My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 700 The Arrival Of The Wilderness Demigod

The scene in front of Jarod seemed to jump out of a childhood fairy tale and become a reality within reach. He looked up at those giants that only appeared in mortal dreams, and his heart was filled with awe and shock.

Although the king of the forest, Cenarius, is extremely tall, there are still some more towering companions standing beside him.

A pair of bear-like twin brothers, the demigods of furbolgs, Ursol and Ursoc, stood quietly beside Cenarius, one of them was looking at Ronin with interest.

It was as if I found something special in him.

Behind the two furbolg demigods, stood a smaller creature. However, his fierce eyes made it impossible to ignore his presence. He looked eagerly at the battlefield in the distance, panting heavily, rubbing his huge paws on the ground, drawing deep ravines. Anyone with a discerning eye can see at a glance that these are ten wolves full of wildness and power - the ten-headed god Ragzhen Goldrin.

In addition, there is a huge wild boar that attracts attention. He has a pair of extremely sharp fangs, and his body is covered with sharp, even deadly thorns. Jarod looked at the wild boar, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, and a name popped up in his mind - Agamaggan, another demigod with primitive power.

Some people may not look spectacular in appearance, but they can be deeply imprinted in the hearts of others with their unique temperament.

Among these demigods, there was a woman with a beautiful appearance but a hint of gloom, like a shadow under the moonlight. She has a strong figure, like an elegant bird, and she is surrounded by a large group of birds flying happily. This woman is none other than Elune's messenger, Avanna, the mother of flying spirits [Her presence seems to add a touch of agility to this mysterious land.

Not far away, a huge turtle slowly moved its heavy body, its neck stretched out long, as if looking at the distant shore. This is the turtle demigod Tutuola who carries endless years and wisdom. .

Around Tutuola, a short fox nimbly shuttled between the legs of the giants.

It has a cunning and sacred face, with a witty light shining in its eyes. Although this fox is small in size, it exudes ten kinds of indescribable majesty and power.

The demigods are also surrounded by some short humanoid creatures, holding sharp swords and with a pair of gorgeous butterfly wings on their backs. These wings shine brightly in the sunlight, making them look both mysterious and cute. They are some kind of elves, known for their agility and sharp swordsmanship.

Suddenly, a pure white figure flashed past the corner of Jarod's eyes. He immediately turned around to check, but saw nothing. However, a clear image lingered in his mind - it was a huge stag with majestic antlers on its head, it seemed to fall from the sky, with divine brilliance.

His mind moved, and he immediately thought of the legendary white stag demigod Ma Lou En. He was not only a powerful demigod, but also the father of Cenarius. Although it was only a brief glance, the majestic and sacred aura was deeply imprinted on his heart.

People kept coming slowly from the other side. Among them, some male demigods are eye-catching. They wear hoods and are covered with a layer of tough skin that looks like oak bark. Their steps were steady and powerful, as if every step carried the power of the earth.

In the air, chimeras and griffons spread their wings and flew high. Their wings cut the air and made a whooshing sound. The existence of these flying giants provided important power to ensure the resistance's air supremacy. At the same time, some plant demigods are shaped like huge moving trees. They have human appearances but sway patiently in the wind.

Further away, dozens of unique-looking guys attracted the mage's attention. Although they have different shapes, each one exudes the breath of nature.

Jarod stared at them intently, trying to describe these wonderful creatures in words, but in the end he could only shake his head helplessly and marvel at the miraculous craftsmanship of nature.

In addition, some more bizarre monsters have joined the battlefield.

The forest giants and mountain giants stood as tall as hills, and their roars shook the heavens and the earth, as if they were about to trample the entire battlefield under their feet. Their arrival undoubtedly injected new strength into the battle. At the same time, the hippogryph in the sky was also overlooking the entire battlefield. Their eyes are as sharp as knives, and they can discern every tiny movement.

Despite the distance, the elves can still feel the power emanating from everyone. They represent the natural forces of this world and are the first creatures created by the Creator. They shoulder the heavy responsibility of protecting nature from harm, and their arrival at this moment undoubtedly brings new hope to the battle.

In addition to these creatures that are close to nature, there are also some unexpected allies who have joined the battle. The arrival of the elements of air and water surprised Jarod. Even though they were far apart, he could feel the power emanating from each element - they represented one of the most primitive forces in the world.

"The King of the Forest!" Jarod Shadowsong's voice was trembling and full of awe. He managed to squeeze out a sentence from the shock, "The demigods of Kalimdor... they, They all came!"

Cenarius walked towards Jarod, with a warm and deep smile on his face, lighting up the entire battlefield as if the sun penetrated the clouds.

"We are not just reinforcements, you will see our determination..." he said softly.

Jarod didn't understand what he meant at first, but soon he understood.

Next, Cenarius made an incredible move.

He, the king of the forest, slowly lowered his head, bent his front legs, and knelt on the ground. Behind him, other demigods also expressed their respect and surrender in their own way.

The sight made Jarod feel dizzy. He swallowed hard, but found that he was speechless. His eyes involuntarily glanced behind him, where all the elf soldiers stood quietly, their eyes full of awe and shock.

At this moment, most of the elven soldiers realized one thing: each of these demigods who joined them in the battle had been living in the world for countless years, and their power was unimaginable. However, now, they actually regard Jarod as someone who should obey orders in battle. This trust and expectation made Jarod feel both excited and terrified.

"..."In the next war, we...will obey your command!" Cenarius finally explained.

Seeing that the elf commander was still in shock, Cenarius stood up slowly. He looked at the night elf in front of him and reminded in a low voice: "Time passes like water. We are waiting for your instructions, Sirud."

The young commander felt an invisible force motivating him. He straightened his body and replied: "Lord Cenarius, your arrival is a real help in times of need. I am deeply honored and grateful to you and all the demigods for their efforts. With your joining, we finally see The hope of survival, a wonderful opportunity full of light."

The King of the Forest nodded slightly, and turned his gaze to the army behind Jarod that was ready to go.

"You are right, Jarod Shadowsong. We do still have a chance, an opportunity that cannot be missed. Now, let us join hands and fight for the future city of this land!"

In fact, when those majestic demigods officially entered the battlefield, the demons had already begun their rout. The powerful aura exuded by these guardians of the wilderness made the dark forces feel unprecedented oppression. They haven't even taken action yet, and their mere existence has become an insurmountable obstacle for the demons.

Archimonde, the leader of the demons, knew that he had no chance of winning if he continued to fight. The moment the demigods of the wild appeared in full force, he realized that Azeroth had not completely succumbed to darkness. There is still a strong resistance here, enough to compete with his legion.

As a result, Archimonde made a wise but bitter decision - to withdraw all troops. He knew that now was not the time to conquer this planet. Azeroth's head resisted, allowing him to see that the dawn of victory was not so easy to reach.

The Burning Legion also needs to accumulate strength. .

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