When Neltharion heard Alexstrasza's rebuttal, a trace of pain and struggle flashed in his eyes.

"That's what I want to do!" However, he quickly concealed these emotions and said forcefully, "When everyone obeys my orders, the world will no longer be chaotic and disorderly, and war will disappear forever!"

"Is there no more death?" Alexstrasza shook his head gently, showing a sad look in his eyes, full of disappointment for Neltharion: "Neltharion, your 'peace'

How many innocent lives need to be paid with their lives? Do you really want to see such a world?"

"I——" The voice in his head began to ring endlessly again, instructing him to deprive her of her ability to speak and her life.

Neltharion was silent for a moment, as if he was trying to suppress the voice that kept ringing in his mind. Those voices were like the temptation of a succubus, constantly tempting him into deeper darkness.

He shook his head, trying to wake himself up: "Alexstrasza...I..."

"Neltharion! You must fight against the crazy thoughts that control you to the end!" Seeing this, the Red Dragon Queen felt that there was a way to do it, and immediately shouted without hesitation, "You were once a great guardian, you can find Return to your original intention! Recall the expectations of the great Titans for us. Before everything is irreversible, "Destroy that evil talisman!"

However, this time, Alexstrasza said the wrong thing.

She shouldn't have mentioned Dragon Soul.

This powerful rune was secretly cursed during its forging by the whispering Old Gods.

Under the influence of the curse, the Dragon Soul has an inexplicable attraction, tempting everyone who approaches and holds it, just like Sauron's Ring in "The Lord of the Rings", leading them to corruption and power. In the abyss, all those who hold the dragon soul will gradually become irritable and suspicious, suspicious of every partner around them, and worry that they will take the dragon soul away from them.

Alexstrasza's words obviously triggered the sensitive nerves of the Earth Guardian. The next moment, his remaining lucidity was swallowed up, and the crimson eyes once again revealed a cold and crazy light.

"No! You are becoming more and more disloyal!" He held the talisman tightly in his hand, as if he was afraid of being taken away, and his voice was low and full of hostility: "You want to take away my things - the things I created - and then leave them behind. Give it to yourself I already knew! I already knew that none of you can be trusted!"


The Red Dragon Queen wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Neltharion's angry shout: "Shut up!"

Under the influence of the Dragon Soul, Neltharion spoke freely. Alexstrasza was immediately unable to speak. Her jaw seemed to be frozen by cold frost. Although she still struggled to speak, she could not speak. It is no match for the powerful calendar of the Dragon Soul.

At this moment, Neltharion has completely become a slave to the Dragon Soul. His heart is filled with the desire for power and the fear of betrayal. He can no longer distinguish between friends and foes around him, and is only blind to the talisman. Worship and protection.

Alexstrasza was suspended there helplessly, her eyes filled with sadness and helplessness. She knew that she could no longer restore this former friend.

The black dragon Neltharion glanced at the red dragon queen Alexstrasza indifferently, and then turned his eyes to the ground again.

While he was talking to Alexstrasza, the elves and demons there were still trembling under his pressure, not even daring to breathe.

"I have made a decision!" He snorted contemptuously and handed down the judgment, "I don't think this world needs you troublemakers!"

As he spoke, he raised the dragon soul in his hand high.

The talisman instantly bloomed (bhbc) with a dazzling light, as if it was going to swallow up everything around it.

Just when this terrible talisman was about to take away innocent lives again, something unexpected happened.

Suddenly, a ball of red flames rushed from a distance and hit Neltharion hard.

In everyone's eyes, the person who came was a firebird. His body was much smaller than Neltharion. In fact, he was not even as good as most dragons. He was only the size of a young dragon. But contrary to his size, he was so impressive. Admirable courage——He used his greatest strength to hit the crazy guardian dragon regardless of his own safety. It targets Neltharion, whose scales are sparse,

The weakest part simultaneously spit out blazing fire, hitting his eyes directly.

This firebird is Levin's phoenix.

His sudden appearance surprised Neltharion, the guardian of the earth. However, the black dragon did not lose the dragon soul in his hand because of his sneak attack, as Levin hoped.

Neltharion clutched the talisman tightly. Even when he was hit by the phoenix and rolled in the air, he never forgot to protect his precious creation.

Levin flipped lightly in the air and landed firmly on the rocks nearby. He sighed slightly, feeling a little disappointed that his raid just failed.

However, he also knew clearly that facing the huge black dragon Neltharion, it would be difficult to achieve anything by himself.

Phoenix, a mysterious and beautiful creature, is not famous for its physical strength, but the Phoenix incarnated by Levin is even more so. Its power lies in its blazing flames and unparalleled regeneration ability. The phoenix's flame contains the hottest and purest power in the world, capable of burning all obstacles and purifying all evil; and its regeneration ability allows him to always avert danger and regain a new life when facing powerful enemies.

However, facing an ancient creature like a giant dragon, the phoenix's flame attack seemed powerless.

Dragons are born with strong resistance to flames, especially black dragons, which are the most defensive among the five-color dragons. Their Dragon King Neltharion's scales are as solid as rocks and their defense is amazing. He was able to withstand the flames of the phoenix almost without any damage.

Therefore, Levin knew that to defeat the Black Dragon King, fire attacks alone were far from enough.

Compared with other dragons, Levin's advantage is that he does not belong to the five major dragon clans, which means that he will not be affected by the curse of the dragon soul and can display his power without reservation when facing Neltharion. All strength.

Since the dragons have injected their power into the dragon soul, the dragon soul is still their weakness. "Song can seal them all with just a little spell.

But Levin is different. He is not a dragon, so the dragon soul has no restrictions on him.

Although he was facing the huge and powerful black dragon Neltharion, Levin did not choose to escape. What he relies on is the regeneration ability of the Phoenix. With this ability, even if it is destroyed in ashes, he can be reborn as a Phoenix egg in the ashes. It is almost impossible for Neltharion to kill him with one blow.

Of course, it would be best not to come to this step.

Neltharion was staggered just now, but before he could regain his footing, the phoenix transformed by Levin was already flying quickly again. This time, he hit the black dragon's chest hard with his back, and at the same time stretched out his sharp beak to peck at his neck, which was relatively weak in defense. It was like his soft attack against the scales.

Dragons have never been known for their agility. Compared to the clumsy earth guardian Neltharion, the phoenix Levin's figure appears light and agile. He flew freely in the air, dancing with the wind every time he flapped his wings.

Neltharion swung his huge claws angrily, trying to tear the pesky firebird into pieces. However, his attacks were always in vain [even the ten feathers of the phoenix were

Less than.

On the contrary, Levin can always keenly detect Neltharion's flaws and repeatedly peck his vitals with his sharp beak.

The severe pain caused by Ni Lin's attack made the Black Dragon King roar in pain. His breathing became rapid and heavy, and he was undergoing tremendous suffering with every breath.

Finally, Neltharion, who couldn't bear the pain, loosened his grip on his paws and the Talisman Dragon Soul slipped from his hands.

The next moment, he realized the problem and let out an unwilling roar: "No..."

The sound was as deafening as thunder, filled with endless anger and despair.

Finally, he became ruthless, and his huge body used brute strength to suppress him, covering the sky and the sun. He pushed hard at Phoenix. "The powerful force pushed Levin far away.

Then, Neltharion immediately swooped down to chase the rune. He folded his wings and descended at an alarming speed, completely ignoring the possibility that this would cause a stall and "crash".

Therefore, under his desperate efforts, the Demon Soul was tightly grasped in his hand before it fell very far.

"How...how dare you... do this?" The Black Dragon Queen, who had taken off again, roared at Levin in fear.

Although hit by Neltharion's brute force, Levin, who transformed into a phoenix, was not fatally injured, only a few fractures. Relying on the Phoenix's amazing regeneration ability, he returned to his peak state in just a few breaths.

Levin turned over lightly in the air and stabilized his figure again, but the sight in front of him made him instantly wary.

Because the dragon soul in Neltharion's hand had locked onto him, the golden light emitted by the talisman danced in the black dragon's eyes, as if mocking Caiwen's powerlessness.

Levin's heart tightened, and he knew that he could never resist the attack of this mysterious talisman.

"I will take your life!" Neltharion's roar was deafening, "You will be reduced to ashes!"

Along with his angry roar, the fourth golden light shot out from the dragon soul.

Although this golden light is not as dazzling as the beam used when killing demons and night elves before, the power contained in it is enough to make any creature tremble.

Levin didn't dare to be careless at all. If possible, he didn't want to try his rebirth ability, so the next moment, the feathers all over his body burned in an instant, and the golden-red flames enveloped him entirely.

At this critical moment, he activated his unendowed skill seventeen [Apparition]. 【013503117 Feilu 221241121】

The firelight flashed away, Levin's figure disappeared without a trace on the spot, and the attack of the golden light was naturally in vain. After drawing a long trajectory in the air, it dissipated feebly in the air.

Neltharion was stunned. He obviously didn't expect that this seemingly weak phoenix could have such a clever way of escaping.

He looked around angrily, trying to find any trace of Levin. However, Levin seemed to disappear out of thin air, no matter how he searched, there was no trace.

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