[21] I’ll go with you! (2 more)

In the evening, “Emperor, all this is crazy!”

Nick Fury’s unspeakable shocking scenes shocked his brain time and time again.

“What did the boss do…

As he said, the plane slowly landed towards the open space in front of the crowd.

Roar Roar–

The huge waves caused by the landing of the plane set off everyone’s hair.

“Okay, follow me on the plane!” Li Wei waved to the companions behind him, and then looked at Magneto and Professor X.

Wait a minute, “I can’t go with you!”

Professor X stopped suddenly and said stubbornly.

“And you?”

Li Wei did not pay attention to Professor x, but turned his gaze to Magneto, who had just awakened: “Do you think so too…

“Are you determined to kill Seba “Five Nine Zero” Stian, Xiao? Or become a Mutant who is incompatible with the eyes of the whole world?”


Magneto’s fist was tightly squeezed, and he realized that the man in front of him could penetrate the hearts of others.

“You seem to know everything?


Li Wei cast a cold eye, then continued: “I also know that after you had a relationship with a woman, you ruthlessly abandoned her irresponsibly!”


At this time, in the crowd, a pair of sharp eyes appeared, staring at Magneto’s body.

Upon hearing this, Quicksilver’s body stood there like a wolf, and the whole body exuded an aggressive chill.

But at this time Magneto frowned and showed disappointed eyes: “I didn’t abandon her, it was her… I who left voluntarily!”

“You lie!”

There was a scolding, and Quicksilver walked to everyone’s eyes and stared at each other fiercely: “Obviously you abandoned her cruelly,

But Magneto looked surprised and looked at Quicksilver suspiciously.

“I don’t have to lie to you!”


Magneto let out a deep breath, as if he didn’t want to mention this sad memory again.

“Pitro, Magneto is right! He did not abandon your mother. What happened back then was your mother’s own choice, and he took the initiative to leave…


Li Wei’s explanation immediately made Quicksilver’s eyes blank and stood there blankly.

At the moment, Li Wei told them what they said about the past ten years ago.

Magneto, formerly known as Lao Ma. However, he is not the founder of communism, Karl Laoma, but his experience is considered to be a legend.

Old Ma Eisenhardt, Magneto’s real name. He was born in a middle-class Jewish family in the dé country in the early 20th century. His father was also a veteran of the battlefield.

Until the outbreak of World War II, Ma and his family were sent to “refuge” in the Warsaw Ghetto.

But they were once fled, but they were betrayed and arrested again. His family suffered a bloody and painful price-buried in the mass grave and died in flames!

Perhaps it was Lao Ma’s Ability Awakening that left him alone by luck.

After escaping from the mass grave, he was arrested again. When he was sent to the Audivicin concentration camp, he met the Roman girl Magda for the first time and fell in love

In an uprising, the two of them managed to escape the concentration camp and immigrated to Ukraine. Since then, Lao Ma changed his name to Magnus, and no one has ever known his real Name!

Magnus and Magda are in the two-person world that belongs to two people, and they soon have their crystallization, a lovely little daughter Anya.

Life was peaceful and happy, until one day, a group of angry thugs broke this peace and also broke Magneto’s ordinary life.

The mobs burned and looted their house and burned their house with fire. At that time, the youngest daughter, Anya, was still in the house. The young Magnus desperately tried to rescue, but was always blocked by the mob. The extreme resentment and impulse suddenly made the world give birth to a terrible Mutant.

Magnus Ability went violently, killing all the mobs in a moment, and even his terrifying Ability destroyed parts of the surrounding cities!

Magnus, Magneto that night, made Magda very scared for the first time. She suddenly felt that future Magnus would have this terrifying appearance.

At the moment, she was pregnant with two children in her belly, but Magnus didn’t even know it!

Considering that her future children can live a good life, Magda took advantage of Magnus’s coma and left here that night!

Until the end, Magda gave birth to twins Wanda Maximov and Pietro Maximov 0…and these two children later became Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.


Magneto and Quicksilver were surprised one after another, and looked at each other questioningly, and looked at Li Wei.

“You mean, I still have two children in this world… Magneto’s eyes seemed to flicker with a little light, and he hurriedly asked Li Wei.

“Then my mother was not abandoned by this guy… Quicksilver opened her mouth wide and stayed there blankly.

Li Wei nodded silently, and looked at the two people in front of him seriously: “Really!!

All of this is the last love story that Magneto doesn’t want to mention, and it is also the truth about Pietro and his sister Wanda in the past ten years!

The cause and effect planted more than ten years ago was solved by Li Wei at this moment.

“I don’t have to cheat you, and Erik–” Li Wei stared at Magneto, but suddenly his hand pointed to Quicksilver.

“He is one of the twins that Magda gave birth to-Pietro, your other child, Wanda, is also by our side!”



Magneto1.2 backed away in a panic, with a look of disbelief that all of this was true.

“No, he is not my father, and I don’t have such a father!” I saw Quicksilver’s unwilling face, and an expression that was unwilling to admit the identity of the other party.

But At the moment Li Wei didn’t care about these, but waited for the answer from the other party…

“Don’t you really want to take a good look at your two children?

Magneto was lost in thought, his mind was spinning fast. For a time, family affection and hatred made it difficult for him to choose, which made him fall into a difficult situation.

But Li Wei won’t wait for him. Seeing that the other party hasn’t answered, Li Wei was about to turn around and leave.

“I… I’ll go with you!

At this moment, a voice came from behind everyone…

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