"That's each other, but, if I was raised by others, I would be ashamed to take other people's money to do things..." Secretary Xiao obviously didn't want to stop there.

At this moment, the doorbell rang again, and Jiang Quan knew that the guest had arrived, so he turned and went into the kitchen without wanting to fight.

He didn't want to say hello to strangers, and he planned to leave after helping his mother clean up the kitchen. Anyway, it was enough for the old lady to be accompanied.

Mei Lijie opened the door, and Secretary Xiao also stood at the door to greet the old lady respectfully.

What the old lady brought back was not the company's employees, but from Xijiang, her third brother's family, one of whom was right after Dong Guoan's death.

Mei Zhiyuan, the nephew of her natal family who stayed with her to help her manage the company, is the current general manager of Hengji Liye Construction Corporation.

He was also the college student that Mei Lijie invited back from Jingnan University when Xiaoyou disappeared.

Mei Lijie led people into the house, poured tea for everyone, and then went into the kitchen to continue cooking.

Jiang Quan has already brought down the pressure cooker and steamer, set up two more pots, and is waiting for his mother.

Mei Lijie saw that everyone was already there, so she quickened her movements, put the two pots together, and in a short while, three or four big dishes were ready.

She finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You can pack up the dishes you just made and take them out, it's almost time."

Jiang Quan acted according to the order, filled out the steamer, stew pot, pressure cooker, and stewing pot, and brought them to the table that had been cleaned in advance.

The people in the living room all gathered around the sofa to chat, laughing and chatting, which was very lively.

Secretary Xiao also participated in it, and seemed very happy.

After Jiang Quan brought out all the dishes prepared by his mother, he placed 6 sets of bowls and chopsticks on the dining table.

Mei Lijie said, "You can invite them to dinner, and you can eat the rest of the dishes as you go!"

Jiang Quan said, "Go ahead and talk, I'll help you wash the pot!"

Mei Lijie knew that he didn't want to greet people outside, so she had to tell the old lady herself.

After a while, she entered the kitchen again, and said to Jiang Quan, "The old lady said that today is the holiday, and the dinner will be held when all the people are present. Let me cook all the dishes and eat together. You can add two sets of bowls and chopsticks to go out!"

"No need, I'm tasting the taste while you're cooking. I'm almost full, so what's the point of going to the table? After you finish the dishes, the kitchen needs to be tidied up for a while. Don't waste time!"

"Stop rambling, Chinese New Year is all about prosperity and wealth, and a happy family reunion. The more people, the better. The old lady is happy, so don't disappoint!"

"Really, there are people accompanying me, why did you bring me here!"

"How did I know they would come? Even the old lady only found out this morning, and she was talking about it outside just now, and it wasn't some kind of surprise for a young man... I was so happy when I said that, and I went to the airport in person pick up.

Look at how she looks now, compared to yesterday, it's like a different person - today is the holiday, please make me happy too! "

Jiang Quan had no choice but to set out two more sets of bowls and chopsticks.

After returning to the kitchen, Mei Lijie was still nagging, "Other people's brothers are relatives, I heard that my sister spent the Lantern Festival alone, I'm afraid she will be sad.

I took the whole family here by plane for four or five hours, but it's a pity that the only grown-ups of our parents are me and your uncle, and we can't take care of each other in the same province..."

Mei Lijie continued to cook, Jiang Quan washed all the used pots and pans, dried them and put them back in their original places.

Twenty minutes later, Mei Lijie's dishes were all ready, Jiang Quan asked his mother to call the people in the living room to eat, and she washed the last few things her mother had used before going out.

After he finished washing and wiping everything, he came out of the kitchen only to find that everyone was sitting and chatting before eating.

The old lady sat at the head of the big round table. On her right hand were her uncles, aunts, and a five or six-year-old boy from Xijiang, and on her left were her mother, Mei Zhiyuan, and Secretary Xiao.

Mei Lijie saw him coming out of the kitchen and immediately said, "This is my son..."

Jiang Quan bent in the direction of the elder, and said respectfully, "Hi everyone, I am Jiang Quan."

The old lady added, "It's him, who grew up with Pi Xiaoyou, and is much more sensible than Pi Xiaoyou!"

Uncle and uncle nodded at him with a smile.

Jiang Quan didn't want to sit next to Secretary Xiao, so he sat next to the little kid.

Seeing that Jiang Quan was seated, the aunt and uncle asked the old lady, "Sister, you just said that you were able to go to Xijiang smoothly back then, thanks to Aunt Mei's father who gave you his money.

Otherwise, you might die on the way. How close is their family to ours? "

"In our father's generation, the fifth server hadn't been released yet. Only older people will know the details. Those who are older than us are not confused.

I can't find one or two - there's no need to be so clear, anyway, we have to remember that without Aunt May's father, we would not be where we are today. "

"What are you talking about?" Mei Lijie quickly interjected, "It's been so many years, and you've taken care of me for so many years, isn't it mutual between relatives, why did you suddenly bring it up today? "

"I'm old too, and I understand that young people nowadays think that being rich is a great thing, and they don't even know where their lives come from. If they don't tell them now, they will even respect their elders in the future." not."

Mei Zhiyuan was very clever, and immediately picked up the words, "Gun, you are drumming with me. Don't worry, I am not that kind of person. Look at how self-conscious I am. I heard you say that Aunt Mei is my elder." .

I will immediately give up the seat next to you to Aunt Mei. Speaking of which, our family is too young... Or, Xiao Song, you sit in the front, and I will take a seat back! "

He said so in his mouth, but he didn't have the slightest thought of moving his position, so he looked at his aunt with a smile.

The old lady knew that he was teasing herself, so she ignored him and said, "Don't engage in those formalisms, everyone is here, let's have a feast!"

On the Lantern Festival, Jiang Quan returned to the long-lost "Wenqu Xiaoyuan" and wanted to do his filial piety on behalf of his father, but he did not expect to see his uncle and uncle from Xijiang. The two elders are very kind.

When everyone was assembled, the old lady said that the banquet was about to begin, but the uncle said, "Sister, I have something to say before the banquet begins!"

"Tell me, I'm happy today!" The old lady promised him with a smile.

"Sister, I'm not talking about you, you are too stubborn, if you hadn't called Zhiyuan a few days ago, no one would have known that you were going to spend the Lantern Festival alone, don't you still have us, not now Back then, the traffic was so convenient.

It's only a few hours by plane, don't you think we're here?

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