My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 726 The Eldest Lady Of The Sun Chaser Family

The returning girl casually threw off her shoes in a relaxed manner that was completely different from her previous dignified demeanor. The pair of seemingly priceless leather shoes seemed to be no different from a pair of ordinary straw sandals in her eyes, exactly like the image of a noble lady who did not regard money as money.

Then, with brisk steps, she swooped down and threw herself into the soft bed, and then let out a pleasant sigh: "Ugh... What a dead person, what kind of social etiquette is this? Boring and annoying.”

Levin finally heard the other party's voice clearly at this moment - a clear and slightly childish female voice, which gave him a rough judgment on the age of the owner of the room.

"Is she the daughter of an upper elf family?" Levin thought to himself, "Judging from the voice, she is probably less than a hundred years old, right?"

For night elves, who have long and even almost infinite lives, their physical maturity cycle is very different from that of humans. After about one hundred and fifty years old, the night elves will reach the adult standard that humans have reached at the age of 16-18. After that, they will enter the almost endless peak period, until the few decades near the end of their life span, they will Will age quickly.

Levin was placed with his head facing the window, and now he was just a wounded bird in the girl's eyes. In order to maintain this image, he could not move freely, and naturally it was difficult for him to look back and see the girl's whole face. However, from her complaints to herself, he could sense that this child was probably in the rebellious period that was most difficult for her elders to discipline. The rebelliousness and unruliness of adolescence are fully revealed in her words.

"543 huh?"

The girl rolled around on the bed for a while, and suddenly noticed that Levin's posture on the desk was different from before. She hummed in confusion, jumped off the bed lightly, and stepped on the soft carpet with her bare feet.

She was not wearing socks at this time, her feet were bare, her small jade feet gently stepped on the soft carpet, making a brisk "puff puff" sound, and trotted to the window sill. As she got closer, Levin gradually saw the girl's face clearly.

As he guessed, the girl looked about 12 years old. Her little face is slightly baby-fat, but as delicate as a porcelain doll. Although she is still young, she can already vaguely see her beauty when she grows up, and she will surely attract countless suitors to fall in love with her in the future.

However, these are not the main points of Levin's attention. He is not a lolicon...probably?

In short, she was used to seeing countless beauties, so she didn't care much about the girl's appearance. What really caught his attention was that this girl had long golden hair that was extremely rare among the night elves.

Since traveling to this world, Levin has transformed into a night elf. In the process, he has also come into contact with a large number of "kindred spirits" and has had hair of various colors.

The hair colors of night elves are usually purple, blue, and green, with occasional gray and white hair colors. Although there will be changes in hue and color temperature, a light blonde hair color like the girl in front of you, This was his first time seeing it. This couldn't help but make him more interested in the girl's identity and background.

"Oh!" the little girl pointed at Levin in surprise and shouted, "Little Crow, you finally woke up, can you move?"

Levin could tell that the concern and anticipation in her eyes were genuine.

She is indeed a kind girl, and has not been contaminated by the atmosphere of the upper elf.

I don't know how long she can maintain her innocence and kindness.

While Levin was thinking, he opened his mouth, tried hard to imitate the crow of a crow, and said "croak~" in response to the girl.

The girl carefully turned Levin's body over and examined his injuries gently and carefully. Her fingers touched Levin's wound gently, for fear of hurting him.

"Well! Although it's not healed yet, the injury is getting better. The herbs the head maid mentioned are really useful," the girl smiled and reached out to touch Levin's bird head, comforting her, "Don't be anxious, take your time, and heal your injury again." Walk."

"What makes you think that ordinary herbs can cure the damage caused by Archimonde's [Finger of Death]?" Levin secretly complained in his heart, "I just used five [Rejuvenation Techniques] on myself, and it's not possible to prevent it from happening." It's getting better."

But as a crow, he couldn't say this, so he could only resist the urge to roll his eyes, and had to open his beak again and let out an unpleasant "croak" sound.

In the world of Levin's previous life, crows were regarded as ominous birds. Their unpleasant calls and dark appearance were never liked by the world, but were instead regarded as symbols of disaster and death.

However, this is not the case in this night elf society that worships the night and the moon. After all, owls and crows are the most common birds at night.

Night elves have a very high level of acceptance of crows. According to statistics, when new raptor druids choose their first wilderness transformation, 80% of them choose storm crows, far surpassing raptors such as hawks.

This is also the reason why Levin chose to become a crow before - it is not easy for birds to be exposed everywhere... although he was exposed in the end.

-The crow’s dividing line—

Next, Levin stayed in the girl's boudoir, recovering from his injuries and collecting intelligence.

He originally thought that it would take several days to learn useful information, but he didn't know if it was Elune's blessing. In just one day (agbi), Levin collected a vital piece of information.

The full name of the girl who rescued him was Elleese Sunstrider. She was the biological daughter of Dath'Rema Sunstrider. It was rumored that she had a brother who was hundreds of years older than her.

"I've been searching for him for thousands of times, but suddenly I looked back and found that person in a dimly lit place." Levin sighed secretly in his heart, feeling that this time he got there without any effort.

In fact, this news was not a sudden surprise to him. When he saw the girl's bright blond hair, he had already noticed and guessed it.

As Levin knows, the Sunstrider family, as a member of the High Elves, holds a pivotal position among all elven nobles. The current head of the family, Dath'Remar, is an important member of Queen Azshara's court advisory group, which is enough to demonstrate the dignity and glory of their family.

But beyond that, the Sunstrider family is unique and unique among the entire Highborne.

In this night elven society that worships the night and the moon god Elune, they actually have a special liking for the sun and prefer bright daytime, which undoubtedly makes them look a little different among their kind.

From their surname "Sun Chaser", we can see that this family seems to have had an indissoluble bond with the sun from the first generation. Their preferences, beliefs and even family crests are all Revealing the reverence and pursuit of the sun.

It’s no wonder that the kingdom of high elves controlled by the Sunstriders in the future will completely change the night elves’ habit of loving the night, and become the same people, dwarves and other races that are made for the sunrise.

A race that rests at sunset.

As an outlier among the Highborne, the Sunstrider family is often ridiculed and ostracized by their colleagues. But despite this, they still stick to their beliefs and traditions - this clearly shows the power of the Sun Chaser family - after all, they are one of the ancient nobles with a long history in the Dark Night Empire. Even with the alien debuff, their status Still unshakable

At this moment, Cai Wen was residing in a luxurious mansion owned by the Sun Chaser family in the aristocratic district of Xin Aili. This mansion is a stone's throw away from his target - Song You

He stood in front of the window, looking through the dense treetops, he could clearly see the majestic outline of the palace.

Recalling his search for the Sunstrider Courtyard, Levin couldn't help but feel a little emotional. If it had been during the day, or if he could fly higher, he would have recognized this brightly colored house at a glance.

The Sun Chaser family's love for the sun is multifaceted and is also reflected in the color scheme of the building. Among the surrounding buildings that generally use gray and white tones, this bright yellow building looks so unique, as if it is a bright pearl embedded in the gray city.

Because the color scheme of this mansion looks a bit out of place with other surrounding buildings, among the commonly used gray and white tones, only this building uses a more gorgeous bright yellow.

Such a prominent Sun Chaser family naturally possesses extremely rich resources. As the only descendant of this family, Alice has the privilege of mobilizing some of the resources. These resources include some extremely precious medicinal herbs, which provide Levin with excellent healing conditions.

However, it is regrettable that although mages possess powerful magical power, they are not good at healing.

To make matters worse, the current high-level elves have a tense relationship with the druids and moon priests who are proficient in healing spells. It can be said that they have completely fallen out. Otherwise, Levin will definitely be taken to receive their healing spells, and then the remaining power of death on his wounds may be removed in time.

But having said that, if it weren't for the dispute between the upper elf, the druid, and the moon priest, Levin might not have suffered such serious injuries.

Therefore, Guowen only sells his own healing spells.

Under the combined effect of precious herbs and his own healing spells, his injuries have recovered by 70% to 80%. His body is gradually recovering and his strength is slowly returning. .

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