On this day, it has been half a year since she and Pei Junmin met last time.

Jiang Quan felt that the relationship between the two of them would be more difficult than Tang Seng's study of scriptures. Not only could they not escape the pain of long-distance lovers, but they also had to hide it from the company, the media, fans, and relatives.

Jiang Quan really admired them, they have persisted for almost a year with such difficulties.

Unlike Xiaoxiao's joy, he couldn't help but lamented his fate...he had to stay in the stairwell to look at the moon again, at least for two days.

In addition to canvassing votes for the second season of "Real Man", these two teams also had to rehearse for "Jingnan Satellite TV's 2012 New Year's Day Gala".

This time Pi Xiaoyou didn't hide the news from her mother that she was going back to Xinsha, because she really couldn't hide it, and Mei Zhiyuan also had internal support.

However, she excused that the work of the TV station always ended very late, and she didn't want to go back so late because of the cold, so she went to the hotel.

At the New Year's Day Gala, the program of the Age of Angels was finally arranged in the prime time slot, and the programs of the teenagers were one step closer to the zero-point finale.

The first day of the new year is also the day when Angel's new album is released. Zi can go back to her mother's house to release the new album, and can also perform the title song of this album at such an important party.

When the angels were busy running business shows, endorsement products, accepting interviews, and recording their second official album, the teenagers were not idle, even busier than them.

In addition to running promotions for their first film, "Where the Meteor Falls," they have also embarked on a 28-show national tour.

MDK treats them like cows, whipping them desperately, trying to extract every remaining value from them.

Pi Xiaoyou said that Pei Junmin told her that because of such a busy schedule, the teenagers have accumulated more and more negative emotions, and the frequency of friction is getting higher and higher.

Wei Haoran had a hard time as the head of this regiment.

The rest of the team just need to follow the arrangement, and Wei Haoran has to take care of all the team's affairs, from the team's schedule to the concert's sound and equipment, everything is fine and small, and he has to worry about everything.

Moreover, the internal conflicts among the teenagers had to be dealt with.

Teenagers who have been living in a group life can fight over whoever ate chicken wings, fight over who wore the wrong underwear, or "group fight" over who didn't clean up and who didn't take out the trash. ".

They seem to be venting their youthful agitation in this way.

After returning to China for two years, although they have achieved excellent results in their careers and the financial returns are not bad, but this oppressive and freedom-free management method has already made the teenagers quite dissatisfied.

They are human beings, not machines, and need to have a normal human life, including emotional ones. What they hope most now is to end their collective life and have personal freedom.

However, Representative Li did not want to let go.

Kule Media has already handed over the management rights of the other three people to him, and just wait for the dividends every year. After all, MDK is more professional.

Huaguo's idol industry has just developed, and the business opportunities are limitless, and they have been given huge returns in just two years.

The company does not treat teenagers as normal people, but as commodities... The commodities have to meet the expectations of buyers. Since the girls are unwilling to accept that their idols are mortals, they cannot be mortals.

Brothers can't like others except themselves, otherwise it is a betrayal of them.

You know, they have paid so much for their elder brothers...the hype, the control of reviews, the rankings, the krypton gold...the trouble, effort and money are not for the elder brothers to support their sister-in-laws.

"Where the Meteor Falls" finally reported 360 million yuan. This unsophisticated movie was almost bought by fans.

They even raised money to buy midnight shows in order to create the illusion that the movie was a hit, even if the theater was empty, they had to contribute to the box office for their brother.

Jiang Quan, as the No. 1 fan of the Legendary Youth League, did not go to the theater to watch movies. What he likes is their music, their dance, and their hard work, not all of them.

They are not perfect, why must they be enshrined in the altar.

Xinyi and her boyfriend sneak out to see a midnight show.

Embarrassing, she said. She suspected that all those intimate shots were taken on borrowed positions, and there was not a trace of love in the male protagonist's eyes, but a lot of disgust.

They are not professional actors, nor do they have natural acting skills, but they are forced to be omnipotent by the company. Apart from contributing acting skills that only fans can see, they really have no way to hide their true emotions.

MDK doesn't care, as long as it can make money.

This movie even outperformed the serious movies with professional directors and professional actors that were released in the same period.

This is the trend.

Two months after the film was released, MDK untied Wei Haoran and Zhao Yuanyuan. Fans can understand that CP is tied up for publicity, but if the CP is not untied after the promotional period, it will hurt their hearts.

Of course, those photos that broke the news of their relationship at the beginning were by no means false.

It's just that the date of the two people was actually a gathering of the crew, but the photos of the two of them in the same frame were released separately at the beginning, and when they were untied, other photos also flowed online.

The two people holding hands is a photo taken when they practiced walking before, and now there are other photos as evidence.

"Night in a boudoir" is a joint hype between the crew and the company, and the sneak photographer is less than 20 meters away from the "scene where the incident occurred".

After filming, the crew's car took Zhao Yuanyuan back to her residence, and she tricked Wei Haoran into taking her downstairs with the excuse that there was something in the car.

No one cared about the mood of the pawn at the mercy of others. Anyway, the film was a big hit, and the spoils were divided among all parties, and his share was not lost.

Pei Junmin said that Brother Wei's addiction to smoking has increased again, and he is not happy because he was nominated "Most Popular Actor".


Jiang Quan felt sorry for him.

Everyone is blaming the traffic, and the traffic itself is involuntary. No wonder he's getting thinner and thinner, and his face has lost the vigor he had when he first returned to China.

This mode of operation of MDK has been imitated by more and more Huaguo entertainment companies, and the traffic era of China Entertainment has come.

Fortunately, Ruiyuan Entertainment is under the control of Mr. Li, and he is not willing to hype maliciously, especially hype with feelings as a gimmick.

On December 16, after participating in the "Annual Jingnan Satellite TV Excellent Program Advertising Investment Promotion Conference" held by Jingnan Satellite TV, it was already very late, and Jiang Quan had to go back to the hotel with the ruffian who insisted on having a private meeting with Pei Junmin.

What kind of fate is it, he must be forced to eat such dog food.

As compensation, Pi Xiaoyou handed him the newly bought tablet, "You have to wait for me in the corridor, it's really uncomfortable, take this to watch a movie.

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