Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1001


Chapter 1001 Ultimate Profound Truth!


Long Qingchen's cultivation base seems to have bottomed out, and it is like a volcano erupting, and it begins to rise rapidly, from the First Rank of the Emperor Realm to the Second Rank of the Emperor Realm in an instant!

bang! bang! bang!

Unstoppable, the cultivation base continues to soar!

The third rank of the Emperor Realm!

The fourth rank of the Emperor Realm!

Emperor Stage Five!

Back to the original Emperor Realm eighth rank!


Pause for a while and continue to climb higher!

The Emperor Realm ninth rank!

The Emperor Realm ninth rank Peak!


Finally, break into the realm of longevity in one fell swoop!


Immediately afterwards, Long Qingchen's body seemed to contain a peerless fierce soldier, and there was a sound of unsheathing, and a palm-sized nine-color dragon scales slowly emerged, filled with chaotic mist. , sometimes transformed into a battle sword, sometimes transformed into a small cauldron, sometimes transformed into a spear of destruction, various forms, floating up and down above his body, exuding a terrifying killing intent!

After so many years of warm cultivation, as his cultivation base entered the realm of longevity, reverse scale, he finally began to show his peerless edge!

"Is this the power of the immortal realm?"

Long Qingchen felt the wandering soul return to his body and woke up. He clenched his fist slightly, feeling the boundless power in his body, Muttered to himself, "It's no wonder that the people of the Emperor Realm can never defeat the people of the Immortal Realm, the gap is too big."


The transformation in the body is not over yet, but there is the sound of ancient scripture flipping.

"What's going on?"

He looked inside his body, observing what was going on inside.

I saw that in the dragon's mouth of Dragon Vein, a volume of mysterious ancient scripture floated out gently, with a densely packed ancient character branded on it.

"The Ultimate Profound Truth!"

Looking at the top five words of ancient scripture, Long Qingchen was ecstatic, this is the real Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian The ultimate Profound Truth, the gray fog that he realized before, although the formidable power is great, it has taken a fork in the road!

He couldn't help but think of the inner world in the black vortex natural phenomenon, the tombs, the terrifying sight, the old man guarding the tomb and the bloody eyes may have really gone the wrong way

The old tomb guard and those bloody eyes are likely to have cultivated the gray fog to the Great Ascension. Although the battle strength is boundless and surpasses the peerless powerhouse, it is not the true ultimate Profound Truth after all, because their Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian is not broken. After standing up, this Supreme ancient scripture was not manifested, and the true ultimate Profound Truth was impossible cultivation.

"The sad old man who guards the tomb and those bloody eyes"

Long Qingchen's eyes are weird, and he still likes the old man who guards the tomb. His current position, of course, will not tell the Dongfang Family the true ultimate Profound Truth of Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian.

"It is worthy of the title of "The Ultimate Profound Truth". If it spreads out, it will make all cultivators in the entire universe go crazy."

Read all the ancient characters on the ancient scripture Once again, his heart shook.

This "Ultimate Profound Truth" is divided into two parts.

The first half of the article: You can use his Dragon Vein cultivation to produce a nine-color glow. This nine-color glow is stronger than the formidable power of the gray fog. The value of the first half is immeasurable!

The second half is a Supreme Secret Technique. This secret technique can fill in, integrate, unify, and constantly sublimate various exercises to perfection!

Take Dragon Clan as an example, all kinds of Dragon Clan have their own major exercises. "Kung Fu" and Space Dragon Clan The strongest one is "Nine Transformation Space Techniques", but are these major exercises already flawless?

Absolutely not!

There are definitely drawbacks!

Even if the taboo-level Peak full-star force majored in exercises, I dare not say that it is perfect, and there must be shortcomings.

Therefore, the value of the second half is inestimable, enough to drive all cultivators crazy!

"Now, my cultivation base has reached the realm of immortality, and the two major exercises, "Ancient Demon's Classic" and "Nine Nirvana Dragon Art", can no longer keep up with my cultivation base. For the Supreme geniuses who are in cream of the crop, if they are not as good as them in their main practice, they will definitely suffer.”

Long Qingchen moved in his heart, intending to comprehensively improve all of his martial arts, martial skills, and movement methods.


The sound of dragon's roar emanated from his body, simultaneously running the "Nine Nirvana Dragon Art" and "Ancient Demon Classic", and then, using this Supreme Secret Technique, Find out the shortcomings and fill in the gaps, find out the shortcomings of the "Nine Inverse Dragon Art" and "Ancient Demon Classic", and improve and improve!

Finally, combine the perfected "Nine Inverse Dragon Art" and "Ancient Demon's Classic".


"Nine Anti-Dragon Art" was created during the Dragon Emperor Jiu Ni Peak period, and "Ancient Demon Sect" was created by the Ancient Demon Sect Twelve Ancient Demons. The same, it is difficult to integrate, however, under the action of this Supreme Secret Technique, two completely different exercises are successfully Fusing into One!

Take the essence, get rid of the dross!

Although the combined exercises have not yet reached the point of perfection, they are no weaker than the peak full-star force's main exercises!

"In the future, I don't need to cultivate both exercises simultaneously, just the exercises after cultivation fusion. What's the name of this fusion exercise?"

Long Qingchen After thinking about it, "Let's call it "Ultimate Tiangong". Now, "Ultimate Tiangong" has not yet reached the real perfection, but I will find some major exercises in the future and integrate them into it. Sooner or later, it will become perfect and surpass all Majoring in martial arts."

Immediately afterwards, he began to integrate martial skill and movement method!

The eight battle skills of the first generation Ancestral Dragon passed on to his first generation Ancestral Dragon to improve, however, Fusing into One, turned into "First Generation Ancestral Dragon Ultimate One".

Upgrade the sword dao nine styles, Fusing into One, and turn it into "sword dao ultimate one style".

Upgrade Dragon Wing Flash and other movement methods he has mastered, Fusing into One, and turning it into the "Ultimate Movement Method".

The Batian Wanlong Palm, Jiuji Daoquan, and Mirror-breaking Reunion have been improved, as well as the boxing, Finger Law, and leg skills obtained from the Qian Family, a cosmic roaming force, and Fusing into One. For "Fist and Foot Ultimate Form".

Finally, upgrade the fairy eye and the broken eye, Fusing into One, and turn it into "Ultimate Heavenly Eye".

Of course, these are all his own names, in fact, they haven't reached the point of perfection, not really the ultimate.

In the future, he can look for more martial skills, movement methods, and integrate them in order to achieve real perfection and become the real ultimate!

"The first half of "The Ultimate Profound Truth" is strong enough, didn't expect, and the Supreme Secret Technique in the second half is even more perverted!"

Even he He couldn't help but click his tongue, and his heart skipped a beat.

After these fused martial skills, he tried to run them, and he could feel the terrifying formidable power.

"Now, I really want to fight a battle to test these results."

He stood up suddenly, full of energy and blood, as if he had endless power.

Long Qinghao said with emotion, "Chen'er is a blessing in disguise."

Dongfang Ruoyi rolled his eyes at him. , "As long as Chen'er is safe and sound, I would rather Chen'er not have such a dangerous blessing!"

Long Jingxuan'er's mouth floated to a perfect extent, and smiled, "In the future, if brother Chen is Meet the powerhouses of the Dongfang Family, and let them experience the true ultimate Profound Truth. I am looking forward to what their faces will look like, it must be wonderful."


Long Qinghao laughed loudly, "Their faces must be ugly!"

Long Kongli stood aside anxiously. Long Jingxuan'er can't be so generous, he can only try to keep a smile and watch quietly.


From Heaven Beyond the Heaven to Tianlu Galaxy, half a universe across domains, the journey is extremely long, shuttling through the void also takes some time, one hour or so, the netherworld The ship shuttled out from inside the Void and finally reached the Tianlu galaxy.

"Something's wrong!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Long Qingchen's eyes shrank violently and found something abnormal.

I saw that only half of the entire Tianlu galaxy was left, one after another planet was running chaotically.

And the other half of the Tianlu galaxy is fragmented!

In the space, there are dragon corpse floating, at a glance, boundless, I don't know how many died.

Long Qinghao, Dongfang Ruoyi, Long Jingxuan'er and Long Kongli are also complexion changed. Obviously, there is a terrifying battle here!


Long Qingchen controlled the ghost ship and flew towards the Gangstar.

Fortunately, the gang star is still there, the gang star is the Holy Land of Dragon Clan in the space, if the gang star is gone, it must be bode ill rather than well.

Long Kongli was also anxious and worried about her father.

Long Jingxuan'er turned his hand and took out nine tortoise shells, divination, and his beautiful face was a little dignified, "It was done by the Dark Soul Clan. It was attacked by the Dark Souls, and the open source forces finally couldn't bear it anymore. They started to be stronger, the peaceful period of the universe is over, and the turmoil has begun."

(end of this chapter)

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