But Ling Ling couldn't hold back her breath either. She looked at Sun Qi's complacent look, and couldn't swallow the breath in her heart. Then she stood up directly and came to Sun Qi's side.

Immediately pulled up, Sun Qi's hair, two people fought again in public, this is not the first time, but the second time, the first time, if people have a new feeling, then the second time, People will doubt the character of these two people.

Since Ling Ling attacked her first, of course Sun Qi couldn't let go easily. Now that others have hit her on the head, if she is not careful, she probably will lose her life.

Of course, this matter is a bit serious, but even if it is not so serious, it will cause injuries to her body, which may not be possible, so of course she has used all her strength.

Since there is going to be a fight, let's have a good fight. Anyway, both of them are angry in their hearts, and they are very disgusted with each other, so they just take this opportunity to vent their anger.

Regardless of their image, the two started fighting in the lobby, which disturbed the paparazzi.

The paparazzi are naturally very concerned about the news in these entertainment circles, so they can feel any disturbance, just like now they get news, there is big news here.

"Unexpectedly, these two people fought again, and it was indeed an exclusive news. It seems that they are faster than each other."

"Hurry up and watch over me. If you meet people who are watching out for Biejia, drive them out and don't let them in."

Each paparazzi team has its own mission goals. If there is no breaking news, wouldn't their performance this month be poor?

Now there is such an opportunity right here, why not make good use of it?

Those paparazzi couldn't wait to take it out one by one. What's the best of their own cameras now? Of course, the situation on the spot is broadcast live, and the public must see it clearly.

Of course, there are more people in the live broadcast room than anyone else. If there are more people in the live broadcast room, isn't the popularity higher? The topic of conversation is of course what other people care about.

"Hi everyone, I'm in the villa now, and now another thing happened..."

"Hi everyone, welcome to the live broadcast room..."


One paparazzi after another had already opened the live broadcast room. This incident was quite a big mess. The two finally realized that the situation was not good, and then stopped. However, both of their faces were injured.

Not only the face, but also the exposed parts of the body were probably injured. By the time Jiang Quan dared to come, the scene had already stopped.

What I saw was the appearance of a embarrassed Lingling. Jiang Quan was really a little different in how long he had been away. The few people were separated for only an hour.

How did you know that such a big news could be made? Jiang Quan has a bit of a headache now. Ling Ling was originally on the cusp of the storm, and now everyone is paying attention.

So if there is a little trouble, it is easy to be caught by people. Small problems, just like now, sure enough, some people have started to be trolls on the Internet, and they have all begun to doubt Lingling's character.

"What's going on? The first fight is of course excusable. After all, that person provoked him. Even if there is Liang Zi after the two of them, it shouldn't be done in public."

"But now, I thought that Ling Ling had a very real character, but now it's better, it seems that this is not the case, but whether there is a problem with his own character, and he likes this kind of violence to solve problems."

"I don't know this yet, and we need to investigate further, but what you said is not wrong, there is indeed a possibility, after all, who would want to keep fighting with others?"

The news of the paparazzi is very well-informed, and they have already reported it to the public, and the public is of course aware of it, so they can make their own reactions and judgments at the first time.

For a while, the comments on the Internet have their own merits, but they are probably accusations against two people. After all, they are both public figures but they don’t care about other people’s opinions. They made this look, even if there is something inside, they should think about it. . The most important thing is that this is not the first time. After the first time, I didn't know how to repent, but instead made the second time. Who can be blamed for this? Of course they blame themselves, how could it not be suspected?

For a while, the behavior of the two people was discussed, and it was considered to be a trending search.

Seeing this appearance, Jiang Quan certainly didn't want to continue to ask more questions. He knew that Ling Ling would definitely not make a move easily. Although Ling Ling could be a bit arrogant and unreasonable sometimes, it shouldn't be his style to take the initiative.

Looking at the appearance of the lobby manager and Sun Qi again, I probably got a good idea. It is estimated that the lobby manager helped bully Ling Ling, so Ling Ling couldn't bear it anymore, and Ling Ling was covered in injuries.

Jiang Quan is now very angry. Although Sun Qi is also a member of his company, Jiang Quan doesn't care about Sun Qi. That is, the time I stayed in the company was considered a long time.

She can be regarded as an old man, so it is natural to leave a way out for her, but now it seems that there is no need to leave this way out, and the newcomers he recruited are treated like this, how can Jiang Quan be willing in his heart? This is totally slapping myself in the face!

"What's going on? How long has it been since you've been away? How did you become like this? Don't you know how to feel sorry for yourself? Look at your current appearance. You don't even look like a star."

"Do you still remember who you are? You are a star, a star who has just stepped out of the industry. Your behavior and style will make the audience think of you. Do you still want to continue to develop in the entertainment industry?"

Jiang Quan was also very angry in his heart, and at the same time he was even more angry. He didn't expect that Lingling didn't even know this little thought, and that he could do such a thing, it was totally out of the question.

Can this kind of thing be forgiven, there must be a second time for the first time, and it is already the second time now, so when will the third time come, and what will happen after the third time, he doesn't know Dare to imagine.

But this time is not the time to blame Ling Ling, and he still wants to get rid of the two people in front of him. Jiang Quan felt that looking at these two people made his eyes dirty.

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