My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 729 I Don’T Pretend Anymore, I Show My Cards

"Huh~" Levin and Eleles breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, watching Queen Azshara's back gradually disappear from sight.

As the Queen's Guards dispersed, the quiet streets once again returned to their former hustle and bustle. The upper elves gathered together and discussed various topics related to Queen Azshara in whispers, their voices full of awe and admiration.

Alilais returned to her sedan, and stretched out her finger with some complaints, lightly tapped Levin's head, and murmured coquettishly: "Xiao Hei, what were you yelling about just now? What if you attract someone? Her Majesty the Queen's wrath, not even I can protect you."

Levin blinked, pretending to be stupid and responded to Ellyse's complaint by yelling "melon" for a week without meaning.

Fortunately, Alice did not dwell too much on this small issue.

She had kept her head down just now, not daring to raise her head to look at Queen Azshara, so she did not notice Queen Azshara's tentative spell casting before.

However, Guowen, who was at odds with Azshara, captured this scene clearly.

He was secretly vigilant in his heart. Although he could not be sure what the light of light was thinking specifically, his reason and instinct told him that the queen should have noticed something, but he could not completely confirm it yet.

Levin's multiple disguises combined with Otherworld spells are not easy to see through.

After this little episode, the subsequent journey seemed extremely smooth. 08

The arcane sedan walked leisurely through the deserted market, completed the purchase, and finally stopped steadily in front of the Sun Chaser family's mansion.

Levin has little interest in gatherings of aristocratic ladies. In his eyes, it was just a group of girls who had never experienced the world, chatting away their loneliness in their spare time. It was a pity that at this time, he was just the pet of one of the girls, and had to lie down and be fucked in the party.

After finally making it to the end of the party, Ai was finally ready to take action.

Levin felt relieved to finally get through the long and boring party.

Now, his injuries have healed and his condition has returned to its best. No matter what accident he encounters, he is confident that he can evacuate safely.

Therefore, he decided to implement the plan he had been brewing in his heart for a long time - a showdown with Vosrema.

However, just when he was about to fly out of the room, the door was suddenly pushed open first, and a handsome night elf man walked in. His long golden hair was elegantly tied back by a silver hair ornament. , dressed in gorgeous upper elf clothing, with a warm and friendly smile on his face, it was Dath'Rema himself.

After Dath'Rema entered the room, his eyes instantly caught Levin. However, he just glanced at the crow casually and did not pay much attention to it.

Vosrema has long been used to her daughter adopting a crow and doting on it very much.

Levin could see that Dath'Rema looked at her daughter tenderly, and the expression on her face gradually became serious.

He squatted down, stroked his daughter's hair lovingly, and said softly and solemnly: "Alice, listen up."

He paused and seemed to be organizing his words, "Dad received an order from Her Majesty the Queen and needs to leave the city. He will probably be away for two to three days."

Hearing this, Alice's eyes flashed with worry and reluctance.

Even though his father has very strict requirements on himself, even if his behavior at home is a bit out of line sometimes, he is indeed a good father, and Alice loves him very much.

This look was caught by Dasrema, and he couldn't help but feel soft in his heart, but he still warned him seriously: "During this period, you must listen to your brother and mother at home, and you must not go out and run around. I understand. Yet?"

"Well..." Elleis tilted her head slightly, her eyes full of doubts and uneasiness: "Father, mother and brother all said that it is very dangerous outside the city recently. Why did Her Majesty the Queen ask you to leave the city at this time?"

Dasrema smiled bitterly, shook his head, and sighed softly: "It's a long story, and you may not understand it now. In short, you have to remember what your father said, be good at home during this period, and don't give any trouble to your mother. Causing trouble with my brother."

Although Alice seemed to understand, she still nodded sensibly: "Okay, I understand, Dad."

Dath'Rema smiled happily, and he gently pressed a kiss on Eliles' pink forehead: "Good girl, daddy will be back soon.

In fact, this mission was not a direct order from the Queen as Dathrema said.

To be more precise, this was an application he took the initiative to make to Queen Azshara as an advisor.

Dath'Rema does not support this war and is eager to have face-to-face dialogue with the rebels, trying to explore whether a truce and reconciliation agreement can be reached with the growing rebels through peaceful means. However, as the Burning Legion's actions became increasingly rampant, Dath'Remar himself also held pessimistic expectations about the outcome of this mission.

Still, anything is always worth a try. The Sun Chaser family has always had an adventurous family spirit, so Dath'Rema decided to embark on the trip and first communicate with the top brass of the resistance.

He was eager to understand the core demands of this group of people who were scornfully called "rebels" and "untouchables" by other colleagues.

Queen Azshara showed no interest in his proposal, and those colleagues who were close to the Burning Legion mocked and ridiculed him mercilessly.

However, the Sunstrider family plays an important role in the upper elf society, and there are also a group of leaders and factions within the upper elf society that support Dath'Rema.

It should be said that at this time, due to his status, Dath'Rema has automatically become a representative of the Hepai faction.

Regarding his request, no matter how dictatorial Queen Azshara is, she must seriously consider it.

After Dath'Rema's repeated requests and unremitting persistence, the Queen finally reluctantly agreed to his mission plan.

Anyway, apart from the negotiations, Dath'Rema didn't make any excessive demands. Not only did he agree to the favor at no cost, but it also appeased the peace faction. Why not?

However, it is true that Azshara's perfunctory attitude towards the peace talks. She did not even arrange additional personal guards to carry out the so-called "protection" of Dath'Remar. This kind of decision-making is not because Azshara has delegated her authority enough, but because she simply does not have it. Really want to talk.

After all, diplomatic power is an important power of the monarch. Azshara did not even send a monitor this time, which is abnormal.

The entire mission process will be completely performed by Dath Rema, which will undoubtedly be a great test of his ability and wisdom.

The young Alilaise did not notice the worry in her father's eyes, but Levin, who had been silently observing from the sidelines, keenly captured the subtle changes in his expression.

He sensed the surroundings of the room and after confirming that no one else was present, Levin suddenly unfolded his wings and soared into the air from Elisabeth's hands. This sudden move made Elise look to the sky in shock, her little hands waving in panic.

"Ah!" she exclaimed, "Xiao Hei, where are you going?"

Levin's dark eyes looked directly at Elise. This was the first time he used a spell in front of a girl: "Hypnosis."

As the spell was cast, Elleith's originally agile eyes suddenly became dull, and then her whole person instantly fell into a deep sleep.

The abnormal change in his daughter made Dath'Rema's face instantly become serious. He quickly hugged his daughter behind him and watched the unusual crow warily.

"A crow that can use magic," Dath'Rema asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

At this time, 353 Darth'Remar's body was surging with legendary level arcane energy, and he was ready to go. It seemed that as long as Levin said a wrong word, a steady stream of magical attacks would fall on him.

Levin was slightly surprised that Dath'Remar actually possessed such power. However, he did not feel scared because of this. He remained calm and leisurely folded his wings and landed on the stone table in the garden pavilion.

"Please don't be too panicked." The crow's eyes flashed with wisdom, and he slowly spoke in human language.

Dath'Rema looked at this talking crow in astonishment, his heart filled with vigilance and curiosity.

"Mr. Dath'Remar Sunstrider," Crow continued, "I am deeply sorry that I need to meet you in this way. But there is a reason. I have extremely important things that I want to discuss with you alone. These are Things are not appropriate for your beloved daughter to hear.”

It paused slightly and continued: "After all, sometimes, knowing too much is not a good thing, especially for an innocent child who has not yet learned to keep secrets." 1

Dath'Rema backed away slowly while protecting Elise, his eyes full of wariness, always staring closely at this unusual crow. He felt relieved when he saw that the crow had folded its wings and seemed to have no intention of continuing to attack.

He frowned and asked in a deep voice: "So, what exactly do you want to talk to me about? Why did you choose to lurk next to Ellyse? Is there someone behind you who is instigating you? They are interested in the Sun Chaser What can the family do?"

"Haha" Crow laughed softly and said: "Mr. Dath'Rema, you may have misunderstood something. I am not here on behalf of anyone. I have no ill will towards Ellyse or the Sun Chaser family. If If there is any reason for me to stay here, it can only be said to be the guidance of the moon god Elune, and it is the accident and necessity of fate."

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