[29] Supermanvs Accuser Ronan! [2 more)


Ronan went with the prestige, and saw a beautiful blond woman lying in Li Wei’s arms.

Ronan seemed to think of something when he saw Carol.

Ronan vaguely remembered, not long ago. The Supreme Wisdom once told the accusers that Yong Rogge brought back an earthling with very high combat ability.

Ronan didn’t care at that time, but he knew well that afterwards, the earthling was reused by the supreme wisdom and climbed to a good position in a short time.

Seeing that Yong Rogge in front of him was so concerned, Ronan also secretly concluded that this person was right. But this has no effect on him. The life of an irrelevant person is worthless to him.

Ronan once again showed a very cold gaze, staring at the few “five seven three” people under him: “The humble earthlings will listen to me and enlarge your weapons, otherwise I will let you die here at all costs.

Hearing this, the face of Yong Rogge on one side immediately became flustered, and Roar quickly shouted: “Wait, Lord Ronan! This soldier is named Carol. She is a talented person of the Supreme Wisdom, we Can’t ignore her safety~”

“Huh?” Hearing someone dared to stop him, Ronan lifted Yong Rogge’s collar and lifted him up.

With those hellish black eyes, Yong Rogge stared at him with straight hair behind his back.

“Now, the supreme wisdom is not there”

“The Kerry Empire will temporarily control Ronan, the chief of my accuser…

We “The Kerry Empire cannot let go of people who insulted our entire Kerry Empire just because of a woman!”

Death-like eyes turned to Li Wei on the ground, and Yong Rogge, who was put down, didn’t dare to say any more…

“Warriors of the Kerry Empire

Ronan’s sudden shouting drew the attention of everyone present.

“Our Kerry Empire is a sacred, powerful and inviolable empire. We Kerry people admire science and technology, advocating the army, and advocating power. But today, some people dare to destroy the technology center of our Kerry Empire-the Tower of Wisdom. The artificial intelligence leader who killed our Kerry civilization-Supreme Wisdom. It is also an attempt to destroy our faith and obliterate our fighting spirit…

Some impassioned words immediately moved the hearts of all the Cree star people.

Li Wei and others on the side looked at this scene with some helplessness: “It seems that this guy wants

I saw Ronan struggling to raise the warhammer in his hand and shouted to the soldiers with indignation: “But our Kerry Empire will not fall! Our nation is the most powerful nation. Even if we lose our god, we will not be confused. , Will not stop. We can still fight, and we can continue to develop. I, the accuser leader Ronan, swear to everyone here that as long as the God of the Kerry Empire-the Supreme Wisdom, will be gone for one day. I am willing to do so. The empire works, temporarily takes over all things in the empire, and swears to defend the Kerry empire to the death!”

“Oh la la…”

Suddenly, tens of thousands of Cree warriors shouted and stood up for Ronan, Roar…

And this happened to Li Wei and others suddenly!

“Well, will this take over a huge empire?” The Thunderbolt standing in the middle of everyone looked at the command ship in the distance with incredible expression, the man who was secretly delighted.

At this time, Yong Rogge, who was standing next to Ronan, also followed suit. Facing the sudden change of the empire, he must also be an adaptable person.

“Lord Ronan, is the leader of our Kerry Empire at a critical moment! We should listen to the Lord’s orders until the resurrection of the Supreme Wisdom!”

Yong Rog’s Roar yelled through his throat, and it passed into everyone’s ears.

“Master Ronan! Master Ronan! Master Ronan…

Sure enough, the soldiers who heard this sentence shouted one after another.

After seeing this scene, Ronan also turned his head and smiled satisfied at Yong Rogge!

“The sad Kerry people, for the sake of strength and power, lost their faith, Ms. Siwa shook her head helplessly.

At the moment, Ronan was also embraced by everyone, turning his attention to Li Wei and others again.

He pointed at Li Wei with a warhammer full of anger, and said hysterically: “Warriors of the Kerry Empire are this group of people! They want to try to disintegrate our nation, our empire 0… we must have them know this. Kind of stupid behavior, pay the price!”

In an instant, the eyes of tens of thousands of Keli Star warriors were fixed on the bodies of the nine Li Wei. Their eyes are full of hatred and their hearts are full of anger.

At this moment, the battle is on the verge!


Suddenly, a cold hum came into everyone’s ears.

I saw Li Wei raising his head with disdain and looking at the man on the command ship: “Ronan, do you want to kill me?”

“J.A.R.V.I.S, attack!”


Li Wei shouted loudly, and saw a spaceship with huge amounts of suddenly appeared over the command ship!

Afterwards, countless black steel torrents descended in an instant! In an instant, densely packed War Machine people covered the sky above Ronan’s super command ship!

Da da da–

At the next moment, the War Machine people fired a powerful ion beam and flew towards the Kerry battleships.

The golden ion beam and the black-red flame lit up the sky above the entire Hara Star!

The scene that came just as long as it said happened too quickly. The Crees on the ground have not reacted yet, and the countless warships that have fallen in the air have buried many shocked fighters in the flames.

At the moment’s Li Wei, has used the speed of light to bring everyone to the Earth spacecraft.

“This…Where did the spacecraft come from? 1.2” Ronan, who was stunned at first, quickly became angry, “People on earth, you are looking for death!”

“Attack, kill those guys for me, destroy that spaceship!”


It’s a pity that the Earth spacecraft was prepared long ago and took the lead in launching an attack.

The whole sky is full of war. At the moment, Li Wei stood on Optimus Prime riding a dragon, and swiftly headed towards Ronan.

“Ronan, aren’t you going to kill me?”

“I want to see, how do you kill me!”

Li Wei’s eyes were full of murderous aura, he had brewed the power of his whole body, and jumped out of Optimus Prime!


Optimus Prime rode a steel dragon and fired a beam of cannon energy ion beams towards Ronan’s super command ship, destroying crazily…

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