Black also saw the hot search, and was a little amazed at the number of his fans, but what made him even more happy was the enthusiasm of domestic fans, and the love of domestic fans for him.

When he was abroad, Blake didn't feel so much enthusiasm and love. Although he did, many people liked him. When they met him on the road, they would call him out loudly.

But like this, the very straightforward expression of love and enthusiasm on social software made him feel the madness of fans.

Black looked down at the bottom of his comments, all the people were expressing their love for him in words, Black was very happy and excited.

There was a sense of satisfaction in his heart, he watched it for a long time, and fell asleep after watching it.

When I woke up the next day, I turned on my phone and found that I was still reading Weibo comment pages before going to bed.

After one night, the heat on Blake did not subside.

There was no program recording this morning. The program recording started in the afternoon, and it was already half past nine in the morning when Black woke up.

He checked Weibo for a while before getting up.

After washing up, Black went to the hotel lobby to eat, because it was already nine o'clock, and there were very few people eating.

Blake just took two sandwiches and a glass of milk, and sat down in front of a floor-to-ceiling window to eat.

Halfway through eating, Blake noticed someone approaching.

It was a girl, she was standing cautiously next to Blake with her mobile phone.

Black looked at him, wanting to ask him what's the matter, but the girl spoke up ahead of time and asked timidly, "Excuse me, are you Black?"

Black stood up, nodded and said, "I'm Black, what do you want?"

The girl was so excited that she almost jumped up.

Standing in front of Black, he was at a loss, cautiously and excitedly: "I...can I take a photo with you?"

Only then did Blake realize that this was his fan and wanted to take a photo with him.

Blake said, "Of course."

The girl was very excited, but apparently restrained on the surface, the two stood together, and the girl took a selfie with Blake with her mobile phone.

After the filming, the girl blushed, bowed to Blake, and said, "Thank you, thank you, I will always like you and support you."

Blake smiled and said, "Thank you for your support too, thank you for your liking."

After the girl said goodbye to Blake, she took her mobile phone and walked away, looking back as she walked.

Blake watched the back of the girl walking away.

Because the fans he met in the past always shouted at him loudly when they saw him. No one has ever been like today, who is obviously very excited but restrains himself, restrains his liking.

Just asked for a photo with myself.

Just like this, Blake suddenly had a feeling that he didn't know why, but this feeling was quite good.

After eating, Blake went to the hotel's gym to work out. By the time the workout was over, it was already half past ten.

After Blake returned to the room to take a shower, the staff came.

After hearing someone knock on the door, Blake opened the door and found that it was the recording staff.

Among them, a staff member who knocked on the door said: "Mr. Black, we are going to give you makeup here, how are you doing now?"

Blake opened the door to let them in and said, "All right, come in."

The staff also walked in with a makeup artist.

Blake had just taken a shower, with no clothes on his upper body and only a pair of shorts on his lower body. Several girls in the make-up artist couldn't help but blush when they saw it.

After the makeup artist got ready, Blake got dressed and came out.

Blake sat there and let the makeup artist do it for him.

Black sat there, checking Weibo on his mobile phone all the time, seeing that there were still many fans leaving messages for him, Black found a few and replied to them.

A makeup artist couldn't help asking after seeing this scene: "Mr. Black, will you reply to everyone's comments and messages? So many."

Blake smiled and said: "Yes, they are all people who like me, so they told me they like me, but if I don't get a response, I think they will definitely be sad."

This move made these female makeup artists and stylists feel more favorable towards Blake.

One of the makeup artists was a fan of Blake. After putting on makeup, the girl handed a notebook and pen to Black, and said, "Mr. Black, can you sign it for me?"

Blake smiled and said, "Of course."

After signing, Blake said again: "Can I have a photo with you and send a scarf?"

Of course the girls were willing, and in the end Blake asked a few staff members to help.

After the photo was taken, Blake said, "Can I post it online?"

A stylist was very surprised and asked, "Mr. Black, are you going to post on Weibo?"

Blake nodded and said, "Yeah, I've seen many celebrities post me, and I want to post one too."

Several girls are very willing to take their pictures of Blake hair scarf.

So Blake posted a Weibo, with pictures of him and several girls, makeup artists and stylists. Accompanying text: Thanks to the beautiful makeup artists and beautiful stylists for their help, they gave me a beautiful makeup and a beautiful hairstyle.

Not surprisingly, after Blake posted, there were a lot of likes and comments, and it broke through one million in a short while.

But at this time, Black was already on his way to record variety shows.

After arriving at the destination, Black came very early, and there were not many people, so Black had to sit in the lounge and play with his mobile phone.

While scrolling through Weibo, Blake suddenly saw someone posted a photo of him with several makeup artists and stylists. The accompanying text read: I did makeup for Mr. Blake today. Mr. Blake is so nice, very good, and very handsome, I like it very much Teacher Black, I have become a fan of Teacher Black! !

Blake guessed that it should be the beauty stylist or one of the beauty makeup artists.

So, Blake clicked a thumbs up.

Afterwards, many people came one after another, and they were all there in a short while.

In the lounge, several female guests gathered around Black to talk to Black. Gentleman Black responded to these female guests, which made several male guests next to him unhappy.

Although he showed it on the surface, he was extremely envious in his heart.

But they dare not do anything or say anything, because they still remember the lesson of yesterday.

After a while, the director came in and said that he could enter the venue after a while.

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