Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1004


Chapter 1004 There is a knife hidden in a smile!


The golden Ancestral Dragon reacted quickly, laughed heartily, and gestured, "The three of us, have what skills and abilities, Sect Master, everyone. The Supreme Elder and all the senior elders personally greeted them from outside the galaxy, and the three of us are really flattered, flattered!"

Blood Ancestral Dragon also smiled and bowed his hands.

All the old fox Long Qingchen, who hides a knife in a smile, has a strange look. As a junior, he can't hand over his hands and can only give a salute as a junior.

“The golden Ancestral Dragon is too modest, the golden Ancestral Dragon, the blood Ancestral Dragon and the total Holy Son are coming to the humble house, making us eight Desolate Sects full of brilliance, and we should welcome them with the highest etiquette.”


Bahuang Sect Master turned his face and said this very seriously, and then made a "please" gesture, "Please!"

"Bahuang Sect Master is too polite. , please."

Gold Ancestral Dragon put away Dragon Clan's battleship, and also reached out and made a "please" gesture.

Then, the Eight Desolate Sect Master and the Golden Ancestral Dragon and the Blood Ancestral Dragon boarded the huge battleship of the Eight Desolate Sects, and Long Qingchen followed with the Eight Desolate Sect Taishang Elders and high-level Elders , board the battleship.


The huge battleship set sail, shuttling through the void, and flew into the depths of the galaxy.

Finally, landed on an advanced planet.

Going down from the battleship, under the leadership of the eight Desolate Sect executives, they came to a luxurious fairy temple and took their seats in priority and second order.

The Eight Desolate Sect Masters sit on the main seat, the Gold Ancestral Dragon and the Blood Ancestral Dragon sit on the lower left hand, and the Eight Desolate Sect Supreme Elders and High Elders sit on the right hand edge position.

Long Qingchen, as a junior, can only stand behind the golden Ancestral Dragon and the blood Ancestral Dragon, a little sad to remind the etiquette between Super Great Influence, that's it.

Then, a group of beautiful maids came from the back hall with tea and some snacks, and placed them on the tea table next to everyone.

"Dragon Clan's chief Holy Son is really young and promising. He is young, less than 900 years old, and has entered the ranks of the long-lived realm, catching up with our elders."

The Eight Wilderness Sect Master smiled, his eyes fell on Long Qingchen, full of admiration, and he said with emotion, "We are all old, the future, after all, belongs to the genius of the younger generation."

old fox!

If you have any tricks, use them quickly!

Long Qingchen cursed inwardly, but with a smile on his face, he said modestly, "The Eight Wastes Sect Master has been overraised."

"We Dragon Clan, we can take out our hands. This is the only one of the younger generation. It can be said to be the only seedling in the dry land of thousands of miles. How can it compare to the talent gathering of the eight Desolate Sect young generations, which makes our Dragon Clan envy.”

Gold Ancestral Dragon said with a smile, "I heard that the top three Supreme geniuses in the eight Desolate Sect young generation have already entered the realm of longevity, and their strength is deep and unmeasurable, and they are chasing after our elders and strong men."

Bahuang Sect Master waved his hands again and again, "The three of us are just empty names, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning." Didn't bring up the serious business, when will the greetings last?


At this moment, three silhouettes came at a high speed, and rushed into the fairy hall in a blink of an eye. It was two young people and a young woman.

Two young people, one with a gibbous waist, a handsome and handsome, with one hundred and eight fairy lights shrouded in the back of his head, like a son of God coming into the world; the other is refined in manner, like a scholar, But there was a faint smell of danger.

The young woman has a cold face and a temperamental temperament, like an orchid in an empty valley.

It can be sensed from the breath that the cultivation bases of the three have reached the long-lived realm, and they should be the top three Supreme geniuses in the Eight Desolate Sects.

“Long Qingchen, I want your life and death duel with you, irreconcilable!”

The handsome young man glared at Long Qingchen.

Young people who are refined in manner also have bad eyesight.

The young woman's eyes were cold.

The Eight Wilderness Sect Master reprimanded, "Yang Luan, don't be rude to the distinguished guests."

Junyi youth said, "reporting to Sect Master, yesterday, my ancestor went to visit When I was in Dragon Clan, Long Qingchen injured my Xuanzu, and, despite all kinds of humiliation, the two countries fought each other, but he is too despicable, please Sect Master Mingjian, to get justice for my Xuanzu!"

"According to my observation, Dragon Clan's Holy Son is courteous, It shouldn't be."

Bahuang Sect Master slowly looked towards the two Ancestral Dragon and Long Qingchen , showing a puzzled look, "Also, Dragon Clan has a strict clan, and the younger generation of Dragon Clan are all outstanding people. How could they do such an uneducated thing?"

Cursing Dragon Clan for being uneducated

Gold Ancestral Dragon and Blood Ancestral Dragon suddenly became cold.


Continue to install!

Long Qingchen also indifferently watched the handsome young man and the Eight Wilderness Sect Master sing together, like two clowns.

Yesterday, he injured Ba Desolate Sect Great Elder. Ba Desolate Sect executives must have known it for a long time, deliberately pretended not to know, warmly greeted the two Ancestral Dragons and him, showing great etiquette look.

Then, let the three Supreme geniuses come to convict and embarrass the two Ancestral Dragons and him.

You may be late, but you will never be absent!

“Anyway, the Great Elder is a senior, and the Dragon Clan’s Holy Son is a junior. How could the Dragon Clan’s Holy Son humiliate the Great Elder, such an uneducated thing, I believe, Dragon Clan’s always Holy Son won't do it!"

"Yeah, I also don't believe Dragon Clan's total Holy Son would do such a rude thing, we eight Desolate Sect and Dragon Clan never had a grudge, and, now It is still an ally relationship, Dragon Clan chief Holy Son has no reason to attack the Great Elder, and no reason to despise our eight Desolate Sects!”

The eight Desolate Sect elders and the senior elders looked at each other, have joined together.

Long Qingchen stood up and jokingly said, "Your drama is really wonderful, is it over?"

"Holy Son, why did you say this."


Bahuang Sect Master said with a smile, "If there is any misunderstanding, just explain it clearly, I don't believe you would do such an uneducated thing."

Long Qingchen sneered, "You eight Desolate Sect Great Elder are uneducated. When you visit our Dragon Clan, you pose as aloof and remote. Naturally, I have to teach him a lesson."

The complexion of the Eight Desolate Sect Master sank, asked knowingly, "So it seems that you really shot the Great Elder?"

Long Qingchen indifferently said, "You already know, why ask knowingly?"

VIII The Sect Master coldly said, "Holy Son, this is your fault, I sent the Great Elder to visit Dragon Clan, the Great Elder is the honored guest of Dragon Clan, you treat the Great Elder so rudely, do you despise our Eight Desolate Sects? "

"It's such a big hat, I can't afford it."

Long Qingchen's eyes were flat, "You eight Desolate Sect have any bad tricks, even if you use them." That's it, there's no need to be so rude."

The Sect Master's voice was cold, "I misunderstood you, I thought you were polite, so that's how it is rebellious, then, I have to discipline you for the two Ancestral Dragons!"

Long Qingchen said indifferently, "Be courteous, but also divide, to whom, to allies, naturally should be like this, to despicable villains, naturally use Not polite."

"Eight Wastes Sect Master."

Golden Ancestral Dragon eyes with golden rays of light, "You are dignified a Sect's Master, if you are right A junior shot, I will not agree."

The blood Ancestral Dragon exudes a blood-colored brilliance, as if shrouded Wearing a blood-colored battle clothes, "We Dragon Clan's young generation do not need outsiders to discipline them. "

The Eight Wilderness Sect Masters sneered, "So, the two Ancestral Dragons want to take action themselves and make a gesture with me?" "

The golden Ancestral Dragon suddenly got up and sneered, "I heard that the Sect Master is about to surpass the long-lived realm, and I was about to ask for advice!" ”

(end of this chapter)

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