At this moment, a strange atmosphere filled the streets of Aissalin.

The eyes that were originally focused on the place where [Finger of Death] had just been hit gradually dispersed, and a silent storm seemed to have subsided.

Out of sight of everyone, a little snake quietly confided in the news and secretly rejoiced.

"Fortunately, I was prepared and foresaw the risk of being discovered by Archimonde." The little snake muttered secretly in his heart, with a hint of pride and fear in his voice.

Yes, in fact, the crow just killed in front of everyone was just a stand-in carefully prepared by Levin. But now this seemingly insignificant little snake is his true body.

In fact, from the moment he stepped into Assaline, Levin had been fully prepared for possible crises. He did not underestimate Archimonde, the demon leader. On the contrary, he always tried to overestimate his level. Levin knows very well that facing a demon leader like Archimonde, any slight or carelessness may pay a heavy price.

On the distant planet Argus, the Eredar race gave birth to three giants of the glorious planet, Archimonde being one of them. At that time, the arcane civilization of the Eredar people had reached its peak. They used the power of arcane magic to create countless miracles. Archimonde is even more outstanding among them. He has explored deeply in the field of arcane magic. "Che became an unrivaled mage hundreds of years ago.

However, when the Dark Titan Sargeras reached out to Archimonde, the former eredar giant in 2006 embarked on the road to becoming a demon.

Although the source of his power changed from arcane magic to unstable evil energy, this did not weaken his strength, but made him stronger.

Based on this, Levin guessed that even after becoming the demon lord, Archimonde has been obsessed with conquering world after world. Relying on the accumulation during the Eredar Big Three, this demon giant must have mastered some things that he didn't know. Detect magic.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Levin was prepared to deal with Archimonde's sudden attack. Facing an enemy like Archimonde, any slightest relaxation could cost him his life.

In fact, the second before Archimonde's [Finger of Death] locked onto its target, Levin transformed into a crow.

But when he found out that he was targeted, Levin did not panic. While he was pretending to be a crow, he secretly began to prepare a counterattack spell.

Just as the fatal finger was about to strike, Levin quickly activated his spell.

[Death-proof Barrier], [King Car Castling], [Psychic Obscuration]... Long before entering the city, Levin prepared this series of spells and stored them in the [Spell Sequence], ready at any time. trigger.

And at this moment, this series of spells were activated in an instant, and the chain spells were cast [which allowed Lai Lai to escape from being hit by ten rounds of demigod-level [Fingers of Death]] within a short time.

Therefore, when [The Finger of Death] suddenly came, it did not completely touch Levin's body.

What was killed by this finger was just an unlucky crow substitute he found.

Just in case, Levin cleverly injected his own power into the crow, giving it a breath similar to his in a short period of time, thus successfully deceiving Archimonde and many demons.

After this series of exquisite operations, Levin successfully escaped into the depths of Aissalin and disappeared from the sight of the devil.

His plan was successful. Not only did he escape the clutches of death, he also gained valuable time and opportunities for subsequent actions.

Levin has no doubts about Archimonde's abilities, but he also has firm confidence in his own stealth skills.

As a master of arcane magic, he knows the fundamental principles of prophecy magic very well.

Any tracking or detection spell requires some kind of clue or condition to guide it. Just like the reason why he was able to detect Illidan's whereabouts from a long distance all relied on his understanding of Illidan's intelligence, his connection with Illidan as a spellcaster, and the fact that he carried daily necessities used by Illidan as ritual props.

This principle is just like when we look for specific information in a search engine. The more targeted the keywords you enter, the fewer and more precise search results will be returned, so you can locate the information you need faster. On the other hand, if the information you provide is too vague, then at the end of the search you will only be able to find a needle in a haystack of search results.

Because of this, Levin cleverly threw in a "stand-in".

He knew very well that this substitute was only a temporary cover, and the aura of his own on the substitute could not last long. As long as a devil who was proficient in magic looked at it in person, it would be easy to see through. This lie will be exposed sooner or later.

However, this didn't matter to him.

After all, Archimonde's understanding of Levin is far less than Levin's understanding of Illidan. No matter how much the other party uses magic to communicate with gods, he is not the real "God of Prophecy" and cannot violate the basic principles of the world to forcibly retrieve Levin. traces.

The reason why Archimonde was able to detect Levin's identity was mainly because of Levin's "strange feeling" when he entered Assaline from the outside world.

But as time goes by, Levin will become more and more comfortable in Aissalin, and this "strange feeling" will gradually dissipate [just like ten drops of water slowly blending into the vast ocean]


By that time, even someone as powerful as Archimonde would have difficulty catching his traces.

The mission of this substitute is to buy this time.

Suddenly, Levin vomited, and the snake he transformed into used his keen sense to capture the crow that seemed to be looking for the body.

The footsteps of the team.

Levin rolled his eyes and thought about it.

He didn't hesitate at all, ignoring the filth and stench of the sewer, and went straight in.

The dark sewer was avoided by others, but it was the safest haven for Juwen who continued to hide herself.

"I don't believe it, how could you jump into the sewer to find me?" Levin muttered to himself, with a sly smile on his face.

Before entering the sewer, he took one last look in the direction of the Well of Eternity, and then the little snake's figure gradually disappeared into the dark sewer.

For the next two or three days, Levin has been hiding deep in the sewers, like the most cunning assassin, using the darkness to cleverly cover his whereabouts.

His purpose in doing this was not only to confuse the pursuer, but also to buy himself time to recover from his injuries.

Archimonde's [Finger of Death] is by no means an ordinary spell, and it is not so easy to pick up.

The power it contained still makes Levin still fearful. Even if he was fully prepared for this fatal spell directed at the soul, he could not completely withstand its impact.

The cold force of death was like gangrene, tightly wrapped around his wound, making it difficult to heal.

Every time he felt the force raging in the wound, it was as if he was mercilessly reminded that he had had a brush with death.

In fact, Levin is not incapable of curing himself - he is not an ordinary mage who lacks treatment methods, but he has also practiced Druid magic, and he has many methods to be favored by the goddess.

Of course, rejuvenation elixir alone is not enough. The effect of rejuvenation elixir is to make the body heal itself quickly, but the key to this kind of wound treatment is to dispel the power of death.

To completely dispel this evil force, Levin actually has several options: he can cast high-level purification spells, or transform into a phoenix and use sacred flames to remove wounds, or even ask the goddess directly for help.

However, in order to remain hidden and avoid attracting unnecessary attention, 150 chose silence and patience.

Levin knows very well that most of the healing spells he masters are high-level natural spells. However, this type of spell will produce strong energy fluctuations when cast. It would be fine if it were arcane magic or evil magic, but it is a natural spell that requires mobilizing the power of nature. In Ai, which is full of arcane magic and evil energy, Saleen was too conspicuous, so he had to be extra careful.

On the other hand, the choice to become a phoenix is ​​tantamount to throwing yourself into a trap. In the fierce battle with Deathwing in the past, Levin once showed amazing power in the form of a phoenix. He used Neltharion's lack of understanding of the phoenix to defeat the demigod dragon with quasi-legendary strength. That battle undoubtedly left an indelible impression on Archimonde and the other demons who were watching. Levin firmly believes that they must now take strict precautions against their Phoenix form.

As for asking the goddess for help, it goes without saying how conspicuous it is, it is tantamount to lighting a lamp in the darkness.

Although the power of the Moon God is extremely powerful, it is difficult for it to directly act on the main material plane. Once the power of the moon god comes, it will be like shining a dazzling spotlight on Levin's head, which will not only expose his position, but also make him a target of public criticism, with nowhere to escape. Therefore, this choice was resolutely given up by him.

Therefore, he allowed the wound to slowly fester in the darkness, and at the same time used low-level [Inferior Restoration Technique] and [Rejuvenation Technique] to eliminate the power of death bit by bit. The process was long and painful, but his tenacity and perseverance allowed him to persevere.

However, this kind of suffering also made Caiwen's condition worse and worse.

If he changes back to his human form now, he will find that his face is as pale as paper, and his expression is full of exhaustion and weakness.

This is the price he must pay in order to survive, this is his struggle to survive. .

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