Levin stood on the top of the cliff, staring deeply at the mountains below. Although he did not dare to say that he could remember every detail in the history of Warcraft, he was familiar with the fall of Neltharion. Clearly. The instigator behind this incident is none other than N'Zoth, one of the ancient gods, who is lurking in the shadows and constantly stirring up trouble.

As the dragon that serves as the guardian of the earth among the five dragon kings, Neltharion's power is deeply rooted in the deepest part of this vast land. The authority given to him by the Titans allows him to draw infinite power from the center of the earth, but it also allows him to feel the dark and ancient existence sealed deep in the center of Azeroth better than the other four Aspect Dragons - ——The ancient gods are easily seduced by the power they exude.

In fact, Neltharion is not the first guardian force left behind by a Titan who was tempted by the ancient gods. Loken, the King of Wisdom, also suffered the same fate.

Loken is a Titan Guardian. He was supposed to work with other Titan Guardians and the Aspect Dragon to guard the sealed Old God and protect the planet after the Titans left Azeroth. But under the long temptation and corruption of the ancient gods, he finally fell and was sentenced to the other guardians.

This incident is enough to prove that even those guardians with rock-solid hearts cannot resist the cunning tricks of the ancient gods. They are like tempting and depraved demons. Once they capture a flaw in the soul, they will take advantage of it and continue to amplify the weaknesses of human nature until they completely control their will.

Levin doesn't know what the spiritual flaw is for Neltharion. But it is irrefutable that he was corrupted by N'Zoth and became a puppet controlled by dark forces.

Therefore, Levin 950 is different from other people or dragons who do not know the truth. He never expects to restore Neltharion's sanity through "words" or other methods.

Instead, he agreed with Malygos, Lord of the Blue Dragons, that the only way to deal with Neltharion was to get rid of him.

At this time, under the leadership of the tauren guide, they had been exploring the vast High Mountains for a long time.

This vast mountain range hides endless secrets. Even the tauren dare not claim to fully understand this land, and Neltharion's lair is hidden in these mountains. Although the tauren knew the general direction, they did not dare to approach easily in the face of the powerful pressure of the black dragon.

"Let's say goodbye here." The tauren guide said in a steady voice, "Ahead is the mountain range you are looking for. Black dragons often appear near here, but we don't know the specific location of the black dragon's lair. May the earth Mother protects you."

After bidding farewell to the tauren guide, Levin had to walk the rest of the adventure on his own.

But he was not alone. After Maiev learned of Levin's plan and heard that he was going to the dragon's lair in person, she offered to go with him without hesitation.

Levin's original strategy was to find a black dragon swimming nearby, then quietly follow it, following it all the way to its secret lair.

However, contrary to expectations, not a single black dragon appeared in the vast mountain range today, which made Levin's plan come to nothing.

Then we can only use plan B to conduct a large-scale carpet search without alerting the black dragon.

This kind of requirement that both wants and needs cannot be fulfilled by another person, but Levin is different.

Fortunately, he is a druid, and his perception is sharp enough - he used his unique skill [Ask Nature] to communicate with the surrounding natural elements, and then used [Animal Talk Technique] and [Plant Talk Technique] ], [Control Animals], and [Control Plants] activate all the surrounding animals and plants. In an instant, the animals and plants in the entire mountain range became his eyes and ears.

Under their guidance, Wen quickly captured a subtle clue.

Following the news brought by a certain pine tree, the two walked on the soft soil and followed the path in the mountain forest.

Suddenly, Levin heard a strange sound that broke the silence of the mountain forest. It was not the whistling of the wind, but a more complex sound with a certain rhythm.

Levin listened carefully and quickly recognized that this was a language, but the tone was quite strange, a bit funny and harsh.

He immediately activated his spiritual power, and his psychic tentacles were like invisible tentacles, extending in all directions, eagerly searching for the source of the sound.

After some hard work, Levin finally locked the direction—a few hundred meters to the north, there was a deep path hidden in the dense woods, and that was where the sound came from.

Like a seasoned hunter, Levin calmly and cautiously left his original position and went to investigate.

He signaled to Maiev and asked her to wait where she was, while he quietly went to the source of the mysterious sound. In this unpredictable mountain range, the ethereal sound may just be the singing of the wind among the ancient peaks.

However, as he cautiously approached the path, the sound was suddenly lost in silence.

Levin immediately stopped and held his breath, waiting for the development of the situation. Not long after, the noisy chatter sounded again, like the chirping of birds. At this moment, Levin finally understood the truth of the voice, which made him be more careful with every step he took.

He listened quietly, trying to distinguish the number of people from the bustling conversation. After careful screening, he deduced that there were at least three or four people talking there. Whether this was good news or not, he had no idea.

Suddenly, another sound broke into his ears - it was the sound of digging, (cfe) the harsh sound of shovels digging into earth and rocks.

As a result, Chinese language sales moved forward.

In order to avoid making more noise, he immediately used wilderness transformation to turn himself into a poisonous snake, hiding in the grass, like a ghost, quietly approaching the hiding place of the unknown people.

Obviously, these people never imagined that there would be other people in this deserted place. They were in the light, while Levin was in the dark. In this hide-and-seek game, he had the absolute advantage.

A faint beam of light illuminated the open space ahead. Levin hid in a hidden corner and carefully poked his head out - at that moment, he was surprised to find that the figures he recognized were actually goblins!

Compared to the elegant elves, goblins appear short and thin. Their bodies seem to be made of skin and bones, but they have a disproportionately large head. Their sharp teeth and slender nails shone coldly in the dim light, but other than that, they didn't seem to be much of a threat.

However, Levin knew that these goblins were not to be underestimated. The greedy nature of their race is deeply ingrained, especially when they gather in groups, their desire for wealth can hardly be concealed.

If they were just greedy, it might not be enough to be feared, but in Azeroth, the performance of such little things is much better than that of their kin who were slaughtered as basic monsters in countless other worlds - just because , the goblins here possess extraordinary intelligence, which makes them stand out among many creatures.

Yes, in Azeroth, far from being stupid, goblins are a highly intelligent race. In the dispute between the alliance and the tribe ten thousand years from now, the goblins will rely on their wisdom to take over almost all the tribe's creations with certain technological content.

And going back to the ancient war 10,000 years ago, the goblins' talents in the technical field have already begun to show their talents.

"These ores are far from enough!" A goblin muttered dissatisfiedly, with disappointment written all over his wrinkled face, "It's just that little, and I can't even make a decent application film!

"How many times have I told you that all the ore here has been mined by us!" Another goblin responded angrily. He looks almost exactly the same as the goblin who spoke before - at least in Levin's eyes - but his skin color is slightly lighter and his expression is a little tired.

He turned to his companions and complained: "We have to find a new mine quickly, otherwise we won't be able to do this job!"

On a hill not far away, a crisp knocking sound came from a narrow tunnel, echoing in the silent valley. This was the source of the mining sound that Levin heard before. It turned out to be these goblins sweating like rain. , Mining frequently.

Levin watched them and suddenly noticed another goblin coming from a distance. He was holding an old oil lamp in his hand, and the light cast a faint light through the lampshade. He was dragging a huge sack behind him, which was almost as big as his body. Although goblins are short in stature, their strength cannot be underestimated.

The new goblin's face was filled with an excited smile, which was in sharp contrast to the other goblins with sad faces: "Good news! I discovered a new small mine! There is a lot of iron ore hidden in it. We are lucky this time!"

The other goblins' eyes lit up when they heard the news. 【013504125Feilu231151541】

"Awesome!" The grumbling goblin jumped up excitedly, "We have to act quickly, this is not an easy task!"

"Even if we find a new mine, it won't be of any benefit to us." In the excitement, a goblin complained dissatisfiedly: "We worked so hard to mine, but in the end we couldn't even get a penny. What’s going on!”

As he spoke, he kicked the pebbles on the ground with his toes.

"What's the reward for talking to a dragon? You really think too much!" Another goblin laughed sarcastically, "Let's get to work quickly and stop whining here!".

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