"The entire compensation is capped at 1 million," Mr. Li said in a final word, "Then it's the same as everyone else!"

Jiang Quan slapped his own mouth and once again signed a compensation contract for "defeating power and humiliating the country".

This time, he signed it himself, and he is already a fully capable person.

At the end of March, the Angels once again survived the substitution crisis without other members noticing it.

The six people who were drafted became members of the reserve team after the Angel team. When they can make their debut depends on the performance of the company's first-generation team and the company's decision-making.

The company helped Jiang Quan produce a new photo album, and finally let him show his face.

The new photobook was sold out not long after it went online, and the company was adding new orders.

Jiang Quan can get a good income without "eating his colleagues"—this "money worshiper" really turned his back on money for money, and returned to his partners sincerely.

Mr. Li said that if there were no traitors, it would be very difficult for Jiang Quan to turn the tables. In other words, as long as it is discovered early, the company has the ability to control the Internet public opinion.

In case Jiang Quan's black material is picked up by someone, as long as the fire can be put out in time, serious losses can be avoided.

He no longer asked Jiang Quan what "black material" was, but set up a public relations department to deal with online public opinion.

In fact, he didn't believe how dark Jiang Quan's "black material" could be. When he asked Xiaolong to understand the situation, Xiaolong told him how Jiang Quan helped him, and how he was friendly to everyone, no matter what the other party was. , what status.

Such a person, no matter how dark the material is, how dark it is--and, Xiaolong said, the one who confronted Jiang Quan in that video was the girl who lost the medal with him. Become a good friend.

This can only prove that when the child was impulsive, his IQ was somewhat low.

From now on, we need to educate him more about why he is so "rushed".


There is another reason for Mr. Li to keep Jiang Quan.

"Real Man" will premiere on April 23. After the program team got back the original materials "filtered" by the team's confidentiality department, the available materials themselves were much less.

"It's hard for a good wife to cook without rice." When editing the sample, it is difficult to "completely erase" Jiang Quan's image from the program, which will only affect the fluency of the program.

To publicize and build momentum before the broadcast, the company had to leave Jiang Quan covered in thorns.

Boss Li faintly feels that this impulsive girl will bring him more troubles, but now he can only gamble.


For Jiang Quan, this matter was done in a muddle.

He didn't know that Su Xiaolong was a distant relative of Mr. Li, so it was impossible for him to make his mother unhappy because of such a trivial matter.

He only knows that Su Xiaolong's family also needs him to make money, and his sister needs his care.

Moreover, his self-study exam is famous in Shanghai. If he is fired by the company, his studies may be completely interrupted.


After President Li returned to Xinsha, Jiang Quan found Su Xiaolong.

One thing he couldn't figure out was that the picture was sent by Xiaolong. He still believed that the copywriting was so elegant that it was obviously not written by him.

"Start with appearance, be loyal to character".

"Like a snow lotus blooming on a snowy mountain, despite the biting cold wind, he stands proud of the snow."

This kid is afraid that he is going to become a genius.

Under Jiang Quan's coercion and lure, Su Xiaolong quickly admitted that it was not for nothing that this post became so popular.

There is an expert behind him to point out, and that expert is his "master", Jiang Quan's "first love" Li Hong.

The video of Jiang Quan and Song Qihong's "martial arts competition" was posted on the Internet by passers-by, and it happened to be discovered by Li Hong, who took a sap on Valentine's Day.

On that day, he finally understood why Jiang Quan kept rejecting him.

He already had someone in his heart. Although he didn't understand why he was so entangled, he had no chance.

In the following days, depressed, he stayed at home playing games and visiting the community every day, numb himself day and night.

After discovering this video, he couldn't help watching it over and over again. The confident and brave Jiang Quan was so dazzling in the ring.

He suddenly realized that this snow lotus standing upright in the proud frost did not belong to mortals, and he should be the most dazzling star in the sky.

Li Hong is a student of information engineering. He is familiar with computers, the Internet, and playing games. He is also the current moderator of a certain game post bar.

He could have helped Jiang Quan a long time ago, at least he would not be blocked by the company without a trace. However, at that time, he was afraid that Jiang Quan would get farther and farther away from him, and he would become someone he would never be able to reach.

He originally thought that as long as Jiang Quan left the company, he would be able to move him and get what he wanted.

On Valentine's Day, the fantasy is completely shattered...

If you can't get it, you will destroy it, or if you can't get it, you are still willing to achieve him? He chose the latter.

He helped Jiang Quan in his own way, hoping that he could get out of the previous haze and have a brilliant life.

Waiting for graduation, he recruited his friends to divide the work and cooperate: pouring water, reposting, and hyping up the popularity, not letting go of any "battlefield".

The photo of Jiang Quan spread to game fans is also due to Li Hong and his friends.

During the Spring Festival, people are always very lazy. When the company finds out, the Internet is already covered with Jiang Quan's photos, and the seal cannot be sealed.

What's more, it's not a scandal, and the relevant personnel of the company are not vigilant.


Xiaolong said, "Jiang Quan, Brother Jie is such a good man, no wonder you didn't sign the "Single Contract" because of him. He said he wanted me to take good care of you. He is very proud to be your first boyfriend."

Su Xiaolong thought that Mr. Li finally persuaded Jiang Quan to sign a single contract when he came this time, and his "master" Jie Ge sacrificed himself for love-it's really great!

Jiang Quan didn't tell him that he signed the unequal treaty for him, he was afraid that Xiaolong would have a psychological burden.

He warned Su Xiaolong not to make his own decisions and put himself in an embarrassing situation in the future.

Su Xiaolong didn't listen to him, and still kept in close contact with his "master".

His "master" is leaving Shanghai.

This semester is Li Hong's last semester at Shanghai Jiaotong University. As long as he passes the graduation defense in early May, he will leave the city to go to the capital of Huaguo, which is more than 1,000 kilometers away from Jiangquan, and he may never see him again in the future.

Jiang Quan felt that he was a very special jerk.


Mei Zhiyuan called Pi Xiaoyou and asked him what happened to the "twins" and why there were so many rumors in his hometown.

The old lady not only entrusted him with the company's affairs, but also entrusted him with such personal affairs.

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