After listening to Shandis's narration, Levin couldn't help but fell into deep thought. He had to lament the inertia of history—or, to be more precise, Sarvis's persistence.

Because the plan to capture Tyrande and present it to Queen Azshara was planned and resolutely executed by Xavius.

Of course Levin also wants to rescue Tyrande, not only because of the oracle sent by Elune, but also because of the deep friendship between him and Tyrande.

However, he was not overly worried like Malfurion. Because he knew very well that Tyrande, as the chief elector of Elune, was always protected by the power of the Moon God. This power is just like the colorful clouds described in "Journey to the West", allowing Tyrande to avert any danger.

Those demons and highborne elves want to harm Tyrande, which is simply wishful thinking.

Let alone prison play.avi, with the power of the moon god, even touching her is as difficult as climbing to the sky. The only thing they could do was to imprison Tyrande in a dungeon and try to force her to submit by depriving her of food and water.

However, how could Levin miss something like a hero saving a beauty? After all, Tyrande is the girl he likes, so he can't let Malfurion steal the spotlight.

More importantly, the opportunity to capture the heart of a future leader of the strongest race of Azeroth, Zero-53, is not something that comes often.

Just as Levin was deep in thought, wondering how to rescue Tyrande from the clutches of the devil, a figure quietly approached.

The natural aura flowing on the other person's body was like a spring breeze blowing through the forest, allowing Caiwen to instantly tell that this was a fellow Druid.

"Senior Levin?" A clear voice broke the silence, and the little druid came with a hint of restraint and respect. He came to deliver a message, "Commander Jarod invites you to go to the main camp to discuss matters.

Usually, only an ordinary guard is needed to deliver a message. This time, a druid was sent out of respect for Levin.

"Senior Levin?" Levin was slightly stunned, a little surprised by this sudden title. The doubt in his eyes disappeared fleetingly, replaced by a gentle smile: "Okay, I'll be there right away. Thank you for your hard work, you...

The little druid seemed a little shy. He rubbed his nose and said in a childish voice: "Selandra, my name is Selandra Linge, and I am a second-generation druid.

As he said that, he looked up at Levin, with a burning light in his eyes: "I heard that you are the first Druid to understand the power of nature without relying on anyone's guidance, right? The firebird you transformed into is real. That’s so cool, how did you do it…………”

His words were full of admiration and curiosity for Levin.

The druid group, including Malfurion, and even the demigod Cenarius, were full of curiosity about him, a druid outside the system.

After all, the Night Elf Druids have a complete inheritance and system, and Levin is like an alternative existence. His existence is not only a challenge to the mainstream Druid Order, but also a possibility. exploration.

And this uniqueness is what attracted the attention of Tang Landela and many druids.

Malfurion, who was inspired by the forest demigod Cenarius, was known as the great mentor of all druids. Under his personal guidance, the first generation of druids came into being.

The second-generation druids are the apprentices carefully trained by the first-generation druids who were recognized and trained by Malfurion.

The young Selandra Linge in front of him is one of the best. His mentor is Fandral Staghelm, a name who will become a fire druid and betray the night elves in the future. However, at this time He remains loyal to his beliefs and mission.

Yes, it was the Fandral in Levin's memory, the night elf traitor who would become the first Fire Druid in the future.

Of course, it may not be fair to judge Fandral by future events.

After all, after Levin, an unexpected variable, joined Azeroth, the future direction has become confusing. No one can predict what changes he will bring to the world

In short, in the eyes of other druids, if someone claims to be able to master the art of druidry without relying on anyone's teaching, it is undoubtedly nonsense, and no one will believe it. After all, even geniuses like Malfurion had followed Cenarius for a long time and received personal instruction from the demigod through words and deeds, and it took them a long time to become a great druid.

However, Levin's existence breaks this routine.

After all, there is indeed no record of him within the Druid group, but the testimonies of many witnesses such as Lasalle Raza have proven that he does have the ability to use Druid spells. And his unique phoenix transformation is even more amazing. This skill is obviously not something that their group can teach.

At least so far, the druids among them can only transform into giant eagles, hippogryphs, and storm crows. No one can match Levin's transformation state like a phoenix's nirvana.

This is enough to prove that Levin is indeed not from their system.

Levin dealt with Selandra's various problems while following the other party forward and soon reached the land of electricity.

Selandra politely reported loudly to the tent: "Commander Jarod, I have brought Master Levin."

Jarod's gentle and low voice came from the tent: "Well, thank you for your hard work, please let him in.

Following Selandra's guidance, Wen entered the Chinese camp.

He first looked around, his eyes lightly scanning everyone. Several people with different expressions gathered around Jarod, studying the map on the table attentively, exchanging opinions among themselves in low voices. Maiev, the temporary leader of the sisterhood, was also among them, and her expression looked extremely serious.

After spotting Levin, the battle priest winked at him, causing Levin to feel dazzled for a moment.

This female tyrannosaurus actually also shows her playful side.

At this moment, a well-known and burly night elf slammed the table, breaking the tranquility of the air. He is half a head taller than the average person of his race, and his grass-green hair is fluttering in the wind. In addition to the feathered leather armor buckled on his shoulders, the strong muscles of his upper body shined in the sun, looking extremely strong and very "natural"


"With all due respect, Commander-in-Chief," the night elf said in a resolute tone, "Although your steady and steady strategy is in line with the current situation, I don't think Arch Druid Malfurion would agree with your approach."

The silver-haired man at the head was none other than Jarod Shadowsong, who had a brief exchange with Caiwen when he first arrived here.

At this moment, he shook his head with a wry smile and said: "Indeed, considering the safety of Whisperwind Priest, the Archdruid's concern is completely understandable...

"But I hope he can look at the entire battle situation and focus on the overall situation." He paused, and as he spoke, Jarod stretched out his hand and tapped the location of Zin Aissalin on the map on the table, looking at it deeply. Towards that direction: "Although we, with the help of demigods, took advantage of the demon's unstable foothold to advance the battle line to the outskirts of Zin Assalin, it is difficult to reach the sky if we want to go further."

He continued: "In the battles in recent days, the Burning Legion has begun to gradually adapt to the impact of demigods. The strong men of the Burning Legion such as Malonos, Maczhar, and Kazloga have appeared on the front line one after another, and their The power is heart-stopping. If we are a little careless and go deep into the enemy's position, even demigods will be at risk of falling."

Having said this, Jarod rubbed his brows tiredly, with a hint of helplessness in his voice: "In addition, we need more allies. Not just demigod allies, but also the support of the mortal army. In order to Our current military strength can only barely maintain a balance with the Burning Legion, and we are unable to launch further attacks to close the portal of the Well of Eternity. In the process, the Burning Legion is continuously sending more to Azeroth. Demon. If we don’t get support from the new forces, sooner or later we will be overwhelmed by the endless reinforcements of the Burning Legion.”

Levin heard Jarod's words and couldn't help but nodded with deep feeling.

Indeed, this new commander is completely different from the previous noble generals. He did not have the arrogant attitude of treating the war that would determine the fate of Azeroth as a civil war among the night elves, but he sincerely thought about the future of Azeroth as a whole. 【013503129Feilu201551151】

Levin also realized something more critical: Archimonde the Defiler, the strongest combat force of the vanguard of the Burning Legion, has not yet appeared on the battlefield. This seems to mean that Archimonde believes that the current situation is still under his control and there is no need for him to take action personally. This is undoubtedly a disturbing signal, but it also reminds Levin and his companions that they must work harder to turn the tide of the war.

At this time 1.5, Levin's eyes fell on the night elf with his bare upper body.

He recognized his identity from this man's appearance—Fandral Staghelm, the second-in-command of the Druid sect and Malfurion's most valued apprentice. Fandral seemed to be deeply troubled. He scratched his head irritably, and his long, grass-green hair that was already unmanaged became even more messy.

"Tsk! This is really troublesome." Fandral muttered, "We have mobilized all the allies we can muster. The demigods brought their respective families from Mount Hyjal, as well as chimeras, dryads, and elf dragons. When natural allies join in, Mr. Levin also found tauren and furbolgs, but where are we going to find more reinforcements?"

"That..." Levin heard this and suddenly raised his hand to interrupt everyone's debate. He looked around until all eyes were on him, then continued, "Can I make a suggestion?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and seemed to notice that Levin had arrived in the tent. They all turned around with expressions of surprise and anticipation on their faces.

Before that, they had been immersed in the heated discussion and completely ignored everything around them. .

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