The battlefield of the demigods became the core of the entire battle, and the fighting there was so intense that it was suffocating.

The fierce battle not only caused Jarod, who was in command, to frown deeply, but Archimonde, who was in the back of the Burning Legion, also had a solemn expression.

Archimonde originally thought that this war would be easily won, but now it seems that the situation is far more complicated than he imagined.

"I really didn't expect that these natives could assemble such a large army." His voice revealed surprise and unwillingness. I did underestimate you before.

At the same time, the combined forces of the Pandaren and Night Elves were like two sharp swords, launching fierce charges towards the Burning Legion from both sides. With the main generals being tightly restrained by the demigods, this army composed of mortals showed extraordinary fighting will. Not only were they not intimidated by the powerful demon army, but they gradually gained the upper hand on the battlefield, putting the Burning Legion under unprecedented pressure.

Archimonde finally couldn't hold it any longer. He slowly stood up from the throne, his towering body casting a long shadow on the battlefield. He twisted his neck and moved his shoulders, like a beast that had just awakened, ready to pounce on weak prey.

In order to show so-called 'respect' to your insignificant firm will, I decided to give you a ride personally.

Archimonde's eyes wandered around the battlefield, and finally settled on a figure - that was Cenarius, who was fully supporting the demigod army. The corner of his mouth curled up

And the ferocious smile seemed to have foreseen the next killing.

"Let's start with you, Cenarius." He murmured softly, tapping his finger lightly, "[Finger of Death]!"

At the same time, the forest demigod Senelius was devoting himself to the battle.

Compared with other demigods with their own characteristics, he does not seem to be conspicuous: in terms of defense, he cannot compare with the rock-solid turtle demigod Tortora; in terms of agility, he cannot compete with the wolf god Goldrinn and the black panther. Ashaman is on par; in terms of treatment and spell attack, he can't match Avina, who is proficient in this; as for attack power, he is even inferior to the violent power of the Ursoc brothers.

However, Cenarius' versatility is what makes him unique.

He didn't specialize in any one thing, but he was good at everything. The druid profession represents omnipotence and versatility |—and this is Cenarius's balance.

On the battlefield, he may not be as dazzling as a demigod who performs well in a single event, but it is his all-round assistance that provides a steady stream of support for the demigod army.

Archimonde the Defiler is a demon lord who has experienced hundreds of battles. He once led the Burning Legion to destroy countless worlds and accumulated extremely rich war experience. His eyes were as sharp as a falcon, and he understood Cenarius' core position in the demigod army at a glance.

Although the existences known as wilderness demigods each represent different forces of nature, the relationship between them is not as harmonious as the outside world imagines.

On the contrary, they follow the laws of natural selection and survival of the fittest. The relationship between them is more like the game between wild beasts in the forest than the intersection between gods.——Wolves Demigods and black panther demigods are like two overlords in the forest. They often compete fiercely for territory and food. White deer demigods fight against those who live on meat.

With deep disgust... they were able to appear on the battlefield together, thanks to a common enemy that forced them to temporarily put aside their grudges.

The Burning Legion's covetousness and invasion of Azeroth made all the wilderness demigods feel an unprecedented threat. It was precisely because of this powerful foreign enemy that they were forced to come together and form the so-called "demigod army".

Under normal circumstances, when two wilderness demigods meet on the battlefield, it is rare that they can avoid conflict. It is even more difficult to get them to fight together.

Only a few demigods can completely escape the shackles of the wild, such as Cenarius and Avina.

They played a vital role in the demigod army. Not only can they transcend the shackles of their own wild nature, but they can also use their wisdom and prestige to reconcile conflicts between all parties, so that this improvised team can exert its due combat effectiveness.

Especially Cenarius.

If this key pillar can be removed, then this already fragile demigod army will probably fall apart immediately, and its combat effectiveness will also be significantly reduced. This is undoubtedly a huge opportunity for the Burning Legion.

Therefore, Archimonde used his fatal move without hesitation.

The eredar lord's fingertips quickly gathered evil power, and the [Finger of Death] that almost turned Levin into ashes was used again, and a pale green beam of evil energy was seen piercing the battlefield. The smoke quickly shot towards Cenarius, who was unable to avoid it.

At this moment, Malfurion was preparing to attack with the assault team. Suddenly he caught a glimpse of this thrilling scene. He shouted in horror: "Teacher, be careful of sneak attacks!"

However, Archimonde's attack was as fast as lightning. Although Malfurion issued a reminder when Archimonde raised his hand, which was considered timely, he still could not save the situation. At the same time as Malfurion shouted, the evil energy beam was approaching the forest demigod.

However, Malfurion's reminder came too late, or Archimonde's attack speed was too fast. When Malfurion made a sound, he was already half way into the forest.

"hold head high!"

Suddenly, a shocking dragon roar came from the distant sky. This is completely different from the clear and high-pitched roar of the cloud dragon on the battlefield. This is a deeper and thicker sound, which is very familiar to the ears of the night elves present.

It seemed that a few months ago, they had heard such a large-scale dragon roar.

At this critical moment, four colorful energy beams fell from the sky, and they hit the miserable green evil energy beam at the same time with thunderous momentum. This is the power from four Aspect Dragons of different colors. They stepped forward at the critical moment and blocked the fatal blow for Cenarius.

…Please give me flowers…

At the moment of energy hedging, Cenarius keenly blessed himself with a strong layer of [Tree Skin Technique], and at the same time subconsciously stepped forward with four hooves and quickly evacuated to the rear.

"Boom!" A deafening loud noise suddenly exploded behind Cenarius. It was a violent explosion caused by energy hedging. The powerful shock wave knocked the heavy-weight Cenarius staggering. He tried hard to stabilize his body and avoided the embarrassment of falling to the ground in an awkward manner.

Archimonde retracted his fingers and looked at the sky in the distance with a sinister look. His brows were furrowed, unhappy with the situation in front of him.

"Dragon, I really didn't expect that these big lizards couldn't return to the battlefield again." His tone was full of fear.

At the same time, led by four huge dragons, a group of yellow, red, and green dragons were rapidly approaching the battlefield from the sky, flapping their wings. Their arrival undoubtedly injected new variables into this battle.

One of the adult red dragons was the first to break away from the large group and gracefully landed in the area where Malfurion and others were. Immediately afterwards, a short elf with long platinum hair jumped down from the back of the red dragon.

It's Crassus! And the man and the dragon in front of him are all him.

Ten thousand years later, Krasus rode on his own self ten thousand years ago, leading the dragon army, and rushed to the battlefield in time like a divine soldier descending from the sky, bringing hope of reversal to this battle.

After Krasus, Levin and others returned to the military camp from the High Mountains, the red dragon mage did not stop. He was worried about more pressing matters. He said a brief farewell to everyone and immediately went to Longmian Temple. He was going to find those dragonflights that had been severely damaged by Deathwing's initial fierce attack and had to fall into rest.

In Wyrmrest Temple, Alexstrasza and Ysera have been worried about the Dragon Soul. Therefore, after being severely wounded by Neltharion, the Dragon Legion has not thought about revenge against each other.

When Krasus brought the news that the dragon soul had escaped from Deathwing's control, the frowns of the dragon kings finally relaxed. This news was like a spring breeze, blowing away the haze that shrouded Longmian Temple. They were relieved and immediately decided to lead the three-color dragons of red dragon, green dragon and bronze dragon to join the upcoming battle.

The other two colored dragons, the black dragon clan, have completely betrayed the dragon legion under the influence of Neltharion. They have either become the minions of Deathwing, or they have left Deathwing, and they do not help each other.

The Blue Dragon Legion suffered heavy losses from Neltharion's targeted attack in the previous fierce battle. Although the heroic Levin came to the rescue, it was still difficult to restore the decline. Therefore, the Blue Dragon King Malygos could only come alone. He could not bear to send the few remaining young and strong dragons in the Blue Dragon Legion to the battlefield. These young blue dragons are like the last fire of the Blue Dragon Legion, and Malygos must carefully protect them.

After the dragons learned the news, they set off immediately. They crossed the clouds, passed over the mountains and rivers, hurriedly and slowly, and finally arrived on the battlefield at the moment the battle started. .

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