They did not dare to delay and quickly continued their journey. Fortunately, they were able to find Krasus hiding in his previous hideout before Deathwing's scent could reach them.

At this moment, Krasus has prepared a teleportation circle and is waiting for their arrival.

Upon seeing this, the three people jumped into the magic circle without hesitation.

Due to the emergency situation, this hastily constructed teleportation array has a limited transmission distance and cannot directly deliver them to the resistance camp. Finally, they were teleported to the tauren village, which was considered a temporary safe place.

In the windswept Highmountain, the mountains echoed with Deathwing's deafening roar. This former guardian of the earth has now turned into a crazy beast. He is frantically searching for the mysterious thief who stole the dragon's soul. Every time he searched, he caused quite a commotion in the mountains, making the originally peaceful valley become noisy.

The Tauren also felt this uneasy atmosphere. Although they didn't understand what was going on in the mountain, out of caution, they still set up a defense line, and every soldier was ready to prevent the crazy black dragon from suddenly appearing.

At this moment, Levin and his three companions broke into the valley shrouded in tension and gathered half a dozen people.

When the Tauren were still preparing for a possible war, they received shocking news from Levin and the others - he was the one who caused the movement in the mountains, and Deathwing had actually been taken care of.

This news made the tauren's tense nerves relax a little.

Later, in order to confirm the accuracy of the news, the chiefs of the five major tribes came one after another to discuss the matter of Deathwing with Caiwen and others.

In the camp, the acting chief of the Gaoling Tribe, Lesser Gaoling, looked sharply at the black dragon scale that Levin casually threw on the table. After thinking for a moment, he was the first to break the silence: "So, Deathwing and him The Black Dragon Legion has no intention of attacking us now?"

Levin crossed his legs easily, shrugged, and smiled: "Deathwing's dragon soul has been stolen, and he must be looking for the thief all over the world like a headless fly. How can I still care about you?"

He paused and then said: "As for the issue of the Black Dragon Legion - if that Black Dragon Prince Nefarian hadn't lied, they probably wouldn't be evil to us now.

"I can tell you very clearly about the movements of the Black Dragon Legion," Maiev added for Levin in a calm tone, "They have no interest in attacking the tauren tribe. Deathwing, also known as Nessa to you Leo has not given them any relevant orders. In fact, the crazy Nesario will not give any orders at all. The black dragons themselves are afraid of the crazy Black Dragon King. As long as you don't take the initiative to provoke. They should not attack rashly."

Hearing this, the chief of Blood Totem, Dezko Blood Totem, suddenly stood up from the animal skin chair, his eyes shining with desire for battle: "In that case, what are we waiting for? Master Juan is calling me, a battle An unprecedented glorious battle awaits us! This is the time to win glory for the tribe!"

Ahur Rivermane, the chief of the Rivermane tribe, still seemed unwilling to do so. He looked at Mota Skyhorn, who had just returned from a failure. The two people's eyes intertwined, as if they were having some kind of secret communication, but they failed to reach an agreement.

So, Mota Tianjiao thought for a while and raised his hand to speak: "If your night elves' promise is credible, then I agree to send troops. I think we should put all the remaining main forces of the tribe into the battle. After all, the final battle is about The fate of the entire world, at this moment, we can no longer choose to be alone."

Ahul Rivermane's expression suddenly changed as Mota's attitude changed in a second, and he became so gloomy that it seemed like he could drip water.

There was disbelief and faint anger in his eyes, and he obviously found it difficult to accept this sudden change.

But it's not over yet.

The chief of the Woodhoof clan, Kulan, an old tauren who seemed gentle and dull, was also present at the moment. Levin had not seen him when he last visited the tauren, and this was his first meeting with Kulan. From Kuran's cloudy but deep eyes, Levin can read an unusual wisdom.

Kuran looked around and saw that the situation was gradually becoming clearer. He raised his trembling right hand and said with a kind smile on his face: "I also agree to send troops. I heard that the Pandaria in the south have sent reinforcements. Among them There are also many yak warriors... Hehe, I think if we choose to sit back and watch, we may be looked down upon by these warlike distant relatives. "

"You!" Ahur Hemane heard this and pointed at everyone angrily.

Seeing the two chiefs defecting one after another in a short period of time, he was so angry that he couldn't speak for a long time.

Lesai Gaoling seemed much calmer. He nodded slightly: "Now it's four to one, so that's the way it goes. Please inform your subordinate clans to prepare for war immediately. Time waits for no one. We will try our best to prepare for the war on three days. Set out within a day to meet this unprecedented challenge together!"

During this adventurous journey, Levin and the others not only obtained the dragon soul and successfully solved the potential threat of the dragon clan, but also cleared up a major problem for the tauren clan. The entire operation was a great victory.

However, success often comes with new challenges.

At this moment, the urgent issue they faced was not how to celebrate, but how to deal with the spoils obtained in this operation.

It's not that others want to divide the precious treasure Levin won from Neltharion's hoard, the real focus of controversy is how to deal with the Dragon Soul. This issue triggered a heated debate within the team.

The controversy was mainly between Crassus and Levin, whose views were diametrically opposed.

Maiev has always been a staunch supporter of Levin and stood by him without hesitation.

Malfurion, on the other hand, was in a dilemma. On the one hand, he and Krasus are comrades and partners fighting side by side; on the other hand, Levin and Maiev are both of his own race.

This situation put the already hesitant Archdruid into a dilemma.

Krasus's attitude was obvious: "Levin, the Dragon Soul should be handed over to our Dragon Legion for safekeeping. It is an artifact of our tribe, and we have the responsibility and ability to protect it."

"Krassus, I understand your concerns, but the Dragon Soul cannot be returned to you now." Levin shook his head without hesitation and responded, "I even hope that after we go back, in addition to revealing the Dragon Soul, Apart from the fact that my soul was stolen, the specific information about it now in my hands can be kept strictly confidential...

He looked around at the people around him and then said: "This secret can only be known to Tyrande, Jarod and a few Dragon Kings at most. Other members of the resistance, as well as the dragons of the Dragon Legion, all Can’t reveal any information.”

"It's not that I want to monopolize the Dragon Soul," Levin took a deep breath and explained, "I don't want to monopolize the Dragon Soul. In my plan, it will be for us to fight against the portal and sneak into Azalin. An important weapon of the palace. Once the information is leaked, not only will the demons be on guard, but more importantly, Deathwing may also come to us. The consequences are unbearable for us."

"Threats like Deathwing should naturally be dealt with by our dragon army." Krasus said seriously, "Without the blessing of the dragon soul, Neltharion would not have been able to fight in the last war." May be the opponent of our dragon army."

Levin smiled slightly after hearing this and responded: "I understand what you mean, Krasus. After stealing the dragon soul, the dragon army can indeed be freed and fully devoted to the battlefield. But we need to be careful and not waste military experience at will. ”

With that said, he turned to Malfurion, "You don't want to see part of the power we use to fight demons be restrained by the black dragon, do you?"

Upon hearing this, Malfurion fell into a brief thought, and then nodded hesitantly, expressing his agreement with Levin's point of view.

Seeing that even Malfurion did not support him, Krasus's face was slightly ugly.

He frowned in thought, obviously weighing the pros and cons.

Upon seeing this, Levin immediately struck while the iron was hot and proposed a new plan: "Not only can we do this, we can also further create rumors, claiming that the dragon soul was stolen by people on the demon side. After all, Neltharion is not Knowing our true identity. In this way, Neltharion is likely to conflict with the demon. Not only can we solve a potential trouble, but we can also create a new enemy for the demon, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone. "4.8" This plan is indeed wonderful." Maiev admired sincerely, with a flash of admiration in her eyes. 【013505119 Feilu181401481】

"We can use the power of the tauren to spread rumors," Malfurion nodded in agreement, and also put forward his own suggestion, "They live near Highmountain and know the terrain and conditions very well. If they claim to have been nearby Witnessing a demon sneaking into High Mountain, if such news reaches Neltharion’s ears, he may not believe it.”

Everyone agreed and the plan was quickly finalized.

Finally, Levin turned to Krasus and said in a soothing tone: "Don't worry, the Dragon Soul is only temporarily stored with me. Once we solve the problem of the portal, I will return it to the Dragon Legion immediately."

Seeing that the other three members of the four-person team had already made their decisions, Krasus understood that any further opposition would be in vain.

He sighed and had no choice but to agree to their plan.

However, before finally agreeing, he still solemnly reminded Levin: "I will inform Queen Alexstrasza about this. She knows all this.

Levin nodded, expressing understanding and acceptance. He knew that this was the biggest concession Crassus could make. .

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