Just when Alilaise Sunstrider and Shandris Feathermoon met in the military camp, Levin also embarked on a journey to Highmountain.

The High Mountains of this era have not yet been dominated by the tauren, and the majestic thunder totem has not yet risen on this land. At this time, the real rulers of the High Mountains are the black dragons who have made their home here.

Based on the information provided by Malfurion, Levin followed the winding main river all the way north and gradually climbed up. After a long journey, he finally arrived at the western foothills of the High Mountains

Found a village where tauren live - Hezong Village. However, at this moment, Hezong Village was shrouded in a cloud of sadness.

In the village, the tauren who had been injured by the Shadow Flame Dragon Breath were lying in pain next to a tent with a flying flag, and their wails kept coming and going.

Not far away, corpses wrapped tightly in white cloth were parked quietly, as if telling the story of the tragic battle that had just occurred.

Although Neltharion's crazy attack has passed, the tauren still maintain a high degree of vigilance for threats from the air.

When Levin's figure just appeared near Rivermane Village, the tauren guards outside the village immediately tensed up. Their bows and arrows were already aimed at the uninvited guest, ready to attack at any time.

"Please wait, keep someone under the arrow!" A familiar voice came from behind this group of nervous tauren guards.

Maiev Shadowsong walked out slowly and said to the tauren guards who were holding bows and ready to attack: "Don't rush to attack, that person should be a fellow druid I know."

Maiev had once seen Levin transform into a soaring eagle, so even from this far away, she could accurately identify that unique figure.

With a gentle breeze blowing by, Levin landed safely. Under the vigilant gaze of the tauren, he slowly transformed back into his human form, which caused the surrounding guards to gradually put down their bows and arrows, and their tense nerves relaxed.

"Maev, why are you here?" Levin didn't have time to make unnecessary pleasantries and asked directly, "What's the situation now?"

Maiev shook her head gently, with a wry smile on her face, "The situation is not optimistic. Due to the anger of the fallen Black Dragon King, the Tauren tribe has suffered a big blow in recent days. If it weren't for the eagle demigod Oenha La fought hard to stand up with his injured body, and was willing to be injured again to force back the violent Neltharion [I'm afraid the situation is even worse now."

In Maiev's concise and concise narrative, Levin gradually became clear about the current situation.

In this era, the tauren society still maintains the ancient tribal system. Whenever there is a major issue that needs to be decided, the chiefs of each tribe will gather together and decide whether to implement a certain proposal through voting.

Looking back, before Levin successfully persuaded Huon Highmountain, Huon had already successfully persuaded all the chiefs to agree to fight against the Burning Legion with his prestige and wisdom, and there was no need to unify their opinions. Because of this, the operation of buying people to support the night elves was carried out so smoothly.

However, Neltharion's fierce attack brought considerable losses to the Tauren tribe, which lacked effective anti-air defense. Although these losses have not yet touched the foundation of the tauren, now, the tribes are most concerned about no longer Aesaleen's war situation, but how to free the tribes from the terrifying shadow of the black dragon.

In this context, even the prestigious Huon Highmountain was unable to prevent the tauren from withdrawing their army.

This is a common decision made by all tribes in order to protect themselves. Although Hu En is unwilling to do so, he can only accept the reality.

As a self-proclaimed tauren expert, Levin already knew the remaining information and did not need Maiev to reveal too much.

In the vast land of Highmountain, there are many tauren from various clans. However, among these many clans, only the five major clans have real influence and voting rights - Gaoling, Blood Totem, River Mane, Sky Horn, and Lin Tie.

The chief of the Gaoling clan, Huon Gaoling, the great chief of all tauren, firmly supports the tauren sending troops. Levin's mission is to appease the chiefs who have not yet expressed their position.

The reason why Maiev appears here is not complicated.

If you want to support the tauren, you must face the powerful Neltharion. According to the message sent back by Malfurion, Neltharion has done some research on magic, so the dragon's nest is extremely sensitive to arcane magic. This leads to the fact that in order not to be discovered by the Black Dragon King, the reinforcements sent are the most It is best to be a spell caster who focuses on divine magic or natural power.

Among the strong men in the resistance, when it comes to non-arcane spellcasters, apart from Levin, Tyrande and Maiev, the two divine priests, are undoubtedly the most suitable candidates.

However, Tyrande has newly taken over the position of high priest, and there are still many matters related to the sisterhood in the military camp that need to be handled by her personally. At this moment, Maiev was having trouble with Tyrande, and the relationship between the two could be described as one of mutual dislike - in fact, it was more that Maiev did not want to meet Tyrande - so , she simply volunteered to take over the support task, not only being invisible but also doing her part for the resistance.

On the contrary, it was Levin's arrival that surprised Maiev.

After she came here, she could not find Malfurion and the others. She thought she would face this challenge alone, but unexpectedly she met him here.

When she learned that Levin was also here to deal with Neltharion, Maiev showed a relieved smile on her face, as if she had found a solid backing she could rely on.

So, she enthusiastically led Levin to the tent prepared for her by the Tauren, intending to explain to him in detail the attitudes and positions of the various Tauren clans.

"The Blood Totem Clan is actually not difficult to convince." Maiev said first. "This clan, which is known for its bravery and warlike nature, has always admired strength and likes to use fists to solve problems. They have long been impressed by the powerful strength of Chief Huen. , so he firmly stood on the side of the main war faction.”

Having said this, Maiev sighed softly, "The real problem lies with the remaining three clans."

"The first is the most determined anti-war faction - the Rivermane clan." Maiev continued, "This clan all believes in the way of shamans and has many spellcasters. Most of the shamans who now provide treatment for the wounded are They all come from the Hemane clan. Therefore, they enjoy high prestige among the Tauren tribe. The chief of the Hemane clan, Ahul Hemane, firmly opposes sending troops to reinforce. He believes that the current priority is to heal the tribe. The physical and mental trauma caused by the war.”

Maiev paused for a moment, seeming to collect her thoughts, and then continued: "Next is the Skyhorn clan. The warriors of this clan are also strong and brave. They advocate taking the opportunity to launch a surprise attack to drive the black dragon out of Highmountain. However, this strategy It is not completely consistent with our goals, so we need further communication and coordination.”

"Expelling the black dragon? This is a bit too confident," Levin raised his eyebrows in surprise, and said with a hint of joking, "Just based on these tauren who don't even have air force?"

Maiev smiled bitterly, rubbed her temples, and explained: "That's the crux of the problem. Recently, with the tacit approval of Ornhara, the Skyhorn clan is actively trying to establish contact with the giant eagle soaring in the sky of High Mountain. . Their intention is to tame these huge raptors to make up for the tauren's shortcomings in aerial power.

"I'm afraid this is a drop in the bucket." Levin shook his head and said disapprovingly, "There is no need for Neltharion to do it himself. Even the dozens of black dragons staying in the lair are not something that the tauren can easily deal with. The power of an adult dragon, It’s beyond their imagination.”

Maiev nodded in agreement: "I think so too. But the chief of the Skyhorn clan, Mota 917 Skyhorn, is an extremely stubborn person. It is difficult to change the things he has determined. Five days ago, he had already brought He set off with the elite members of the tribe, vowing to tame the giant eagle and make it available to the tauren."

"This is simply nonsense, so senseless and reckless." Levin shook his head helplessly, and then asked, "What about the last clan, Lin Ti, what is their attitude?"

Maiev continued: "The position of the Woodhoof clan is relatively neutral, and they are also the ones I am currently working hard to win over. This clan has long lived in the dense mountain forests of Highmountain and has a deep connection with nature. In fact, they are the earliest The Minotaur nation reconnected with Vanelius."

She paused and explained: "The chief of Linho, Varg, is a rather indecisive character. Deep in his heart, he longs to follow the footsteps of Cenarius and take back our world from the clutches of the devil. However, another On the other hand, the recent attacks on the tauren have left him hesitant and unable to make a final choice. His uncertainty directly affects the results of the five races' voting, and his choice will determine which party has an advantage in the voting."

Maiev spread her hands helplessly and said: "I have tried my best to persuade Chief Wagg, but he still can't make up his mind. This is really a frustrating thing."

"I've been working with them here for a long time, but I got no results at all," she said, lowering her head, with a little loss in her voice: "It seems that I am really not suitable for such a job that requires negotiation. Big." The priest may have been right to choose Tyrande as her successor."

"Uh..." Levin wisely did not answer the question and cleverly avoided the topic. He did not want to get involved in the high priest dispute between Tyrande and Maiev.

After all, only a fool would take the initiative to put himself between two women who are arguing - especially if he has a good relationship with both women. .

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