"Enjoy your meal, and call me if you need anything."

Manager Tang said, and then left quietly.

Now, only Xu Yi and Xiao Ju were left in the restaurant.

Xu Yi gentlemanly pulled out the chair for Xiao Ju and helped her to sit down.

Xiao Ju glanced at the restaurant and found that there were only a few waiters walking around in the restaurant besides her and Xu Yi.

She looked at the night view at the foot of the mountain and the decoration of the restaurant, and knew that the specifications of this restaurant must be very high-end. The price of a restaurant like this is not cheap. And Xu Yi booked the entire restaurant, and the money he spent was probably more expensive than the seven Chanel clothes he bought for her today....

A long string of numbers appeared in Xiaoju's eyes, and she couldn't help feeling distressed.

However, when she thought of Xu Yi, who accompanied her to watch the stars in Miao Village two days ago, and forced her back to the room for fear that she would be cold, knowing that she liked to watch the stars, and there were no stars in the imperial capital...

So, he had to think of this way to bring her to see the stars.

When Xiaoju thought of Xu Yi's precious thoughts for her, she could not say anything but feel sorry for the money and complain about him.

She raised her hand and covered the hand that Xu Yi had just placed on her shoulder when he pressed her to sit down, and said to Xu Yi with emotion:"Thank you for bringing me here"

"Don't be polite to me." Xu Yi used his other hand to pat Xiaoju's hand twice, and said to her with a smile,"As long as you like it."

"I like it very much." Xiaoju smiled widely and said to Xu Yi immediately.

At this time, the waiter of the restaurant came up with the appetizers and main dishes.

Xu Yi returned to his seat and said to Xiaoju:"Eat quickly!"

He knew that Xiaoju had been hungry since she returned to the villa, and he was afraid that she would starve. People in their line of work have irregular meal times, and stomach problems are the norm.

It's ok that she can't control her attention on the set or in the program group, but now that she is on vacation, Xu Yi still has to remind Xiaoju to pay attention.

Xiaoju was indeed hungry. She didn't care about her ladylike image. She threw away the salad on the side and directly picked up the knife and fork to start cutting the steak.

Seeing that Xiaoju had almost finished eating, Xu Yi turned around and gestured to Manager Tang who was waiting at the door.

A moment later, when Xiaoju was concentrating on eating the cherry tomatoes in the salad, she suddenly heard the sound of a violin.

She raised her head. She looked up and followed the sound, and then saw a man in a suit and bow tie, walking towards her and Xu Yi's table while playing the violin.

Next to him, there was a waiter pushing a dining cart with a large bouquet of red roses on it.

Then, Xiaoju saw Xu Yi stand up, pick up the red roses from the dining cart, and hand them to her.

Xu Yi looked at Xiaoju, and there seemed to be a galaxy in his eyes, which was more beautiful than the lights under the mountain.

Xiaoju heard his gentle and magnetic voice ringing in her ears.

Xu Yi said to her sincerely:"Today is the 200th day since we fell in love. In these 200 days, I have been very happy with your company. I hope that you will always be by my side in the days to come."

After hearing Xu Yi's words, Xiaoju was moved to tears. They have been in love for 200 days, and Xiaoju herself can't even remember it.

Xiaoju took the rose, put it aside, and then excitedly threw herself into Xu Yi's arms, choking and saying:"Me too, I hope you can be with me in the days to come. I love you"

"I love you, too."

Xu Yi lowered his head and kissed Xiaoju's soft lips, then looked at Xiaoju affectionately and said,"I will love you forever."

The two hugged each other and overlooked the night view of the city.

After talking about love for a while, Xu Yi took Xiaoju back to the dining table and said with a smile,"Eat a little more! The food here tastes pretty good."

Xiaoju sat down obediently and ate salad and dessert.

While eating, she raised her head, looked at Xu Yi and said mischievously,"The food here is okay, but not as good as you!"

She recalled the dishes Xu Yi had made the day before yesterday on the show"Longing for Life". Xu Yi was able to cook the dishes to that extent under such limited cooking conditions and with few ingredients. Xiaoju thought he was simply a genius.

And the food in this restaurant is obviously made of the best ingredients. It is natural to be able to cook this taste. It is a world of difference from Xu Yi's situation in the show.

Xu Yi heard the little girl's praise and said to her with a smile,"Okay, if you like it, I will cook it for you tomorrow!"

"No thanks." Xiaoju waved her hand and refused,"We have to catch a plane to record"Running Man" the day after tomorrow. Sister Lan told us to take care of rest and adjust our condition in the next two days. We will stay at home tomorrow, so you should not work hard to cook."

"It's just cooking, what's so tiring about it?" Xu Yi disagreed.

Then, he raised his eyebrows, looked at Xiaoju jokingly and asked:"Or are you questioning your husband's physical fitness? Regarding this point, I thought you had a deep understanding of it two nights ago. It seems that I haven't done enough."

"No, no, no, that's enough!" Xiaoju said repeatedly, stuttering a little in fear,"I, I didn't question you……"

"That's good."Xu Yi leaned back on the chair and looked at Xiaoju with interest.

Xiaoju's face turned red because of him. Thinking of the topic just now, she blushed and lowered her head shyly. Fortunately, there was no one else in the restaurant, otherwise Xiaoju would be even more shy. After the two finished their meal, Manager Tang had arranged a place to watch the stars. With Xu Yi's thoughtful preparation, Xiaoju once again saw the starlight that was no less than the night in the Miao village.

When leaving the restaurant and going down the mountain, Xiaoju was satisfied.

The next day, the two did not arrange any itinerary, but just stayed in the villa for a day.

At dinner, Xu Yi kept his word and prepared a meal for Xiaoju personally. Xiaoju came to the dining table and saw that in addition to a table of dishes, there was also a cake.

Xu Yi saw Xiaoju's eyes linger on the cake, and smiled and explained to her:"Yesterday was the anniversary of our love, but there was no cake, and I always felt a little regretful. So, today I made one by myself to make up for yesterday."

Xiaoju was touched by Xu Yi's thoughtfulness.���She felt that no one had ever taken her words and her affairs so seriously.

Xiaoju threw herself into Xu Yi's arms and said with a choked voice:"You are so good to me."

Xu Yi touched her head and said softly:"Silly girl, you are my wife. If I don't treat you well, who else can I treat well?"

Hearing the word"wife", Xiaoju's heart warmed. She buried her head in Xu Yi's chest, burying it deeper.

Xu Yi knew that she was touched by him, and coaxed her, saying:"Eat quickly! The food will be cold soon. Eat the cake early, too. If you eat it too late, it will turn into fat, and you should shout that you are fat."

While speaking, Xiaoju raised her head from Xu Yi's chest, with a face full of fearlessness:"This is made by you, I will eat it even if I get fat to death!"

Then, the two of them finished this last dinner before work in a warm atmosphere.

The next morning, Xu Yi and Xiaoju boarded the plane to Z City to record"Running Man".

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