necessary respect still had to be of.

Long Qingchen recalled several wars that Dragon Emperor Jiu Ni had commanded, and decided to copy it, not aiming to achieve the best possible result, but rather trying to avoid making mistakes, "One, Li Mad Dragon Emperor listened to. Order, recall all the Dragon Clans who have experienced outside, must not be missed!"


Force Mad Dragon Emperor complied and hurried away.

Li Mad Dragon is the father of Long Qingchen and is one of the most staunch supporters of Long Qingchen until now.

"Secondly, the Emperor of the Sinking Dragon obeyed the order and sent 10,000 hunting squads, each of which had five members, each member must have a cultivation base above the Dragon King, and was responsible for hunting eight Desolate Sect youngsters who had been trained outside. On behalf of the dísciple, do what you can, kill the weak if you find it, and retreat if you find the strong one. You are solely responsible for this matter, and I will give you a chance to commit crimes!"

"many thanks, Mr. patriarch."

The Dragon Emperor was overjoyed and hurried away.

The Dragon Emperor of Sin, the original title was the Dragon Emperor of the Protector, that is, the father of Longjin Beiming. Because of his plot against Long Qingchen, he changed it to the Emperor of Sin, and was sentenced to think behind closed doors for a million years. However, Now is the time of war, and it is the time to employ people, so he also came here.

"Three, the Eight Desolate Sect obeyed the order and sent a hundred hidden squids, each of which had five members, each member must have a cultivation base above the Dragon Emperor, and was responsible for sneaking into the territory of the Eight Desolate Sects. , carry out sabotage, assassinate the direct descendants of the eight Desolate Sect high-level executives, of course, take safety as the top priority, pay attention to concealment, you are responsible for this matter, and you will be given a chance to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds."



The Eight Nirvana Dragon Emperor was overjoyed and took orders to leave.

Ba Ni Longdi is the younger brother of Dragon Emperor Jiu Ni, also the father of Long Qingmiao.

Long Qingchen looked towards Long Qingyu's father, "Fourth, Ba Shi Longdi listens to the order, immediately informs the Dragon Soul Temple, closely monitors every move of the Eight Desolate Sect, and reports any unusual movements immediately!"

Long Qingchen looked towards Long Qingyu's father. p>

"Understood." Emperor Ba Shilong led the way.

"Five, the Rain Dragon Emperor's orders, the Ancient Dragon Domain, Heavenly Dragon Galaxy, Tianlu Galaxy, Tianque Galaxy, Tiansha Galaxy, all guards in the five territories, strengthen their vigilance, once infiltrator is found, execute without any mercy, if you find an intruder that cannot be dealt with, report it immediately!"

"I know." Rain Dragon said lightly and left.

Emperor Rain Dragon is Long Jinyuelan's mother and has always been a little hostile to Long Qingchen, but now that Long Qingchen is in power, even if he is dissatisfied, he doesn't dare to fight against Long Qingchen.

"Six, one hundred Battle Dragon emperor orders, five territories, open the Defensive Great Array to the maximum, don't bear the consumption of Immortal Spirit stones, now is the time of war, Immortal Spirit stones are unlimited supply!"

Battle Dragon Emperor is the father of Dragon Green Baizheng, Azure Dragon Clan has the highest cultivation base among all Dragon Emperors.

"Seventh, the ancient and modern dragon emperors obey orders, gather all kinds of Dragon Clan troops, stand by, and be ready to attack at any time!"

The ancient and modern dragon emperors are the laughing whites of the dragon. father, the one with the highest cultivation base among all dragon emperors in Dragon Clan.

Every time Long Qingchen gave an order, a dragon emperor left and went to execute his order.

When all the orders were read out, there were still five dragon emperors left. Long Qingchen said, "You are responsible for dispatching strategic materials, and you must ensure that the strategic materials for each line of defense are sufficient."

The five dragon emperors took orders and left in a hurry.

Long Qingchen looked towards the golden Ancestral Dragon , "My command, is there any problem?"

"It's quite satisfactory, although there is nothing outstanding, there is nothing wrong with it."

Golden Dragon Emperor laughed, "However, I have to say one thing, you assign more dangerous tasks to the Dragon Emperor with a bad relationship, and assign non-dangerous tasks to the Dragon Emperor with a good relationship, it seems a bit eradicating It's not a good idea to disagree."

Long Qingchen did not blushed or panted, and said indifferently, "Sin Dragon Emperor, Ba Ni Long Emperor, these are all mistakes, don't give They arrange a more dangerous mission, how can they take the blame?"


The golden Ancestral Dragon scolded, "You always have a reason."

Long Qingchen said, "Seven Ancestral Dragons and I, mastering four pieces of Supreme Treasure, form a square, responsible for emergency response, mainly to deal with the strongest Ancestor Master of the Eight Desolate Sects, and the high-level powerhouses of the Eight Desolate Sects. "

"Yes, yes, even our tasks are arranged."

Blood Ancestral Dragon laughed.

Long Qingchen was helpless, "It was the golden Ancestral Dragon who asked me to command."

The blood Ancestral Dragon patted his shoulder, "I don't mean to blame you, you arranged it very well. Good."

The news of the war between the Eight Desolate Sect and Dragon Clan, like wings that can travel through space, spread throughout the universe at the fastest speed, causing a sensation in the entire universe !

The eight Desolate Sects are the Peak star powers, while Dragon Clan is only the High Level star powers. In this battle, almost all the large and small forces in the entire universe are not optimistic about Dragon Clan.

The galaxy where the Eight Desolate Sect is located and the four major galaxies of Dragon Clan are separated by hundreds of thousands of galaxies. After getting this news, all the forces in the hundreds of thousands of galaxies are nervous.

Because the Eight Desolate Sects against the Dragon Clan, or the Dragon Clan against the Eight Desolate Sects, have to pass through their territory, they have to worry that the battle between the Eight Desolate Sects and the Dragon Clan will hurt them.

Therefore, after all the forces in the hundreds of thousands of galaxies got the news, they immediately imposed martial law, restricting the dísciple from going out, and opening the Defensive Great Array to the maximum to prevent being hurt.

Actually, the best practice is to let the Eight Desolate Sect and Dragon Clan detour, and prohibit the Eight Desolate Sect and Dragon Clan from passing through their territory, but they cannot offend the Eight Desolate Sect and Dragon Clan, When the big guys fight, they can't afford to offend, they can only shiver coldly at home, praying that the fire of war doesn't appear in their territory.

Heavenly Dragon galaxy, edge.

On a deserted little planet, there is a wood house and a small courtyard surrounded by a fence.

A lot of vegetables are grown inside and outside the yard, and some livestock, such as chickens, ducks, pigs, cattle, and sheep are grown.

In the back of the courtyard, there is a large detection array and a bronze bell.

A middle-aged couple stood side by side at the gate of the yard, looking up at the starry sky melancholy.

This middle-aged couple are both ordinary in appearance, and their cultivation base is not high. Only the fairy dragon realm looks unremarkable.

The middle-aged man named Long Jinwan and the middle-aged woman named Long Jinmei are one of the ordinary couples of the Golden Dragon clan absolutely.

When he and she were young, the Dragon Vein rank was not high, and the cultivation resources obtained were not very common, so when they became adults, he and she were directly assigned to this barren planet. , responsible for the detection mission on the edge of the galaxy.

He and she have lived in this desolate planet for more than 3,000 years. Under normal circumstances, no one dares to invade the super clan like Dragon Clan, so the detection task becomes A boring task

For more than three thousand years, not even a single mosquito has invaded the Heavenly Dragon galaxy, and for more than three thousand years, I can only grow vegetables, raise livestock and live a small life.

Fortunately, family breeds fondness, he and she became a couple and lived side by side, so they wouldn't be too desperate.

Fortunately, he and her daughter have great prospects and are admitted to the Golden Dragon Academy. The future is definitely better than that of him and her, and there is hope for the future.

Daughter will be nurtured by Dragon Clan's rich cultural resources at Golden Dragon Academy, so don't worry, but after he and she receive monthly salary, they will send it to her daughter, hoping that her daughter can be trained in Academy. A little more comfortable.

In fact, there are countless guards like Long Jinwan and Long Jinmei on every planet on the edge of the entire Heavenly Dragon galaxy, responsible for edge detection tasks.

"According to the order conveyed above, our Dragon Clan has already started a war with the Eight Desolate Sect. The days of peace are coming to an end."

Long Jinwan sighed softly. "In the past 3,000 years, I have been hoping every day that I can detect the intruder, make a contribution, and transfer us back, but now, I hope not to detect the intruder, we Dragon Clan have no chance of winning, once the intruder is detected. If Dragon Clan is defeated, our daughter will also be in danger."

Long Jinmei also sighed, "I don't know what the above thinks, we are going to war with the Peak forces like Ba Desolate Sect."


Suddenly, the bronze bell in the reconnaissance formation behind the courtyard suddenly trembled and made a loud noise.

Both Long Jinwan and Long Jinmei suddenly changed color. When the bronze bell rang, it meant that someone was approaching the Heavenly Dragon galaxy, and the louder the bell sounded, the stronger the cultivation base of the person. !


Long Jinwan and Long Jinmei quickly flew to the back of the yard to check the reconnaissance formation.

I saw that the detection array showed an amazing sight: a golden-bright and dazzling scroll, containing boundless power, shuttling through the void, moved towards the direction of the Heavenly Dragon galaxy come!

The detection distance of this large detection array is ten space scales, that is to say, this golden-bright and dazzling scroll is still ten space scales away from the Heavenly Dragon galaxy, however, shuttling through The void's speed is very fast, ten space scales, at most the time of a cup of tea, can reach the Heavenly Dragon galaxy.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Long Jinwan quickly took out a sound transmission jade talisman from the space ring and shouted at sound transmission jade talisman Three tones.

sound transmission jade talisman trembled slightly, and the voice of Emperor Rain Dragon came out, "The level of enemy attack."

Long Jinwan hesitated, and reported according to the detected target. Enemy attack level, this is also the task of every garrison on the edge of the galaxy, reporting errors will be punished, so it is a test of the garrison's observation ability.

If the intruder is just an Immortal Rank cultivator and reports that it has become a powerful immortal invasion, causing Ancestral Dragon to come to support, then it will be a joke, and Ancestral Dragon does not waste so much time here.

If the intruder is a strong immortal and reports Immortal Rank, which leads to the Dragon King coming to support, the Dragon King is definitely not the opponent of the immortal strong, then the consequences will be even more serious

"Enemy attack" Level!"

The sound transmission talisman trembled, and the dissatisfied voice of the Rain Dragon came out.

"Class A!"

Seeing her husband hesitated, Long Jinmei gritted her teeth and said.

A-level is the highest level, equivalent to an intruder beyond the long-lived realm!

"Class A?"

sound transmission talisman trembled, and the voice of Rain Dragon exclaimed, "Are you sure?"

Long Jinmei said , "OK!"

"You continue to detect, I will report to Ancestral Dragon immediately and let Ancestral Dragon handle it."

sound transmission talisman reconnaissance, Rain Dragon finally said For a moment, there was no sound.

"Class A, is it too high?"

Long Jinwan frowned, "If the report is wrong, you will be punished."

Long Jinmei stared at the terrifying scene displayed by the reconnaissance array, "It's not high, a scroll starts from the galaxy where the Eight Desolate Sect is located, to our Heavenly Dragon galaxy, and passes through tens of thousands of galaxies. The means can only be achieved by peerless powerhouses that surpass the long-lived realm. Moreover, the sound of the bronze bell is so loud, the formidable power contained in this piece of paper must be extremely strong, and it needs the support of Ancestral Dragon. The report is low, otherwise, the consequences will be serious."


Long Jinwan nodded lightly.

Tianlu Galaxy, Gangstar.


The total patriarch token in the Long Qingchen space ring trembled. In addition to the status symbol, the total patriarch token also has the function of transcending distance sound transmission, and The ancestor dragon scales are the same.

"What's the matter?"

He flipped his hand and took out the general patriarch token, asking.

The total patriarch token, came out the anxious voice of the Rain Dragon Emperor, "The Heavenly Dragon galaxy was attacked by the enemy, Grade A, coordinates 993, 675!"


Long Qingchen and the seven Ancestral Dragons looked at each other, shuttling through the void together, and rushed to this coordinate at the fastest speed.

Soon, we arrived at the barren planet where this coordinate is located.

“Meet Ancestral Dragon and Patriarch.”

Long Jinwan and Long Jinmei quickly gave a salute.

"No need to be polite."

Long Qingchen said casually, staring at the scene displayed by the detection array, a little puzzled, "What is this piece of paper? "

Blood Ancestral Dragon pouted slightly, "I thought the strongest Ancestor Master of the Eight Desolate Sects came in person, but it turned out that he just sent a Dharma Dao Decree."

"The decree? "

Long Qingchen asked.

Blood Ancestral Dragon said, "The decree is that peerless powerhouse uses its own way, branded on the scroll, equivalent to peerless powerhouse's battle strength of one hand."

Fire Ancestral Dragon disdains , "I want to destroy our Dragon Clan with one hand. The strongest Ancestor Master of the eight Desolate Sects really looks down on our Dragon Clan."

"He doesn't look down on our Dragon Clan, if he really looks down on this Dharma Dao Decree will not send it to the Heavenly Dragon galaxy, but directly to the Tianlu galaxy."

Golden Ancestral Dragon laughed, "We were sitting in the Tianlu galaxy, but he sent the decree to the Heavenly Dragon galaxy, deliberately Avoiding us, it shows that he still looks down on us."

The fire Ancestral Dragon suddenly realized, "so that's how it is."

The golden Ancestral Dragon said with deep eyes, "This Dharma Dao Decree is just an appetizer. Let’s test the strength of our Dragon Clan. If we can’t even take a Dharma Dao Decree, then the army of Eight Desolate Sect will attack directly. If we take it easily, then eight Desolate Sect will be cautious and will not dare to be too aggressive, and may fight a protracted battle with our Dragon Clan.”

After listening to the analysis of the golden Ancestral Dragon, Long Qingchen has a sudden and cheerful feeling, and he understands everything .

(PS: Two in one big chapter.)

(end of this chapter)

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