Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1008


Chapter 1008 Attack the Dark Soul Clan!

Everyone entered the Immortal Hall, and as before, the host and the guest took their seats.

"In the Immemorial battle, the experts of the Dark Souls were almost completely lost, leaving only one Queen Mother and four elders, and the rest are nothing to worry about. It is not difficult to destroy the Dark Souls. The difficulty is how to find the hidden place of the Dark Souls."

The golden Ancestral Dragon asked, "The Eight Desolate Sect invited us to discuss this matter, must have found some clues?"

"Ancestral Dragon is really bright vision like a torch, yes, we, the Desolate Sect, have indeed discovered something."

The Eight Wilderness Sect Master said, "Yesterday, the open source forces dispatched in large numbers and suddenly attacked us. The Great Influences have caused a lot of losses to our Great Influences, but as everyone knows, such a big action is also equivalent to revealing their hidden places."

Speaking of this, Bahuang Sect Master looked towards the cold-faced young woman, "Ziya, tell the two Ancestral Dragons about your discovery yesterday."

Li Ziya said, "Yesterday, the Dark Souls suddenly attacked our eight Desolate Sect galaxy. The border area of the border area, and killed the elder who was guarding the border area. I was participating in a cultivation resource auction on a planet not far away. When I heard the news, I rushed over immediately. When I saw the dark souls retreat, I followed quietly. I followed to a desolate planet, but the Dark Souls suddenly disappeared, I was too weak to act alone, so I came back to report."

Golden Ancestral Dragon pondered for a moment and asked He said, "After that, have you investigated that place?"

The Eight Wilderness Sect Master said, "No, I don't know if there are hidden guards there, in order to avoid beat the grass to scare the snake, I didn't rashly investigate Detective."

The blood Ancestral Dragon said, "I heard that the Dark Souls are hidden in one of the dark places in the Nine Nether, so it seems that that place should be the hidden entrance of that dark place."


"I think so too."

The Eight Wilderness Sect Master said, "It is said that for each secret of Nine Nether, only the corresponding secret seal can be opened. If it is forcibly opened, it will cost 900 million. For the blood sacrifice of living beings, we must be prepared to attack in one fell swoop, without giving the dark souls time to defend."

The golden Ancestral Dragon frowned, "The blood sacrifice of 900 million souls is not a small number, we can't kill innocent people indiscriminately, we can only use the beast Spirit Beast instead, with so many beasts Spirit Beast, It takes a long time. "

Eight Desolate Sect First Lady Elder said with a smile, "Why so troublesome, there are ready-made, why not use? "

Gold Ancestral Dragon wondered, "What's ready?" "

The first lady of the Eight Desolate Sect said to the Elder, "Yesterday, when the Dark Souls attacked, most of the Tianlu galaxy was destroyed, and Dragon Clan died a lot. We are on the edge of the Eight Desolate Sect." A lot of people have died in the area, and it has only been a day. Those corpses and blood must still have a role, and they just come in handy. "

Hearing this, the golden Ancestral Dragon, the blood Ancestral Dragon and the Long Qingchen all turned pale.

This Old Guy is simply mad!

"no! "

Without the two Ancestral Dragons opening their mouths, Long Qingchen directly refused, coldly said, "We Dragon Clan will never use our own clan to blood sacrifice." "

Gold Ancestral Dragon and Blood Ancestral Dragon also have a cold look and a clear attitude.

"It's nothing at worst." "

The first lady, Elder lightly, glanced at him, "Holy Son is young, didn't expect, but he is so stubborn and conservative, and my elders don't know how to be flexible. It's just buried, turned into loess, and has no value at all. Wouldn't it be better for them to open the entrance to Nine Nether, shine and die gloriously? "

"No, no, no." "

Long Qingchen's eyes were cold, "If the same clan died, they should rest in their homeland, not use them." "

The first wife, the Elder, spread his hands, "Anyway, the 900 million blood sacrifice, we will share 400 million and a half, and you Dragon Clan will find your own way." "

The Eight Wilderness Sect Master said, "It should not be too late to attack the Dark Souls. If you are late, things will change. Just three days. Dragon Clan prepares the sacrifices, come here to meet, and then, we The two directly launched a thunder strike, hitting a completely unprepared one of the Dark Souls. ”

The first Supreme Elder added, “Our eight Desolate Sects, two Ancestor Masters, Sect Masters and ten Supreme Elders will all participate. Although this task is mainly based on our eight Desolate Sects, but , Dragon Clan at least need five Ancestral Dragon to participate, right? "

" line. "

The golden Ancestral Dragon agreed.

After discussing the matter of attacking the Dark Souls, the atmosphere relaxed, and the two sides chatted and chatted.

After chatting for about an hour, the Golden Ancestral Dragon, Blood Ancestral Dragon and Long Qingchen also said goodbye and left.

Back to Dragon Clan, the four Ancestral Dragon discussed the blood sacrifice, and finally decided to give All Great Influences buy death row prisoners. Death row prisoners deserve to die. They can be used for blood sacrifice, but it doesn't hurt the peace.

Long Qingchen didn't say much about this.

What ?

Death row inmates also have human rights?

sorry, Cultivation World is so cruel, it would be nice not to kill innocent people.

bang! bang! bang!


During these three days, the interstellar Transmission Great Array located on the Astral Star kept turning on, the beams of light shining through the sky kept shining, Dragon Clan sent messengers to the Great Influences one by one, and each messenger brought with them A lot of Immortal Spirit stones, and a special space ring for placing death row prisoners.

Emissaries came back one by one, bringing back a large number of death row prisoners.

All Great Influences are happy to do it This kind of business, the death row prisoner who was originally intended to be executed, is exchanged for cultivation resources, and the money is made for nothing. Of course, it is comfortable, of course, the value is not too high, that is, one hundred Immortal Spirit stones per death row prisoner.

After receiving the message, Space Ancestral Dragon, Fire Ancestral Dragon and Frost Ancestral Dragon rushed back, ready to join the gold Ancestral Dragon and Blood Ancestral Dragon to destroy the Dark Souls.

Time Ancestral Dragon The injury is not yet healed, and the Qing Ancestral Dragon still needs to sit in the Tianlu Galaxy.

As for the black Ancestral Dragon, it is still in the source of darkness, Long Qingchen is very curious, why he always needs Ancestral ral Dragon sits there, and when he has time, he has to go there and see.


On the fourth day, a battleship left Gangxing, shuttling through the void, five Ancestral Dragons and Long Qingchen went to the Eight Desolate Sect together.

Other young generations of Dragon Clan, Ancestral Dragon won't let them go, because they haven't reached the immortal realm, they are easy to fall, and they have no effect

Come to the Eight Desolate Sect In the galaxy where it is located, it was found that a huge battleship was parked on the edge of the galaxy and was already waiting.

Gold Ancestral Dragon put away the battleship, boarded the battleship of the eight Desolate Sect, gave a salute to the two cultivation base terrifying old men, said with a smile, "An era has passed, the cultivation of two seniors The base is more deep and unmeasurable."

The other four Ancestral Dragons also gave a salute.

Long Qingchen looked strange, these two old men should be the two Ancestor Masters of the Eight Desolate Sect. Very bright clothes, one wearing big red, one wearing colorful colors, looks a little weird.

The red-clothed old man sighed softly, "If the first generation of Ancestral Dragon hadn't fallen, it would have been the same cultivation base as us. Time is not forgiving, we are all old, even if we surpassed the immortal realm, we would still be too old. It is difficult to escape Eternal and Undying, and it is even more difficult to escape this cosmic catastrophe.”

The old man in the flower clothes was not sentimental, and lightly glanced at the five Ancestral Dragon and Long Qingchen, “Wait a minute, obey the command, don’t act without authorization. ”

Although the old man in the flower coat is senior, Long Qingchen was a little unhappy with this tone, and the five Ancestral Dragon laughed, complied at will, and didn’t say much.

“stealth, go!”

Bahuang Sect Master waved his hand and gave the order.

The huge battleship set sail immediately, plunged into the void, stealth up, like a silent ghost.

(end of this chapter)

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