Moreover, Ling Jing felt that his sister had become an adult, so she shouldn't be under his control all the time.

Otherwise, wouldn't Lingling have no space at all? For Lingjing, this is not the result he wants to see, so of course it must be avoided if it can be avoided.

He didn't even say hello, and then he left. It can be said that he came and went in a hurry.

Then he went to the private room next to him, where there were already several people waiting, but although they all had dissatisfaction on their faces, they didn't dare to vent it.

Who let their capital ability not be as strong as Lingjing, and now they are asking for Lingjing to do things. Since they are asking for help, they must have the attitude of asking for help, and they can't put on airs.

Otherwise, there is no such thing as begging for help, just like an uncle.

"Okay, I was late because I was delayed by some things just now, let's start now..."

Ling Jing started the meeting directly at that time, without giving them a chance to buffer.

Those who were waiting thought that Ling Jing would explain, but who would have thought that it was beyond their imagination, there was no so-called explanation at all.

The meeting has been going on, and the others are very serious. After all, this meeting is the key to their survival, so they must listen carefully.

There is no choice at all, and the initiative is in Ling Jing's hands. Does he have any chance to resist?

In the private room next door, the atmosphere is different, it is extraordinarily relaxed.

Because at this moment, Jiang Quan is waiting for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity to hand over the script to Ling Ling, and this is probably his purpose today.

Jiang Quan felt a little sorry for Ling Ling. After all, he didn't stand up for Ling Ling in the open, so Ling Ling felt uncomfortable in his heart, which was right. Jiang Quan didn't think there was anything wrong.

If it was changed to myself, it might be the same state, but I can understand it.

During this process, Ling Ling's mood has been elevated. Ling Ling feels unusually happy getting along with these friends and colleagues, and this dinner is also very happy.

It's completely different from the dinner in the morning. Having dinner with the crew is completely playing tricks. After all, everyone is friendly on the surface, but in fact, there are a lot of tricks in their hearts.

It's just that they didn't show it, and they only quarreled with others behind their backs.

The atmosphere in the company is completely different, everyone is very generous, and there is no so-called intrigue, and there is such a pistachio as Black.

It's no wonder that the state has not changed for the better. Ling Ling is actually quite relieved in his heart, and feels proud of having such a group of partners.

Seeing that Lingling's mood was rising, Jiang Quan seized the opportunity, and then handed over the script.

"What is this? Could it be the work task you assigned to me? I am resting now, and you still ask me to work overtime?" Ling Ling didn't think much, looking at the document-like mezzanine.

In my heart, I have more or less talked about work, but it is indeed a job, but it is a good job. That is the script introduced to Lingling.

"It's not for you to work now, it's just for you. You can see if the talisman meets your wishes. This will be your next play." Jiang Quan felt a little disgusted.

I hate it, but I still have to give it to Lingling. This script took a lot of effort to come up with, just to make up for Lingling.

Blake didn't expect Jiang Quan to hide it so deeply. He and Jiang Quan are not only in the relationship between superiors and subordinates, but also friends. He didn't even tell himself about it.

Then Black hurriedly snatched the script while Jiang Quan was not paying attention.

When he opened the script, Blake was also taken aback, until he saw the content inside, it was really amazing.

After all, for them, Ling Ling is just a newcomer, so they can also take on dramas and movies. Although there are good resources, it is a bit difficult to get too good ones.

But it's different now. Blake looked at the script in his hand. It was a very good resource. If Ling Ling was to play the role, he would definitely be able to make himself popular.

There is no doubt about it, Black dares to guarantee it with his stardom.

He looked at Jiang Quan with disbelief, and hoped that Jiang Quan would give him an explanation. After all, he had a great status. When he came to Jiang Quan Company, he did not receive such treatment.

"You're acting a little unreasonable. Lingling is just a newcomer. How can you give this script to me? It's a bit unreasonable."

It can be seen that Black is still a little surprised in his heart, and he didn't expect Jiang Quan to do this to this extent, but it is not incomprehensible.

After the others heard it, they all felt a little curious, because they didn't know what the content of the script was, and they wanted to see it too.

To be able to amaze Blake so much, it can be seen that the script should not be bad. They just want to see how high-quality the content is.

Anyway, it has come and aroused their curiosity, of course it must be resolved, otherwise how can they accept it in their hearts?

Everyone looked curious, Jiang Quan was willing to take out the script, so naturally he felt at ease, so it's okay to show it to these people.

Afterwards, Black was very righteous, and distributed the script to other people, one after another, everyone's face was filled with amazement.

It can be seen that this script is indeed very beautiful for them, and it is something Lingling deserves. Of course, Jiang Quan thinks so in his heart.

If Ling Ling didn't have this qualification, Jiang Quan would certainly not find out the script. Although it was partly because of the cooperation between the two, Jiang Quan also felt sorry for Ling Ling.

That's why there is a scene like this, Jiang Quan thinks it's nothing, anyway, he can accept it, and it's not a big problem for him to create such a script.

So there is nothing to be afraid of, as long as things continue, isn't it all right? Everything is going in a good direction.

For everything that happens, you must have a good attitude. Only in this way can you rely on yourself and be wise when dealing with problems. Otherwise, it will cause a lot of trouble.

Jiang Quan also wanted to use this script to let Ling Ling ease his mentality. Anyway, he is an artist under his company, so he must care about it.

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