Of course Shaohao would be sensitive to the word "Titan".

The Mogu tribe, which once enslaved the Pandaren, were originally Titan creations with roots in Hongmiaozheng. Although they have lost many precious information over the long years, they always remember their noble responsibilities as Titan creations.

After countless springs and autumns, in order to resist the mantids who were the minions of the ancient gods, the Mogu tribe spared no effort to drive many races such as pandaren, hozens, buffalo people and jinyu people, and worked day and night to build a towering Great Wall—— — Panlongji. This Great Wall has witnessed the glory of the Mogu tribe, and also witnessed their brutal rule.

However, the rule of the Mogu tribe was eventually overthrown due to the joint resistance of many tribes due to its cruelty and cruelty.

During this transformation, the Pandaren, as the main inheritors of the mogu legacy, absorbed a large amount of knowledge about the Titans and their creations, and understood the deep connection between Azeroth and the Titans.

Shaohao was surprised when he heard Oso's statement. He couldn't help but stood up from the throne and stared at the night elf ambassador. "Ambassador Oso Black Forest, are you sure that Sagra Is Si a Titan?"

Seeing Shaohao's reaction, Osuo felt something in his heart, knowing that things might turn around. He immediately struck while the iron was hot and said firmly: "It's absolutely true, Your Majesty. Although Sargeras is called the Fallen Titan, there is no doubt about his identity as a Titan. I can assure you of this."

"Really..." Shaohao muttered to himself, frowning, and sat back on the throne. He took a deep breath, as if to calm the turbulence in his heart, "Indeed, if an obviously hostile fallen titan is allowed to enter Azeroth, then everyone living in this world will probably face annihilation. .but…………"

Having said this, he hesitated, with complicated emotions flashing in his eyes.

As the emperor of the Pandaren, he not only has to consider the safety of the entire Azeroth, but also first ensures that his people are safe and sound. This heavy sense of responsibility makes him feel stressed when making every decision.

Over the years, he has traveled far and wide to gain an in-depth understanding of the culture and power of various races, precisely in order to minimize the losses of the Pandaren when the Burning Legion invades.

He knew that this crisis was not only related to the Pandaren, but also related to the future of Azeroth as a whole.

In order to find a solution, the former Shaohao decided to go to the Qinglong Temple in the Emerald Forest and seek advice from the wisest Qinglong Yulong among the four gods.

He believes that only with the help of the power of the gods can he find a way to save Azeroth.

In Qinglong Temple, Yulong gave Shaohao some tips.

He told Shaohao to release the burden on his body, clarify his heart, and become one with the land of Pandaria. Only in this way can he truly feel the power of the earth and use this power to fight against the coming disaster.

However, even Yulong himself doesn't know exactly how to operate it. After all, she was just a demigod, not a real god. All he could do was give Shaohao some unclear guidance based on the vague future he had inadvertently observed.

During his subsequent travels, Shaohao accidentally met a like-minded friend—the famous Monkey King of the Hozen clan.

This Monkey King is not only witty and powerful, he is also proficient in all kinds of wonderful magic. He cleverly made a magic mask. With the help of this mask, Shaohao was able to enter a deep state of meditation. In this state, he bravely faced the doubts in his heart, and finally forced the hidden doubts out of his body, forming the first evil spirit "the evil spirit of doubt."

Qinglong Yulong and Monkey King have been by Shaohao's side, giving him encouragement and support. With their help, Shaohao went through untold hardships and finally defeated the powerful evil spirit of doubt.

The Evil of Doubt was sealed deep in the Qinglong Temple, and was guarded by Yulong himself to ensure that it would never reappear in the world.

After sealing the Evil of Doubt and the Evil of Wan, Shaohao gradually realized the way to save his people.

He realized that in order to relieve himself and the entire people of Pandaria of the burden, he must seal the seven evil spirits formed by Y'Shaarj's remaining aura.

However, at this critical moment, the night elves' ambassador for help rushed to Pandaria. They brought shocking news - the Burning Legion was plotting to invade Xerath.

Therefore, Shaohao was caught in a dilemma: on the one hand, he needed to use the power of the Four Heavenly Gods to seal the Seven Evils, and even planned to form an elite force to assist him; on the other hand, he could not sit back and watch the night elves fight alone, and must Send troops to support as soon as possible to prevent the invasion of the Burning Legion.

Shaohao knew in his heart that if Sargeras was allowed to successfully enter Azeroth, the entire world would fall into endless darkness. He faced a difficult decision: hold on to Pandaria, or send troops to aid the night elves?

Prime Minister Shi Yi was keenly aware of Shaohao's hesitation and troubles. This old prime minister, who had experienced hardships and matured with age, carefully considered his words and slowly suggested: "Your Majesty, the current situation is difficult, we may need to take some unusual measures." An ordinary strategy. Although dividing troops has always been a taboo for military strategists, in the current critical situation, we may only be able to move dangerously in order to break the situation."

Shaohao raised his head and looked at the old prime minister who had been assisting him conscientiously for many years, with a thoughtful look on his brows. "Shi Yi, what you mean is that we should divide our forces.

Send some troops to support the night elves?"

"That's right, Your Majesty." Shi Yi lowered his hands and bowed, with a steady and powerful voice, "As far as I know, there are still decades before the Mantid's expected invasion, and starting more than ten years ago, most of the Mogu tribe It has also been completely petrified and entered a state of slumber. Therefore, we should now be able to mobilize a lot of troops from across the country as backup."

He analyzed for Shaohao: "The action of sealing the demon is not something that ordinary people can participate in. I think that in addition to leaving the Four Heavenly Gods and a small number of elite forces to be responsible for the seal, we can use the remaining main force Sent to the frontline battlefield to fight side by side with the night elves. In this way, we may be able to take care of both aspects, not only losing the seal on the demons, but also effectively supporting the night elves. I wonder what your majesty thinks of this?"

Under the thoughtful advice of Prime Minister Shi Yi, Shaohao finally made up his mind and adopted his idea.

Since he still shoulders the important task of sealing the remaining five evil spirits, Shaohao cannot withdraw himself from Pandaria. Therefore, he gave the important task of leading the army to Guan Zhengye, a well-respected marshal in the Pandaren Empire. Marshal Guan Zhengye is known for his bravery and proficiency in battle, and is the best candidate to lead the army on an expedition.

At the same time, in order to ensure that the next operation to seal the evil demon would go more smoothly, Shaohao carefully selected the most brave and skilled warriors from various armies to form an elite force called the Shado-Pan.

This force will become a trump card in his hand, providing a strong guarantee for the actions of sealing the demon.

Seeing that everything was arranged properly, Shaohao's heart dropped a little.

0.8 And Oso, who successfully completed his mission to seek help, also felt that the burden on his shoulders had been reduced a lot.

However, the next wait was not easy.

It takes a certain amount of time to integrate the main forces across the country, and during this period, Oso obtained Emperor Shaohao's permission and contacted the main resistance forces on the front line through Pandaria's magic network, hoping to learn about the latest battle conditions on the front line.

However, when the news came, Oso was not happy at all.

The Burning Legion seemed to have been stimulated by some kind of stimulus. It changed its previous calm defensive posture and launched an unprecedented crazy attack on the resistance.

Led by the talented commander Jarod, the resistance forces were able to withstand the Burning Legion's fierce offensive for the time being. However, in the face of the enemy's continuous reinforcements and crazy attacks, countless brave soldiers sacrifice their lives on the battlefield every day.

How long can the resistance army hold on? This question weighs heavily on everyone's mind, and no one dares to give an answer easily. .

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