Levin felt a little relieved when he saw Tyrande's changes. He knew that Tyrande had outstanding potential, and as long as she was given the right guidance and support at critical moments, she would be able to exert her own strength.

"High Priest Dejana, Tyrande will temporarily ask you to take care of her." When Dejana skillfully stepped on the hippogryph and adjusted the reins, Levin solemnly asked her: "As you can see, she is still She is very young and may not be mature enough in some aspects. I hope you can guide her at critical moments and help her complete her tasks better."

During the time he spent with Tyrande, the relationship between Levin and her was not just a deliberately close distance, he truly regarded her as a friend. Every conversation with her and every adventure they shared made Levin more deeply aware of the unique charm of this young girl.

Although Levin in his previous life knew the history of World of Warcraft well, those characters were always illusory existences across the screen to him, and they were all smoke and mirrors across a screen. Now, after getting along with these characters personally, he found that they were alive and made him feel alive.

In Levin's eyes, the future high priest, Tyrande Whisperwind, who is still young now, was selected by Elune without any behind-the-scenes manipulation.

Not only does she have an outstanding appearance, she also has a gentle, kind and innocent heart. Every smile of hers is as warm as sunshine, and every movement of hers reveals pure beauty. She is indeed a heart-warming girl. It is no wonder that brothers Malfurion and Illidan fell in love with her.

When they first met each other, in order to avoid trouble, Levin just planned to remain friends with Tyrande [to avoid getting involved in complicated entanglements with Malfurion and Illidan.

But as time went by, he found that he was becoming more and more attracted to Tyrande, and even had the idea of ​​​​competing with the brothers and getting closer to her.

At this time, standing in front of High Priest Dejana, Levin couldn't help but say good things for Tyrande.

"It seems that after accepting Elune's oracle, you also saw the specialness of this girl," Dejana smiled and nodded, "I don't need you to tell me, I will do the same, I can see it. , she has a special light, which is a gift from the goddess and given by the heavy responsibility she will bear in the future. She needs to grow quickly to cope with the upcoming challenges. So please rest assured, you don’t need to tell me, I will too Trying to guide and help her in any way I can.”

She paused and turned to Levin and Maiev: "At the same time, you must be more careful. This (bbbj) battle is full of unknowns and dangers, but I believe that with Elune's blessing, we will be able to get through it. Difficulties.”

The Grand Temple of the Moon Goddess, as the headquarters of the Sisters of Elune, is currently busy and orderly preparing.

Among the hundreds of priests, only more than a hundred combat priests will participate in this battle. The rest of the priests focus on the practice of auxiliary and healing spells. They lack combat experience [Mai Wei and Di Bian will naturally not let these rookies join the battle. .

Dozens of hippogryphs in the animal pens let out a low neigh. They will be responsible for transporting the priests out of the city in batches. If counted according to the number, they will have to fly at least three or four times to transport all the priests out. Fortunately, these priestesses are very light, so there is no problem if three of them ride together.

High Priest Dejana stood in front of the temple, watching the priests mount the hippogryphs one by one, silently praying in her heart that they could return safely.

Seeing that High Priest Dejana and the priests were all ready for battle, Maiev took a deep breath and gently wiped the remaining blood on the moon wheel with her sleeves. She glanced sideways at Levin standing aside, and saw that he looked carefree, as if he didn't care about the upcoming battle.

Maiev frowned slightly, with a hint of displeasure in her tone, covering up a trace of worry hidden deep in her heart: "Let me ask you one last time, are you sure you want to fight with us? This is not a child's play, you may lose your life. of."

"Of course." Upon hearing this, Levin did not change his attitude, but just nodded: "I'm sure, Maiev, let's go."

"Hmph, don't expect me to save you if you encounter danger on the battlefield." Although Maiev said this, who knew what she was thinking in her heart.

In fact, she still gave Levin a high look in her mind. No matter what his attitude was, at least he dared to stand up and fight alongside them.

She admired this courage alone.

Maiev turned towards the animal pen and pulled out a black nightsaber. She turned over and mounted the Nightsaber, raised the moon wheel above her head, and shouted loudly: "Sisters! We must attract enough attention for the retreat of the high priest and other sisters, and charge with me!"

"Yes! For Elune!" All the battle priests responded in unison, riding on the night sabers and rushing down the mountain road.

High Priest Dejana also directed the priests to control the Hippogryph into the air, preparing to take advantage of the battle priests to attract the enemy's attention and prepare to evacuate at any time.

As long as they evacuate faster, these companions responsible for fighting will be safer.

Tyrande was riding his own hippogryph beside him, clasping his hands in front of his chest, closing his eyes tightly, and silently lowered his head and prayed: "Elune, may you bless Levin and the sisters to break through the siege smoothly and return safely. "

A dividing line between the two sides of the battle -

At the hidden checkpoints at the foot of the mountain, the Moon Guards have already been ready. Their figures are looming in the night, as if they are integrated with the surrounding natural environment.

Nearly two hundred battle mages gathered together, and they used superb arcane magic to skillfully change the terrain. At the entrance of the mountain pass, a thick earth wall rose out of thin air and stood indestructibly across the center of the passage.

The leader is a male night elf with purple hair. There is a striking scar at the corner of his eye, which is the mark left on him by the battle with the troll.

He stood behind the earth wall, his sharp eyes piercing through the dust, staring at the top of the mountain road. There, you can vaguely see the rising dust and the speeding figure.

"Here we come!" He shouted and announced bravely, "According to the order of Queen Azshara, we must not let these Moon God priests break out! This is the honor and mission of our Moon Guards!"

He turned around and gave an order to the team behind him: "Be prepared for the air team! The Hippogryph Knights may launch a surprise attack from the air, and we must respond at any time!"

"Yes!" The guards responded in unison, their voices echoing in the valley.

The commander took a deep breath and tightened his grip on the gorgeous staff and one-handed sword. These two weapons are not only the support for his battle, but also the symbol of his faith. He stared at the gradually clear dust on the mountain road, silently reciting the vow to fight in his heart.

"Come on!" He growled, "In the name of the Moon Guard, we must stop you here! For the glory of Azshara, and for the future of the night elves!".

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