Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1022


Chapter 1022 Ambush?

"Let's go, go back and prepare for battle immediately!"

The Eight Desolate Sect Master glanced coldly at the two Ancestral Dragon and Long Qingchen, and brought eight Desolate Sect ten Grand Elders and two Supreme genius, left in a hurry.

Long Qingchen's eyes flashed, "Be careful, they pretended to leave and ambushed us at the door"

"I think so too."

Golden Ancestral Dragon Smile, don't really care.

Blood Ancestral Dragon sneered, "I wish they'd ambush us, just to get them in a pot."

sou! sou! sou!

Two Ancestrals Dragon and Long Qingchen looked at each other and left in a hurry.

The powerhouses of the Great Influence are a little speechless, knowing that the eight Desolate Sect people may be ambushed outside, the two Ancestral Dragon and Long Qingchen are leaving so soon, are they sure they will win?

bang! bang! bang!

Sure enough, the two Ancestral Dragon and Long Qingchen just flew out of the small universe not far away, and inside the Void revealed one after another sword glow, suddenly Slash at them!

Fast, tough, accurate!

Since the two sides have declared war, it is irreconcilable from the moment they leave the Dongfang Family territory, so there is nothing to say.

sou! sou! sou!

The two Ancestral Dragon and Long Qingchen were well prepared, and instantly swept across several dozen li, splitting the sword glow.


"Don't let them escape!"

The Eight Desolate Sect Masters, the Ten Supreme Elders, Mo Xing, and Li Ziya Cong Inside the Void rush out, everyone is holding weapons, rushing directly over, aggressive.

"As Long Qingchen expected, the Eight Desolate Sect really ambushed here."

"Long Qingchen is definitely a little clever, but a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity, knowing that there is an ambush, but also coming out courting death, the Eight Desolate Sect Master and the first Supreme Elder are the peak cultivation bases of the Long Habitat, the other nine Supreme Elders are the high-order Long Habitat cultivation base, so are the two Supreme geniuses After reaching the realm of immortality, he is stronger than Yang Luan, Long Qingchen and the two Ancestral Dragons have no chance of winning."

The powerhouses of the Great Influence followed, all watching the battle from a distance, no one was there Dare to intervene.

"The two Ancestral Dragons, you are responsible for dealing with the Eight Sect Masters and the ten Supreme Elders."

Long Qingchen shouted, "The two Supreme geniuses have been handed over to me. ."

"smelly brat, let's deal with eleven, you only deal with two?"

Blood Ancestral Dragon scolded, "Do you understand what it means to respect the old and cherish? the young?"

Long Qingchen said with a smile, "Even if you are old, you are still growing old. I heard that a certain Ancestral Dragon has recently been moved and married a concubine of the Jiao clan. Is that you?"

Blood Ancestral Dragon blushed, and quickly said, "In Ancient Times, Jiao Lanlan is my follower, and has silently liked me for so many years. It can fulfill her."

"We juniors can understand, you don't need to explain."

Long Qingchen laughed, "Explain is cover up, cover up is fact, fact It's just that you are really old and strong."

"smelly brat, you are looking for a fight, you dare to molest my old man."

Blood Ancestral Dragon fly into a rage out of humiliation.

The golden Ancestral Dragon was speechless for a while, then coughed heavily, "Can you two go back and talk about this kind of thing, say it in public, and not be afraid of the crowd laughing at it."

Long Qingchen said seriously, "This is a big happy event, there is no need to hide it, otherwise, I will be sorry for that Jiaolanlan senior."

The blood Ancestral Dragon slightly nods, "There is really no need to hide, we are just and honorable."

The Eight Wilderness Sect Masters, the Ten Supreme Elders and the two Supreme geniuses were all furious, they were so murderous-looking, while the Blood Ancestral Dragon and Long Qingchen were still in the mood to talk Concubine thing, this is simply humiliation and contempt.


The golden Ancestral Dragon is directly transformed into the body, and the Golden Dragon body of ten thousand zhang is like a golden mountain range. , as if the Golden Battle Blade contains boundless formidable power, and the space was cut out by a terrifying big crack!


The blood Ancestral Dragon is also transformed into a body, a blood-colored dragon body, which is also ten thousand ten thousand zhang long, he roars towards the sky, and spit out one after another blood-colored mouth The dragon's breath has an incomparable corrosive power, causing large holes in the space!

“Dragon Clan battle strength is sturdy and can be called invincible at the same level. Sure enough, name is not in vain.”

“No wonder you dare to ignore the ambush of the Eight Desolate Sect.”


The powerhouses of the Great Influences were amazed.

bang! bang! bang!

The Eight Desolate Sect Masters and the ten Taishang Elders suddenly changed their expressions, but they had the advantage of the number of people, so there was no reason to retreat. Use your special skills and go to war with two Ancestral Dragons!

One trick.

Two tricks.

Three moves

The two sides shot very fast, in a flash, they have already fought hundreds of moves.

Although the gold Ancestral Dragon and the blood Ancestral Dragon are strong in battle strength, the eight Desolate Sect powerhouses have an advantage in numbers, and the two Ancestral Dragons cannot kill the eight Desolate Sect powerhouses, and can only barely maintain a tie.

"smelly brat, hurry up and solve those two little ones, come and help us."

Blood Ancestral Dragon shouted.

"I know."

Long Qingchen complied. Immortal strength in his palm, spread out, and turned into a battle sword.

Mo Xing sneered, "You can kill Junior Brother Yang Luan with a single sword, you are really powerful, but sister Ziya and I are stronger than Yang Luan, you can't kill us, as long as we Hold you down, the golden Ancestral Dragon and the blood Ancestral Dragon will definitely lose!"

Li Ziyali's eyes are cold, "The golden Ancestral Dragon and the blood Ancestral Dragon are struggling to support, it won't last long, we just need to hold on One hour is enough for you!"

"You talk a lot, this only shows that you are guilty."

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, grasped the sword in both hands, and cast the sword dao is the ultimate one.


Cut out a shallow sword glow, like a weak wind, as if a breeze can blow it away.

"Come, come, he has made this sword again!"

"What kind of sword style is this, have you seen the way?"

All the powerhouses of Great Influence have their eyes wide open, staring at this sword glow.

It doesn't look like much formidable power!

Looks absolutely unremarkable!

It looks like it was performed by a cultivator who just started learning the sword technique, which is a bit ridiculous!

However, no one dared to ignore it.

Because, I have seen the terrifying power of this sword before.

Mo Xing and Li Ziya are also solemn, they dare not be careless, spare no effort.

weng! weng!

The two of them unleash a variety of natural phenomena, more than 200 kinds!

weng! weng!

The two of them were not at ease and released their own way!


In front of this sword glow, more than 200 natural phenomena are like bubbles, unable to withstand a single blow and be penetrated instantly!


Immediately afterwards, Mo Xing's Dao and Li Ziya's Dao were also penetrated by this sword glow!


A ray of blood bloomed, Mo Xing's body was pierced, his eyes widened, filled with fear and disbelief of death.

Soon, the rays of light in his eyes dimmed, becoming a cold corpse!

"This sword did not kill two of them."

Long Qingchen pouted slightly, "It seems that another sword is needed."

The eyes of the powerhouses of the Great Influence are red and bloodshot, is this human? Killing the Supreme genius of the Second Rank of the Long Habitat with one sword, what else do you want?

Li Ziya looked pale, her eyes were full of panic and fear, she quickly reacted, took out a jade talisman, crushed it, and she disappeared instantly!

Run away?

Long Qingchen was startled for a moment, and then, she came to understand, obviously, she used something similar to instant Teleportation Talisman, this thing is very precious, faster than shuttling through the void, very Difficult to stop, best used to save lives.

(end of this chapter)

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