The name Lasall Raza, in the language of the night elves, contains a mysterious and reverent meaning, and its meaning is "the throne of the sky."

As the name suggests, this city, built under the supervision of Queen Azshara herself, stands high on the top of the mountain, like a sacred fortress connecting heaven and earth, overlooking all living beings.

The layout of the city is centered on the Grand Temple of the Glory of the Moon God in the center, radiating to the surroundings. Countless large and small temple buildings surround the great temple like stars over the moon.

Each temple carries the believers' piety and respect for the moon god Elune.

In Levin's eyes, Lasalle Raza is not an ordinary city for civilians to live in, but a holy place of faith. This place attracts followers of Elune from all corners. They come from far and wide to pay homage. The purpose is to seek good luck and spiritual comfort under this boundless sky. Its status among the night elves is equivalent to that of the Vatican. to Christianity or Jerusalem to Green Christianity.

The core area of ​​​​the city is strictly protected, with no room for intervention by the Moon Guard. The Sisters of Elune themselves have built an indestructible defense force.

According to the news Tyrande received previously, Lasalle Raza is currently implementing a strategy of easy entry and strict exit.

Although ordinary people can still freely enter the city for pilgrimage, they must go through strict investigation and review if they want to leave the holy city. The purpose of this move is to ensure that the Moon God Priests can wholeheartedly guard this pure land of faith and prohibit them from leaving Lasalraza without permission and joining the frontline battlefield, thereby preventing them from becoming the power zone of the resistance forces.

Elune's faith is like the light of the full moon in night elf society, omnipresent and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Even those upper elves who control arcane magic, although their faith is relatively indifferent, is not completely non-existent. As powerful as Queen Azshara, she dare not openly challenge Elune's authority, because the power of this moon god has an unshakable position in the entire night elf community.

If those devout Moon God priests are allowed to join the resistance on a large scale, declare the Burning Legion as invaders in the name of the Moon God, and call on the people of the entire empire to stand up and resist, then what will happen to the position and actions of Queen Azshara and the Highborne Elves? It will inevitably be questioned and resisted by countless disciples.

Such consequences are unbearable for them.

Therefore, at this time, all transmission points from this city to the outside world are closely guarded by moon guards.

When Levin and Tyrande flew into the city on hippogryphs, they were naturally attacked by the Moon Guards. The guards at those gates already view them as enemies

and passed the news to his companions.

Suddenly, a large number of blue and white arcane missiles attacked them, and the magic attack formed a sudden storm.

However, their tricks did not faze Levin at all. He took action in time and applied [Bark Spell] and [Stoneskin Spell] to the hippogryph.

These two powerful magics made the hippogryph's body turn gray, as if it was covered with a layer of indestructible armor. Those weak arcane missiles hitting it did not cause any substantial damage except for making it slightly unstable.

After realizing that these attacks did not pose a threat to itself, the hippogryph immediately calmed down from its panic. It spread its wings, flew and hovered flexibly in the air, and even began to fly majestically above the heads of these moon guards.

Its actions seemed to mock the incompetence of these guards, making them jump with anger but helpless.

However, the sudden reaction of the Moon Guards caused a wave of fear among the civilians who were pilgrims in the city.

They instinctively thought that there was an enemy attack and ran around in panic, looking for safe refuge.

In this chaotic moment, a female night elf wearing a simple moon-white dress appeared in front of the Temple of the Glory of the Moon.

She walked out of the door slowly and calmly, as if a peaceful moonlight illuminated everything around her. Behind her were a dozen women wearing priestly robes, their faces filled with determination and faith.

"Your Majesty the High Priest!" A believer recognized this distinguished figure with sharp eyes, and he shouted excitedly, "Please save us!"

The high priest smiled and waved, spreading bits of silvery light to the panicked believers. This radiance was like the gentle caress of the moon god Elune, which gradually calmed down their originally excited emotions.

Her warm and loving voice sounded in the crowd: "Everyone, please don't worry. As long as you are still in Lasal Raza [the Sisters of Elune will do their best to ensure your safety."

After appeasing the restless believers, the high priest led his team into the great temple again.

However, after entering the temple, the high priest's expression suddenly became serious. She turned to look behind her at a woman with silver hair, a beautiful face, and a resolute expression, and said in a deep voice: "Maev, go find out what happened. The Moon Guard will not launch anti-air attacks for no reason. There must be a reason behind it.”

The priestess named Maiev bowed her head respectfully and responded: "Yes, because of the same circumstances."

Her figure gradually became illusory under the faint moonlight, and finally disappeared into the air, as if blending into the boundless night.

The high priest's silver-white eyes looked at the dark sky outside the temple, a thoughtful look flashed across his face, and he murmured: "Dear Elune, is this the turning point you mentioned? Could it be that, Is there some unknown fate and crisis hidden behind this sudden commotion?"

Tyrande skillfully controlled the hippogryph, nimbly dodging those powerless arcane missiles, causing the hippogryph to suffer as little damage as possible, and just flew forward.

Fortunately, the Moon Guard did not dare to go too far in this holy city. They knew very well that the Sisters of Elune were the real masters of the city, so they did not blatantly deploy anti-air defense barriers. This allowed Tyrande and Levin to continue flying forward smoothly without encountering any real fierce obstruction.

0......Please give me flowers......

Soon, they successfully entered the temple area of ​​the city.

Tyrande landed slowly in front of a temple building on the east side. The hippogryph's wings flapped gently, bringing with it a gentle breeze.

However, the moment they landed, a group of people immediately surrounded them.

"Who is it?" A shout broke the silence around him.

Since being put under disguised house arrest, the priests of the Sisterhood of Elune have been on high alert. They are always ready to protect the temple and belief of the Moon God and guard against possible invasion by the Moon Guard.

Levin noticed that some of these people were holding bows and arrows, and some were holding three-petal moon blades. These are the traditional weapons of the moon priests. In addition, they were wearing priestly clothes. Obviously, these people were not moon guards. , but the armed force of the Sisters of Elune.

This discovery was a relief to both Levin and Tyrande.

They knew that after entering La Salleza, it would be Tyrande's home court. After all, she is a member of the Moon God belief system and shares the same beliefs and ideas with these priests.

Tyrande jumped off the hippogryph's back lightly, moving gracefully and calmly, and walked towards the priests who surrounded them with a smile.

"Sisters, please put down your weapons." Tyrande's voice was gentle but firm, and her words seemed to have a kind of magic, which instantly relaxed the tense atmosphere.

She took out a silver badge from her chest. The surface of the badge was engraved with the pattern of a woman praying. This was a token of the moon god Elune. She showed her badge to the vigilant priestesses to prove her identity.

"I am Tyrande Whisperwind, the priest of Suramar," she continued, "Following the orders of Lord Curtalos Ravencrest, the commander of the resistance, I came to assist the sisters of the Moonlight in liberating the Lockdown Lasalle Raza.”

Levin also waved lazily to the priests who had relaxed a lot, with a warm smile on his face. "Hello everyone, I am Levin Cuiye, a friend of Tyrande and a druid. I am happy to help you and fight alongside you to protect this sacred land."

At this moment, a distant holy and female voice came from afar:

"Sisters, let them come."

When the priestesses heard this voice, they immediately put away their weapons, with expressions of awe and piety on their faces.

Tyrande and Levin successfully passed the circle of priests and entered the courtyard of the Temple of the Glory of the Moon.

There is a towering ancient tree in the center of the courtyard. Its branches and leaves are lush and seem to stretch out to the sky, protecting this sacred land. The surrounding buildings shimmer with silvery white light under the moonlight, looking solemn and mysterious.

Suddenly, a slight sound of metal friction sounded behind Levin. He was startled and looked back subconsciously.

He saw a figure holding a wheel saw suddenly appear in his sight. The sharp saw teeth were less than five centimeters away from his neck!

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