"The problem is that we don't know how to chase after him. If a toad wants to eat swan meat, it has to be within reach. You and my father should give up on it!"

"Don't be cowardly, you two. Your father has already helped you to pay attention to that little girl's situation. If she studies well, she won't be able to go to an art university. She should not be much better than you. You should be more courageous!"

"So what if it's enlarged, do you really think she can see us?"

"So God help you two, your father got drunk last night with that cousin of hers, and made a trick. He said that the little girl from Dong's family had told him before.

If you want to find a pair of twins, and marry into a family with Aunt Mei, the son of their nanny, isn't that falling on your head? "

"Is there such a person?" One of them seemed to be shaken, "It's really strange to have such a thought!"

"So, let's see if this girl is a bit stupid. You two, don't think you are incompetent. She may not be able to see it..."

Jiang Quan originally wanted to pass the cold winter night and find something to do for himself, but the content of the mother and son's conversation made him more and more frightened the more he listened.

He couldn't help but sneakily moved to the stairs on the first floor - their next conversation almost made him faint from anger, and the shameless third mother and son actually turned their minds on themselves!

I only heard one of them ask, "But we still don't know how to cheat him. Before we found friends, we spent money on them. This family has more money than ours. They haven't seen anything. Where is it?" It can be smashed!"

"Miss, you can't beat the maid, you listen to me, the nanny's son is already living in our house, you two see who chases after him, if you fool him, then lie to the Dong family, it will be as easy as pie!"


After about three minutes of silence, one of them spoke, "Mom, why don't you appoint someone. One of these two people is rich and the other is poor. If the rich don't chase, whoever will chase the poor? Wouldn't it be better if you catch up?" If you suffer, neither of us will be willing!"

"Why are you so stupid? Who asked you to find the son of a poor family? Isn't it for another one? You are in charge of one, let's talk first, as long as you cheat the son of the Dong family, it's a big deal Just send some money!"

Hearing this, ten thousand alpacas galloped past Jiang Quan's heart, and his teeth were almost crushed by himself.

"What if we can't get rid of it, and the surname Dong insists on marrying into our house with the nanny's son?"

"Don't worry, even if you are married, you can get divorced. Then your mother will help you find another good family. How can my two sons find such a big difference in the wives they are looking for!"

"Then what if that person surnamed Dong finds out that we have no skills?"

"Stupid or not, their family doesn't have a pillar now, so how about getting her cousin to take charge of the overall situation in the company, if she has a son-in-law, she can have other people's affairs, and then kick her cousin away.

Their family's company is not left to my son to be the master. After they are all dragged to our house, so what if she finds out, she can still be kicked out if she is not happy, and let her get out of our house barefoot! "

"Mom, you're really clever. Finding that Dong is better than opening a gold mine!"

"Why can't your mother be so anxious? Now that everyone has been sent to our house, you two brats still stay out at night, but your mother is really anxious to death...Listen, the daughter of the Dong family has not come, Get the guy upstairs first.

Find another reason to hook up with Miss, and everything will be fine. If you two can find more of these, what is it to be the richest man in the county, and it is not impossible to be the richest man in the province..."

"Mom, how many people like this do you think there are? It would be nice to meet one, why would you think that one would look for a girl from a rich family, the other would look for a girl from a poor family, and the one who would look for a girl from a poor family would suffer a lot.

Did not eat mutton and caused a lot of embarrassment, he became a divorced man for no reason! "

"That's right, that's right, it's even harder to find another one like this!"

Jiang Quan was about to throw up, thinking that her two sons were self-aware that they didn't dare to chase after the ruffian, but they didn't expect these two bastards to reveal their true colors when they heard about the huge benefits!

"Don't worry, don't we have them too? As long as you brothers are of the same mind, you can be a bit biased when dividing the family property. After all, you are also contributing to the family!"

"Mom, don't mess with those hypocrisy, it depends on how much you give us now, give more, our brothers still have some motivation to sell themselves, give too little, who can count on the family property you will give us in the future ..."

"I know money, money, money, didn't I just give it a few days ago?"

"That's not enough, don't you want us to use money to knock people out? You have to show us your sincerity, you can give us a number, and if you are satisfied, we will fight to determine the outcome. Whoever loses will chase us This is upstairs!"

Jiang Quan couldn't listen any longer, and quietly went back to the third floor. His body, which was almost frozen into a popsicle, was now on fire. He was afraid that he would not be able to control his savage power and rush over to tear this despicable mother and child into pieces. up.

However, I am old and young, and I live on someone else's land, so I won't get any benefits if I kill him like this. This matter can only be discussed in the long run!

His uncle and grandma hadn't woken up yet, and it was inconvenient for Jiang Quan to go down to the second floor. He secretly lay at the end of the bed and fiddled with his little feet with Kangkang's toys.

Kangkang's moaning and chirping sounds really worked better than anything else, and his uncle and grandma woke up immediately, and patted Kangkang a few times to lull him back to sleep.

Then, she saw Jiang Quan pretending to be sleeping at the end of the bed, and told him to sleep next to Kangkang, and went back to her own side. Jiang Quan finally obtained the exclusive right to use the house as he wished.


It was almost nine o'clock when Jiang Quan woke up again, and he was still woken up by his uncle and grandma.

The old lady didn't know what time they woke up. When Jiang Quan and his uncle took Kangkang downstairs, he and his uncle were sitting in the restaurant chatting with the hostess.

The hostess was completely different from yesterday, and her attitude towards Jiang Quan was unusually bright. Jiang Quan knew that she just wanted to save the country with curves, and her real goal was the scumbag. Take a good look at yourself.

Jiang Quan's voice calling Auntie was also much sweeter than yesterday, and he also praised that the suit she was wearing was really beautiful-it's a pity that people are not good-looking, with a waist like a bucket and legs like an elephant.

Under the protruding eyes, there is a mouth painted like a chicken butt, and she wears international famous brands like a street stall.

In the early morning, after his uncle and grandma left his and Kangkang's room, he leaned against the bedside and thought about the matter carefully, and decided to notify Pi Xiaoyou.

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