My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 716: Meeting Queen Azshara’S Invitation, Saying Goodbye To Tyrande And Praying To God

At the same time, Aissalin, in the side hall of Queen Azshara's palace, a woman wearing a moon-white priest's robe sat quietly beside a large bed hung with purple transparent gauze.

This is already the fifth day she has been trapped here. Her eyes seem a little blurred, and many maids holding weapons in the room are watching her every move vigilantly.

"Ta! Ta!" Crisp and rhythmic footsteps slowly came from the corridor outside the door, breaking the tranquility in the room. The maids immediately put away their weapons upon hearing the sound, lowered their heads respectfully, and faced the door that was about to open.


With a soft sound, the door slowly opened, and a thick but not greasy fragrance floated into the room first, making people feel relaxed and happy. This aroma seemed to have magic power, causing the green-haired priestess to open her eyes involuntarily.

"Haha... look who is here." A magnetic and charming female voice came from outside the door, with an indescribable attraction in her voice.

As the words fell, a night elf with a joking smile walked into the room.

Unlike all other night elves, she has a pair of dazzling golden pupils, which are filled with unparalleled power. Her burning eyes seem to be able to penetrate all illusions; her appearance is unparalleled, and she has an elegant and majestic temperament. It is even more daunting; there is not a single flaw in her slender and perfect figure. She is like a goddess who was born by absorbing all the spiritual beauty from heaven and earth, which is breathtaking.

Although the green-haired priestess also has a beautiful appearance and a good figure, and her orchid-like temperament is also very attractive; but in the context of the night elf woman 013, all her advantages suddenly become overshadowed. Outdone and dwarfed.

"High Priest Tyrande Whisperwind, we will meet again here. Is this scene beyond your expectation?" Queen Azshara's voice contained a hint of joking, and her wicked golden pair Hitomi locked eyes with the priestess opposite.

But Tyrande's eyes were still as calm as lake water, with no ripples in sight. She met Azshara's gaze and said in a calm but firm tone: "Queen Azshara, as time goes by, it's true that we haven't seen each other for a long time. But I must admit frankly that I don't feel any joy about this reunion. Not to mention an honor.”

"Ha~" Azshara chuckled and shook her head, "You are still the same as before, young and stubborn, like a little hedgehog, unapproachable."

As she spoke, she waved her hand gracefully, signaling the maids holding weapons to step aside temporarily, and the remaining ten maids stood respectfully beside her.

This head maid is not only very heroic, but also possesses a beauty that is second only to Azshara and comparable to that of the priestess. However, her vigilant eyes were always fixed on Tyrande, as if she was afraid that the high-ranking priest would do something unexpected. Azshara, on the other hand, had a panoramic view of all this, and she seemed to have already made a plan in her mind.

With a surge of arcane energy, Azshara casually created a chair made of force field energy. She sat elegantly opposite Tyrande, her slender legs glowing with a light violet color naturally folded together, outlining an alluring arc. This slightly uninhibited movement caused the white dress on both sides of her thighs to slip quietly, revealing a large area of ​​radiant and jade-like skin.

However, Azshara didn't seem to care about this. Her eyes were always fixed on Tyrande, as if she was expecting something.

"Many years ago, when you were baptized by High Priest Dejana and officially joined the Sisters of Elune, I extended an invitation to you," Azshara said slowly.

She leaned lightly on the armrest of the chair with her left hand, supporting the side of her face. Her eyes flashed with interest, and she talked about the past to the holy priestess in front of her, "To this day.

I still maintain that original intention and extend the same invitation to you. "

She paused, allowing Tyrande to think for a moment, and then continued: "Give up your identity as the Moon God Priest and become my maid. I promise you that the status you will obtain will never be lower than Vasqi, it is even possible to surpass her, your qualifications make you enough to stand beside me and shoulder to shoulder with me."

Azshara's words were full of temptation, showing Tyrande a future full of glory and power. However, Tyrande just glanced sideways at Vashj, the head maid standing next to Azshara. The hostility in the eyes of that woman, who was both heroic and beautiful, was as hot as a flame and could hardly be concealed.

Tyrande closed her eyes gently, without any wavering or hesitation on her face.

When she opened her eyes again, her gaze had become firm and decisive: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I must refuse your generous invitation.

Although her voice was not loud, it was full of strength and determination: "As early as when I was a child, I vowed to dedicate my life to Elune. That is the belief in my heart, and it is also my belief. Everything that exists. I cannot betray my oath, nor can I give up my responsibilities and mission as the Moon God Priest.

"Presumptuous!" Vasqi's angry voice suddenly sounded, breaking the previous calm atmosphere.

Although she was highly wary of Tyrande and was very jealous of Azshara's preference for her, at this moment, when she heard that the other party dared to reject the queen, she did not feel any joy in her heart, but felt huge dissatisfaction.

How could you be so virtuous as to dare to refuse my beloved Queen, and refuse such a condition that would make all the superior elves envious and jealous?

The unparalleled anger in her heart and her iron-clad loyalty to Azshara made her stand up without hesitation (acbf) and express her strong dissatisfaction to Tyrande.

Her eyes flashed with anger, staring at Tyrande, as if she wanted to burn the moon priest to death on the spot: "Her Majesty the Queen personally extends an invitation to you, what an honor it is! How dare you refuse so rudely? , how capable you are..."

However, Vashj's fierce scolding was interrupted by Azshara.

"Okay, Vashj," the queen gently propped up her body and waved her hand in a lazy yet majestic manner, "there is no need to be so angry."

Her voice was calm and soft, but it carried an unquestionable majesty. Vashki immediately shut her mouth. Although the anger on her face had not completely subsided, she did not dare to say another word.

Azshara turned to Tyrande with a smile and continued: "Challenge is fun, isn't it? Tyrande, you will stay in the palace for a long time, and I believe you will change your mind sooner or later. .Vashqi, don’t have such a vicious attitude towards your future.”

After hearing Azshara's words, although Vashj was unwilling to do so, she could only bow her head and respond.

"...Yes, Her Majesty the Queen, I have lost my temper." There was a hint of apology and embarrassment in her voice.

Azshara looked at Vashj's red cheeks and lowered head and couldn't help but chuckle: "Haha... don't worry, your hairy look is quite interesting.

As she spoke, she playfully stretched out her slender fingers and gently stroked Vashchi's chin, as if stroking a pet.

This move made Vashj's cheeks blush even more. Being treated so intimately by the queen made her blush, but she didn't move, just looking at Azshara with wide eyes.

After Azshara easily calmed Vashj's emotions, she tentatively stretched out her hand to Tyrande. However, just when her fingers were about to touch Tyrande, a line of light emitted the color of moonlight. The energy barrier quietly appeared, gently blocking her fingers from the outside.

"Hmph! Is this Elune's protection? It is indeed extraordinary." Azshara raised her eyebrows slightly and snorted, with a hint of complex emotions in her tone, including appreciation and unwillingness.

However, Azshara did not give up. She retracted her hand and stood up: "Well, since Elune protects you so much, I want to see how long she can protect you."

"Vashj, we were wrong."


Vashj left the room right behind Azshara.

Before leaving, she couldn't help but turn around and glare at Tyrande, giving her a look full of murderous intent.

Immediately afterwards, there was only a "bang~" sound, and the door was slammed shut.

Vashj sensed a potential threat from Azshara's attitude towards Tyrande. This threat made her wary, and she felt it necessary to warn Tyrande.

However, Tyrande didn't even pay attention to Azshara, so how could she care about Vashj's threat. 【013504102 Feilu 221051151】

As Azshara and Vashj left, the armed maids who had previously been responsible for guarding Tyrande poured into the room again, and the originally peaceful side hall of the palace also regained its calm.

Tyrande sat on the edge of the bed, her posture upright and elegant, like a statue without sorrow or joy. Her eyes were slightly closed, and she was immersed in her inner world. What just happened and all the disturbances in the outside world had nothing to do with her.

However, when her eyes inadvertently passed through the half-open window and fell on the lonely missing moon in the night sky, a touch of sadness flashed across her face.

She silently prayed to Elune in her heart: "O supreme moon god, may your light always shine on your people. I beg you, before my weak blessing dissipates.

Let the rescue I have been waiting for come as soon as possible. "

Then, her thoughts couldn't help but drift to the distance, and she thought of several of her friends——Levin, Malfurion, and Illidan... She firmly believed that they would definitely treat her Get out of this prison.

However, Aissalin's palace is heavily guarded and full of dangers. She couldn't help but worry about their safety. So, she prayed to Elune again: "Moon God, please protect them so that they can come to me safely and smoothly. I don't want them to sacrifice themselves to save me. "I just hope that we can be together again. Reunion.

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