Everything happened too fast, and until then, Ravencase's body trembled and fell forward, with unwillingness and anger remaining in his eyes.

His followers woke up from a dream and rushed forward to catch their lord. Several elves who reacted quickly rushed forward and finally caught Ravencrest before he fell from his mount.

"Quick! Save the lord!" Someone shouted loudly, and the elves began to look for the Moon God Priest. Another person took out a bandage, trying to stop the bleeding and treat Ravencase's wound, but it was already too late, Raven Keith's face had turned pale and weak, and his life force was rapidly draining away.

The assassin urged his mount hard, trying to find a way through the crowded crowd.

However, the crowd was too dense, and his mount Nightsaber could not break through the wall of people. He looked back and saw that the phoenix was approaching rapidly, its eyes flashing with the flames of anger and revenge.

A look of despair flashed across the assassin's face. He realized that he had no way out. Once the soldiers in front of him knew that he had killed their lord, they would immediately chop him into pieces.

He growled low and gave the order "570" to the night saber.

Levin was surprised to see that the night saber suddenly jumped up and slapped a soldier blocking the road with its huge claws. The soldier was knocked to the ground defenselessly, and the night saber quickly turned around and bit the other elf's throat.

The soldiers did not know that this was actually an attack by the night saber driven by the assassin in order to escape. They were stunned by the sudden attack. They thought that the leopard must be crazy, and they retreated one after another, fearing for this crazy leopard. The leopard made a way.

But at this time, Levin was quickly approaching the assassin. He flapped his wings lightly, and his body landed on the back of the night saber like lightning. He stretched out his sharp beak and pecked at the leopard's waist.

"Pfft!" A muffled sound came, and the night saber let out a shrill scream of pain, and suddenly lost its combat effectiveness and collapsed to the ground.

Levin's attack did not stop. He stretched out his sharp claws and grabbed the night saber under the chin. The sharp claws sliced ​​through its black fur like sharp knives, and blood immediately splashed out and sprinkled on Levin's body. However, as soon as the blood came into contact with Levin's high-temperature feathers, it instantly evaporated into streams of white smoke.

Levin suddenly felt a sharp pain on his left wing. He turned his head slightly and saw that the assassin's dagger had penetrated deeply into his wing at some point.

The dagger caused far more than physical pain. Levin could clearly feel that a cold and evil curse was invading his body along the wound.

This dagger is by no means an ordinary thing. It is obviously a deadly weapon specially designed for assassination with the blessing of special magic. The power of the curse attached to the dagger is enough to ensure that even if the assassin fails to accurately hit the target's vitals, he can still Killing with one blow, and making the victim unable to stand up forever, unable to be resurrected by any means.

The organizer of this assassination obviously spent a lot of money and planned it to the letter, trying to kill Ravencase and maintain the possibility of resurrection.

However, this assassin may be agile enough, but he has overlooked one thing - Levin is not an ordinary creature, but a phoenix bathed in the purifying atmosphere - after all, he has never seen this sacred bird. These curses and poisons were just restrained by the holy power of the Phoenix, and could not survive in his hot and pure Phoenix fire.

When the assassin saw that the attack failed, a trace of fear and unwillingness flashed in his eyes. He held the sword tightly and tried to attack again.

However, the moment he swung his sword, Levin suddenly spread his wings, and a powerful airflow burst out instantly, throwing his whole body away like a fallen leaf.

Although the assassin is highly skilled and moves as fast as the wind, his skills pale in comparison to absolute power. What's more, at this time, he was in the midst of thousands of troops, with nowhere to hide, and it was daytime, so many of the night elves' unique abilities and advantages could not be used.

In other words, the assassin was fighting Levin in the most unsuitable environment.

Although the power of the phoenix cannot be compared with that of the dragon, it is more than enough to deal with such a night elf assassin.

Levin, the phoenix, gracefully stood up from the body of the night saber, exuding a fierce power from the flutter of its wings. His gaze was like a torch, locked tightly on the assassin who was thrown away, and with a flash of his body, he attacked him like a ray of fire.

In order to keep this person alive for interrogation, Levin deliberately suppressed his urge to use fire magic.

The assassin was obviously a battle-experienced master. After being thrown away by the phoenix, he quickly adjusted his body shape in the air. When he landed, he rolled and stood up steadily.

He held the sword in his hand, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, a sneer on his lips, and shouted at Levin: "Damn monster! Do you think you can defeat me like this?"

As he spoke, he swung his sword and stabbed forward, the tip of the sword pointing directly at Levin's vitals.

However, Levin calmly turned the feathers into flames, and the high temperature exploded instantly, turning the sword he received into a wisp of molten iron.

The assassin looked at the hilt of the sword in his hand in astonishment, and felt an inexplicable fear in his heart. He secretly thought that he was unlucky, how could he meet such a weird druid, and the bird he transformed into had something similar to fire? Elemental effects.

What's worse is that his cursed dagger can't resist even the fire element. After stabbing him, the guy in front of him didn't react at all. He felt incredible.

Levin took the opportunity to fly toward his feet. Although the assassin reacted quickly and jumped up, he still could not completely avoid the blow.

Before he even hit the ground, Levin's sharp beak had accurately hit his body. The phoenix's beak penetrated his armor like a sharp sword and stabbed his flesh. He screamed in pain, looked at Cai Wen in horror, and fell backwards involuntarily. He still held the hilt of the sword that had turned into molten iron tightly in his hand.

Before landing, the assassin turned over like a kite and struggled to stand up. Panting, he tried to reposition himself. He held the hilt of the sword tightly in his hand, then looked at Cai Wen fiercely, and even made a provocative gesture. Let him continue to attack...

In the battle just now, the assassin felt that he had figured out the opponent's tactics. Although this strange firebird was powerful, it was not as agile as it was. He was confident that he would continue to fight with the opponent.

However, his provocation failed. Levin did not launch an attack immediately as he wished. Instead, he flapped his wings and slowly took off, as if planning to launch a more violent offensive from the air.

As a bird, the phoenix's combat capabilities on the ground and in the air are two different things. Levin was not stupid enough to fall into the opponent's trap.

At this moment, something unexpected happened to Caiwen.

Seeing that the other party was not giving him any chance, the assassin realized that he was doomed, so he suddenly pointed the dagger in his hand at his own throat, shouted: "Long live Sara!" and then stabbed him violently.

The dagger pierced his throat easily. He fell forward, and blood spurted out, staining the entire ground red. Although his eyes were still wide open, they were no longer alive.

Levin angrily walked to the dead body of the assassin. He did not expect that the assassin would be so determined that he would rather commit suicide than leave a living person.

Levin decided to save his life. He lowered his head and a crystal tear slipped from the corner of his eye, gently falling on the assassin's hideous wound.

The strange thing is that the moment the teardrop touched the wound, a warm and powerful vitality was injected into it. The wound heals quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye——this is Feng

The effects of tears.

However, that was all, the body still showed no sign of life.

Levin's heart sank, he changed back to his human form, and took out a bottle of precious [Rejuvenation Elixir] from his arms. This product of the Philosopher's Stone not only extended life, but also had the miraculous effect of bringing the dead back to life. He carefully poured the elixir into the assassin's mouth, expecting to awaken the soul that had been cursed to take away his life.

However, all efforts are in vain. The curse in the dagger is powerful and evil. It is like a dark shackle, firmly imprisoning the assassin's soul and preventing the elixir from working.

Levin couldn't even perceive the existence of the other party's soul, and this life seemed to have completely disappeared from the world.

Although he had already made some guesses, after unwillingly verifying it himself, Levin was still disappointed.

At this moment, Maiev came over supporting the weak Tyrande. Levin's younger brother Jarod also followed closely behind. After seeing his sister Maiev, the young officer's eyes flashed with surprise, but he didn't show any expression. After all, Lord Ravencase had just been killed in battle.

Under this situation, he had no time to reminisce with Maiev, but walked straight to Levin and patted him on the shoulder hard.

"You killed him, Druid." Jarod's voice was full of admiration and excitement, "You avenged the lord! Great! Well done!"

Levin just shook his head bitterly. He knew that this victory would bring no real consolation.

He failed to prevent Ravencase's death, nor could he save the assassin who was cursed to take his life.

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