As a mage whose strength is almost legendary, Levin is not overly worried about his survival in the War of the Ancients. He is very confident in himself. Even in this chaotic era, no matter how bad the situation is, he can just find a place to live in peace.

He is not a prominent figure among the night elves anyway, so even the powerful Burning Legion is unlikely to pursue him.

Looking back at the history of World of Warcraft, the War of the Ancients finally ended with the victory of the night elves. This fact also makes Levin not worry too much about the future.

He did not think that demons would eventually rule the world, so after experiencing the nervousness and uneasiness when he first arrived, he gradually calmed down and began to think about how to seek greater benefits in this world.

Therefore, after experiencing the initial nervousness, Levin has calmed down and begun to consider what benefits he can gain in this world.

For example, the magic of this world, the Druid skills of the night elves, and various rare treasures have all become tempting targets in Levin's eyes. What moved him even more was the real purpose of the demon's invasion of Azeroth - the treasure that represented endless magical energy, the holy object in the eyes of mages, the Well of Eternity.

However, to pursue these interests, Levin first needs to gain a certain status in the night elf resistance.

In the world of Harry Potter, he has become one of the substantial talkers in the magical world of the Yin Kingdom. In the process of gradually mastering the magical world of the Yin Kingdom, Levin's understanding of this aspect is getting deeper and deeper. He knew that only by standing at a high enough height could he have access to the core secrets of this world and have the opportunity to get his hands on those coveted powers and treasures.

Therefore, he specially created golden eyes for himself, hoping to stand out among the night elves. At the same time, he was also full of curiosity and expectation about the call from Elune, thinking that this might be an excellent opportunity to improve his status.

At the same time, Levin, who is in the world of Azeroth, is always thinking about the world of Harry Potter.

Although he is also a time traveler to the Harry Potter world, he has lived there for a long time after all, and the foundations he has built over the decades are all there. Of course, he cannot stay in Azeroth permanently and will one day go back. .

However, how to go back became a problem before him.

While traveling through time, the "Book of Knowledge" that caused all this to happen, after releasing all its power, dissipated in the air like fireworks, making him sigh.

Fortunately, Levin had already memorized the techniques in the book during his time travel. During his journey outside the world, Levin continued to understand new laws and gradually deepened his understanding of these time-travel techniques. As long as he is given enough resources and time, he believes that he will be able to reproduce the magical power of the "Book of Knowledge".

The only thing that needs to be considered is where the powerful energy source needed to travel comes from.

At least Levin wouldn't consider providing it himself.

He couldn't help but cast his eyes on the source of trouble in the ancient war, the Well of Eternity. The well water contains endless magical energy, which is the best source of energy for him to travel through.

In addition to thinking about how to go back, Levin also began to plan for future interests.

The War of the Ancients was the first planet-level crisis that Azeroth encountered since it had mortal civilization... but it was not the last.

Azeroth is the home planet of Jaina and Onyxia, and they will eventually return here. He hopes that when that day comes, he can do something for them.

Now in the age of the War of the Ancients, Levin realizes that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

In this era, he can make allies, accumulate strength, explore secrets, and lay a solid foundation for the future world of Azeroth and his own return. Therefore, he must seek a stable position among the night elves so that he can better realize his plan.

After Tyrande's narration, Levin roughly understood the abilities of druids in this era.

The Druid profession is like the rising sun, which has just emerged in the night elf society. They drew strength from the spirits of the wilderness and became beings closely connected to nature.

However, since this power has just been mastered, the night elves are still in the groping stage on how to use it exquisitely. Their operation methods retain more of the rough and primitive style of the wild demigods.

As the incarnation of the will of nature, the demigods of the wilderness are born with awe-inspiring power without the need for deliberate practice. They can manipulate the power of nature as they wish and use the energy of nature for their own use.

If mortals want to master the power of nature, they must explore more subtle and efficient application techniques through unremitting research and practice. Specifically, it means abandoning crude abuse and creating specific spells through fixed routines and combinations.

Compared with the druids in this world, the druid spells mastered by Guowen are undoubtedly more mature and advanced.

Not only can he flexibly use the power of nature, he can also use the combination and changes of spells to exert one force into two parts, or even more, and produce more diverse effects. This in-depth understanding and skillful use of magic enable him to face various challenges with ease.

As a time traveler, Levin is not only a mage, but also a druid. Coupled with his understanding of the history of Azeroth, he can be said to know the advantages and disadvantages of the power of nature.

Levin believes that among the six major power systems of Azeroth, the power of nature originates from the will of nature and the spirit of the wilderness. It is characterized by being stable and controllable, like a warm spring that stretches endlessly.

However, stability often means that the rate of enhancement is too slow.

Although the power of nature is one of the six original powers of the universe, compared with other powers that have the ability to destroy heaven and earth, such as arcane magic and evil energy, its output performance is always slightly inferior.

But stability also means slow progress. Although they are both the six original powers of the universe, compared with the arcane and evil natural forces that have the ability to destroy the world, they are always lacking in output performance.

For example, the famous world Demarfurion achieved the feat of detonating the Well of Eternity in the future in the original book, but he was able to do this not with the power of a druid, but with the help of Illidan's stolen power. Dragon Soul.

In the second defeat of the Burning Legion's invasion, Malfurion successfully killed Archimonde - but this was not the result of the Druid, but the sacrifice of countless ancient spirits.

What is even more shameful is that even the demigod Cenarius, the source of druids, will be easily killed by a mortal in the future.

The green dragon clan, which also controls the power of nature, was easily controlled by Xavius ​​in the Emerald Nightmare. Even the noble Queen Ysera was not spared. These things made Levin have doubts about the power of druids. He has doubts, at least on this road, he can't see any bright future.

The power of Druid may be able to win him a place in this world, but if he wants to truly seek a powerful path in this world, he needs to find other sources of power. And his gaze naturally fell on the Well of Eternity.

The Moon Guard's defense of the Sky Throne is like an iron wall. Levin and Tyrande, who are both night elves, know very well that trying to sneak into this floating city with Shadow Escape like they did to penetrate the demonic defense line is tantamount to a daydream.

They had to find another way to enter Lasal Raza.

Fortunately, although these upper elf mages are arrogant and arrogant, they at least still retain a sense of compassion for their compatriots. They blocked Razal Raza, but they were confused by Queen Azshara's order. There is no evidence that , they are also involved in colluding with demons, so they will not kill their own people easily, which also provides a glimmer of opportunity for Levin and Tyrande.

Considering the complexity of the current situation, Levin feels that he must proceed with caution.

Many upper elves have abandoned their original beliefs and followed Queen Azshara into the arms of the devil. The defenders here are inevitably bound to have such spies.

(De Zhao's) In this situation, they cannot easily judge the enemy or ourselves, so Levin strongly advises Tyrande to hide her true purpose.

Along the way, in Tyrande's eyes, Levin was not only powerful, but also full of wisdom, and a reliable companion. Tyrande, who was still very young at this time, followed Levin's advice.

Tyrande agreed with Levin's suggestion.

Along the way, Tyrande noticed Levin's performance. She felt that Levin was not only powerful, but also smart. He was worthy of being a man who had traveled thousands of miles at a young age, and he was a trustworthy partner.

Although she was also a gifted priest and warrior, she felt that she was still too young and had too little experience in this area, so she wisely chose to follow Levin's arrangements.

Since she wanted to conceal her identity, Tyrande took off her eye-catching leather armor and put on ordinary civilian clothing. Levin carefully untied her ponytail and braided it into a simple braid with his own hands, making her look more like an ordinary village girl.

Afterwards, the two of them hid the hippogryph properly and approached the floating city of Lasalraza on foot. They walked steadily and looked natural, as if they were just two ordinary pilgrims coming to visit this religious capital.

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