Over Zin Aissalin, dusk fell slowly like a heavy silk cloth.

Under the night, Tichondrius was suspended in mid-air in the civilian area, his face was as gloomy as water, and his eyes were flashing with irritability and anger.

"Trash!" His roar was like thunder, echoing in the night sky, making all the demons around him shiver involuntarily.

A doomsday guard floated in front of him tremblingly, reporting on the progress of the search. However, Tichondrius could no longer listen to any explanation. The anger in his heart was like a volcano about to erupt, and he urgently needed an outlet to vent.

Suddenly, a gloomy green evil flame spurted out from his palm, instantly swallowing up the unlucky doomsday guard. In the flames, the guard didn't even have time to scream.

It turned into ashes.

"Huh..." Tichondrius breathed out a long breath, letting out all the anger in his chest. The surrounding demons remained silent, fearing that they would be the next to suffer.

Half a month ago, he took over this task from Lord Archimonde. He thought he could complete it easily, but unexpectedly, the development of the matter was beyond his expectation.

The downed crow disappeared without a trace as if it had evaporated from the world.

He mobilized all his men and spent half a month searching the entire civilian area, but found nothing. This frustration made him feel more anxious and angry than ever before.

As the night grew darker, Tichondrius's mood became heavier. He knew that if he could not find the crow as soon as possible, his 613 status and reputation would be severely damaged.

As the leader of the Nathrezim, Tichondrius is as cunning and understanding as most of his kind, and he knows Archimonde's temperament well.

Archimonde, the legion giant known as the "Polluter", is by no means a patient leader. He is now willing to wait by the Well of Eternity, all because of the irresistible order from Sargeras.

In order to enter the territory of Azeroth as soon as possible and prevent any possible changes, Archimonde accepted the Fallen Titan's will, closely monitored and urged the upper elves to continuously expand the portal. In the face of this important task, he must restrain his naturally hot temper. Unless the Well of Eternity faces a real threat, he will continue to suppress his nature and stick to its side.

However, if a strong person with an impatient personality is allowed to act against his own nature for a long time, there will eventually be an unbearable moment. Those resentments and anger that have accumulated over time are like suppressed volcanic lava, and they urgently need to find an outlet to vent.

As a loyal subordinate of Sargeras, Archimonde naturally knew that venting his anger on his superior was tantamount to digging his own grave. So, how will this anger be released?

The answer is self-evident.

This thought flashed through his mind, causing Tichondrius to shiver involuntarily. He took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, and then gave a stern order: "Continue searching! I will give you three more days. Within three days, I must see clear results!"

The demons around him lowered their heads, not daring to meet his eyes.

"If you fail to complete the mission assigned by Lord Archimonde..." Tichondrius's voice suddenly became low and gloomy, "You know what the consequences will be.

"I don't care what means you use, I just want the results!" He waved his arm suddenly, "Go ahead and carry out my orders!"

"Yes!" The surrounding demons responded in unison.

Under the irritated wave of the Dread Lord, the demons quickly dispersed like birds and beasts, and once again went into searching the civilian areas.


In the civilian area of ​​​​Zin Azalin, the demons' search operations became more and more frantic. However, their target——Levin, was hiding in the aristocratic area, sitting peacefully in the garden of the Sunstrider family, talking to the owner of the family. Srema Sunstrider spoke in depth about the Burning Legion's true intentions in coming to Azeroth.

When Levin revealed his true form in front of Dath'Rema, he was actually a little worried. After all, his previous understanding of Dath'Rema came from the original history, and history is suitable for judging general trends, and it is inevitable when details are involved. distortion.

He didn't know how the queen's adviser would react, whether he would directly launch a violent attack without listening to his explanation.

But to his surprise, Dath'Rema did not act rashly, but started talking to Levin in a cautious manner.

Perhaps Dath'Rema had already had doubts about the behavior of the Burning Legion, so he finally chose to calm down and listen to Caiwen's words.

The most fundamental purpose of the Burning Legion's attack on Azeroth is not to simply conquer or destroy, but to take the lead in this competition with the Old Gods, corrupting and controlling the sleeping Titan souls in Azeroth. This star soul is known as the existence with the most potential, and is the prey coveted by the Lord of the Void and the Burning Legion.

Although the Burning Legion and the Lord of the Void, the immediate boss of the Ancient Gods, have the same purpose, their methods are completely different.

The latter is good at using the power of the void to corrupt, while the former uses evil energy to achieve its goals.

But behind all this, the bigger difference lies in their motivations.

The purpose of the Lord of the Void is to control the entire universe, and the purpose of the Burning Legion is to stop the Lord of the Void.

Obviously the Burning Legion's motives sound very righteous, but why did they become what they are today?

Because in order to achieve this goal, they chose the worst means: they chose to destroy the entire universe to stop the Lords of the Void.

Of course, Levin did not tell Dath'Remar all of the above.

The secrets of the Titan Star Soul and the Lord of the Void may still be too deep and unknown for Dath'Rema. What's more, with Das Rema's current status and strength, even if he knows these secrets, he may not be able to change anything. Therefore, too many explanations will only increase his confusion and helplessness.

So Levin chose another approach. He cleverly exposed Sargeras' repeated lies. By presenting a series of "factual evidence", he allowed Dath'Rema to realize and "think independently". He cleverly guided Dath'Rema with words, and allowed Dath'Rema to realize it. Gradually became aware of the sinister intentions of the Burning Legion.

As for how Dath'Remar would interpret and figure out the true purpose of the Burning Legion, that was his own business, and Levin had already fulfilled his responsibility.

Seeing Dath'Rema sinking into deep thought for a long time, with his attitude wavering, Levin couldn't help but smile in his heart, but he didn't make a sound and just waited quietly.

"That's all I can tell you. How you go next depends entirely on your own choice." Seeing that the other party had almost thought about it, Levin looked at Dath'Rema with deep eyes, as if he had something to say. Pointingly, he hinted, "If you have different ideas about your fellow upper elf colleagues, this mission to the front line may be a good opportunity to explore the truth. Go and witness with your own eyes what the Burning Legion's so-called war against rebellion is. At that time, your contact with the top brass of the resistance may bring you some new inspiration."

Dath'Rema was awakened by Levin's words. His confused eyes gradually focused, and he looked at Levin in front of him with a complicated look on his face.

"Are you still planning to stay in our Sunstrider home?" Dath'Rema asked.

"If you allow me." Levin flapped his wings slightly and flew up from his seat, "As I said before, I took the risk to sneak into Zin Azalin in order to rescue Tyrande who was trapped in the palace. High Priest of Wind. Therefore, I need a channel to enter the palace, close to the place where Tyrande is imprisoned. At the same time, I also need a helper to help me complete this rescue work.

He gave Dath'Rema a deep look and continued: "Of course, I can understand if you are unwilling to provide me with shelter. I will leave immediately without causing you any trouble.

When Dathrema heard this, a curious light flashed in his eyes: "You have said so much, aren't you afraid that I will betray you and reveal your existence to the heroine or those demons?"

"Among the current high elves, I can only place my hope on your Sunstrider family." Hearing this question, Levin said sincerely, "If even the Sunstrider family cannot be trusted, then the entire upper elven society may not be able to trust you." There will be no one I can trust. Without the cooperation of insiders, it will be exponentially more difficult for me to complete the rescue plan. By then, I will have no choice but to send Tyrande to the rescue. The lady stayed in the palace and left alone."

Levin noticed Dath'Remar's knee-jerk reaction as he said this. He grinned slightly, seeming to be sincerely happy that the Sun Chaser family had such a reputation.

Secretly praising Dath'Rema's character, Levin continued: "If it really comes to that point, I will choose to return to the resistance camp, fight side by side with them, and capture Aissalin as soon as possible. In this way, there may be a chance to rescue the Whispering Wind Priest...or at least avenge her."

At this point, Levin's face became solemn, and there was a hint of threat in his voice: "Of course, if the situation really develops to that point, it means that the entire high-level elves in Aissalin are hopeless. Medicine. In that case, you know what action we will take. Believe me, there is nothing I, Levin Cuiye, can't do for revenge."

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