Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1006


Chapter 1006 Two wins and two wins!


On the black arena above the martial stage, the golden Ancestral Dragon and the Bahuang Sect Master have already fought, and there are terrifying energy fluctuations. Fortunately, the black arena is special, extremely strong, and has Supreme's great array blessing can prevent the energy from spreading out, otherwise, the entire Eight Desolate Sect Holy Land will be destroyed.


The golden Ancestral Dragon exudes sun-like golden rays of light, surrounded by 108,000 Golden Dragon forces, and the dragon roar shakes the sky like strips of gold According to the law, every Golden Dragon force contains boundless formidable power, as if the Golden Dragon dances wildly through the void.


The Eight Wilderness Sect Master is also not showing weakness, his whole body is glowing, his hair is crystal clear and near-transparent, and his palms are rays of light Eye-catching, keep pinching and printing, Human King Seal, Mountain Holding Seal, Nine Heavens printing various printing methods emerge one after another.

bang! bang! bang!

One hundred and eighty thousand Golden Dragon forces collided with various seals fiercely, as if rounds of blazing sun burst, bursting out Immeasurable Light, the space of the entire black arena collapsed and recovered, recovered and collapsed, and the space fragments fell like a waterfall, like a world-destroying scene!

bang! bang! bang!

The golden Ancestral Dragon and the Eight Wilderness Sect Master sometimes fight in the air, sometimes close combat, sometimes use the natural phenomenon to fight against each other, and sometimes release their own way Collision, every strike is spare no effort, every strike is extremely dangerous, and the battle is crazy!

One is the Sect Master of the eight Desolate Sects, representing the face of the eight Desolate Sects, and the other is the strongest among the eight Ancestral Dragons of Dragon Clan, representing the face of Dragon Clan, whoever loses is embarrassed, so , No one wants to lose, and they all showed their full strength.

Long Qingchen watched quietly, feeling a little shaken in his heart. Although he has now entered the realm of longevity, he has mastered the ultimate Profound Truth of the Dongfang Family, as well as a peerless murderous soldier like the reverse scale. Compared with the peerless powerhouse of the Long Habitat Peak such as the Eight Wilderness Sect Master, the Golden Ancestral Dragon still has some gaps.

The three Supreme geniuses in the Eight Desolate Sects, the handsome young Yang Luan, the refined in manner young man, and the cold-faced woman are also staring at the battle above the ring, watching this kind of peerless powerhouse battle, right? There are great benefits to their future cultivation.

The eight Desolate Sect elders and senior elders are all frowning. They are very clear about the strength of the Sect Master. In the field of longevity, it is hard to compete, didn't expect, gold Ancestral Dragon also has such battle strength.

These inner sect disciples of the Eight Desolate Sects burst into tears. The rays of light that erupted from the black arena were so dazzling that their eyes stinged and they couldn't see clearly at all.


There was a handsome young disciple who opened his fairy eyes and forced him to watch the battle in the arena. As a result, the fairy eyes cracked and blood oozing out, making him miserable. Shouting, holding his head, rolling on the floor, looking towards the young man in refined in manner, "Cousin, save me."

The young man in refined in manner frowned, walked over quickly, and played immortal strength, Seal the cracked fairy eye, otherwise, this dísciple will have to shatter its head and die.

"Don't you want to be cultivated in the future?"

He looked towards the other inner sect disciple and sternly reprimanded, "Even dare to watch the duel of the peak powerhouses in the immortal habitat, not yet Avoid!”

“many thanks Brother Mo Xing Senior for reminding.”

“What Brother Mo Xing said is right, our cultivation base is too low, watching the battle at this level, no Any benefit will affect the mood, leaving the Heart Demon, which is not good for cultivation."

These inner sect disciples quickly looked away and looked towards other places.

A high-level Elder explained, "It's good for the three Supreme geniuses to watch this level of battle, because they've already reached the Immortal Realm, in the same realm as the Golden Ancestral Dragon and Sect Master, And you, the gap between you and the peak of the Long Habitat is too big, it is useless to look at it more."

bang! It was also calm, and the Golden Ancestral Dragon and the Eight Wilderness Sect Master suddenly separated, each fell back, and returned to their original positions.

I saw that the golden Ancestral Dragon was covered in blood, riddled with scars, and the Eight Wilderness Sect Master was also covered in scars, looking pale and bloodless.

"Who won?"


The battle has already come to an end, so these inner sect disciples dared to look towards the ring.


The Eight Wilderness Sect Master suddenly spewed blood from his mouth, staggered, and even stood unsteadily and fell to the ground.

“Sect Master!”

The eight Desolate Sect elders and senior elders suddenly changed color, and they rushed to the ring, took out the medicine pill, and healed the Eight Desolate Sect Master.

After a while, the Eight Wilderness Sect Master slowed down and looked at the golden Ancestral Dragon unwillingly, "Among the eight Ancestral Dragons, the golden Ancestral Dragon with the strongest battle strength, sure enough, the name is not in vain. , I am convinced that I lost, this matchup, I admit it."

Golden Ancestral Dragon smiled lightly, "you let me win, Sect Master is also very strong, which caused me a lot of damage. Threat."

"Sect Master lost?"

"How could this happen."

Many inner sect disciples wailed, Sect Master was in their hearts Martial Dao's target, Long Habitat was almost invincible, however, was defeated by the golden Ancestral Dragon, making it difficult for them to accept.

Yang Luan, Mo Xing, and the cold-faced young woman couldn't help but glared at them. Sect Master was defeated, and it was already a little embarrassing. They were still yelling, and they were just ashamed to be thrown home.

"The second duel, it's my time, who will fight?"

The blood Ancestral Dragon flew into the black ring, blood was flying, and glanced at the eight Desolate Sect contemptuously The Supreme Elders and the High Elders.

"I'm coming!"

A tall Supreme Elder jumped onto the ring, staring coldly at the blood Ancestral Dragon, "First Stage, Sect Master lost, this first stage In the second game, I will definitely defeat you and save the face of our eight Desolate Sect."

"Are you so confident?"

Blood Ancestral Dragon laughed, "Dare to ask, you Where is the Eight Desolate Sect?"

The tall Supreme Elder coldly said, "The Eight Desolate Sects are the first Taishang Elder, cultivation base second only to Sect Master, and the ninth rank of immortality!"

"Same as me."

Blood Ancestral Dragon nodded slightly and reminded kindly, "You have to be careful, our Dragon Clan is known for its sturdy strength. "

"You don't need to remind me!"

The Elder looked embarrassed. In his opinion, the blood Ancestral Dragon was despising him.


He took the lead, took out a battle sword, and used eight Desolate Sect top sword skills. The entire arena was sword glow!


At the same time, he released his own way, and the entire arena turned into a sea of thunder!

weng! weng! weng!

Also, hundreds of natural phenomena are rolled out!

"To make a shot is to do everything, is this a one-shot decision?"

Blood Ancestral Dragon slightly startled, then, with a smile, "Alright. ”


His body was shocked, and the power of Blood Dragon erupted, dragon roar was loud, and he punched forward, making the entire ring turn bloody, It seems to have become a blood-colored furnace!


Countless sword glows were shattered by this fist!


Dao, pierced by this fist!

bang bang bang!

Hundreds of natural phenomena were destroyed by this fist!


The entire body of the First Elder Elder was shattered and became a blood mist!

Blood Ancestral Dragon did not continue to shoot, because the outcome was already divided.

The eight Desolate Sects, the other Supreme Elders, the high-level Elders, and the three Supreme geniuses were all silent, watching this scene in shock, one move!

The eight Desolate Sect inner sect disciples were even more stunned, one move!

Long Qingchen is also touched by his heart, blood Ancestral Dragon this fist, integrates the power of Blood Dragon, his own way, and natural phenomenon into it, simplifying complexity and exerting a world-shattering power, It is somewhat similar to the second half of the final Profound Truth of the Dongfang Family.

The golden Ancestral Dragon praised, "If the second child's cultivation base is the same as mine, I'm afraid I'm not an opponent."

Then, he secretly said to Long Qingchen sound transmission, "We have already Two wins in a row, two wins in three games, we are already very good face, next, it's your turn to face off against the genius of Ba Desolate Sect Supreme, give Ba Desolate Sect a little face, don't win, you know? After all, it's an ally , and destroy the Dark Souls together."

Long Qingchen was a little unhappy, but he couldn't help it, the communication between the Great Influences is like this, you have to keep it a little bit, don't do it too much.

(end of this chapter)

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