Originally, Tyrande thought that such a peaceful time would last forever, and that she would live as an ordinary Moon Priest. In the future, she would choose one of the Stormrage brothers to be her partner, build a family, and have several babies. ...

However, she never thought that the ancient war would break out and her fate would be changed forever.

A large number of alien creatures suddenly emerged from the portal in Suramar City. These demonic beings swept through the Val'sharah forest like a scourge, turning the originally peaceful home into a purgatory on earth.

Countless night elf civilians lost their lives due to the brutal invasion of demons, and Tyrande's home was not spared. She witnessed the death of her relatives with her own eyes, and her heart was filled with pain and helplessness.

The demons' raging was as fierce and ruthless as the storm, and they destroyed everything in sight without mercy. Tyrande's hometown seemed so fragile in the face of this evil force, and was instantly reduced to ruins.

All her family members, those relatives who had laughed and cried with her, were killed in that catastrophe, leaving her with only endless grief and hatred.

The pain those demons brought to her was so profound that she could not forget the tragic death of her family.

Whenever night falls, she will dream of those terrible paintings, the ferocious faces of demons, the helpless cries of her family, and her helpless anger. These memories stabbed her heart like sharp knives, making her unable to let go.

Hatred and anger became Tyrande's driving force. She is no longer the girl who simply pursues her dream of being a moon priest, but has transformed into a brave warrior, vowing to avenge her family and home.

Along with other priestesses, she healed the wounded in the ruins of Suramar and transformed the Temple of Elune into a sanctuary. They worked day and night, using their faith and strength to bring hope and healing to the wounded, becoming a solid backing for the resistance.

This time, Tyrande shouldered the heavy responsibility of the Sisters and went to La Salraza to seek to liberate the Sisters of Elune there. The real main force of the Sisters of Elune was stationed there, and even their high priest stayed there. . Unfortunately, they were put under house arrest by the upper elf gate and did not understand the outside world.

Her purpose is to bring the Sisters of Elune back to Suramar from there, adding a new force to the resistance.

Levin opened his eyes suddenly, and his vision was swallowed up by a deep and endless darkness.

In this strange realm where time and space are elusive, he felt an inexplicable confusion and trance intertwined in his heart.

He looked around and found that in the entire dark space, only a fist-sized light source was vaguely revealed in the west direction. The warm and bright silver light is like the twinkling of distant stars, shining from an unknown distance. However, these lights seemed unable to touch his body and could only bloom alone in the darkness.

Levin tried to move towards the distant light in this weightless space. His movements were clumsy and difficult, as if he was groping forward in endless darkness. However, no matter how hard he tried to get closer, the light source always kept an insurmountable distance from him, as if it was an endless chase.

Suddenly, Levin's consciousness fell into a trance, and he felt as if he had passed through the barrier of time and space and returned to the real world.

He sat up from the ground with a pale face and found that he was in a peaceful forest.

Recalling the dream he just experienced, Levin felt lingering fear. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and subconsciously turned his head to look to the west.

That direction was exactly where the light source was in his dream.

"It's this dream again," Levin murmured to himself, "What exactly is this foreshadowing to me?"

As a psychic who is well versed in the mysteries of the soul, Levin has almost absolute control over his inner world. He firmly believed that his mental barrier, which was as solid as iron, had no cracks for no reason, allowing dreams like this to creep in.

The reason for such a dream must be due to some powerful external influence.

However, it is not easy to influence the mind of a psychic—at least it is impossible for those lonely ghosts wandering in the world.

The existence that can achieve this is more accomplished than Levin in this area, so it may only be a high-ranking existence that has reached the legendary level, or even surpassed the legendary level.

The continent of Azeroth has never lacked such powerful existences.

Not to mention the demigods of the wilderness who are closely connected to the souls of Azeroth, the moon god Elune, whom the night elves have believed in for countless years, is a powerful man at the level of a true god.

Gods like to make mysterious revelations like this.

Levin frowned and thought, and suddenly an idea flashed, "In terms of the west, I remember it is the direction of Lasalra, the seat of the sky, right?"

In previous conversations, Tyrande revealed a lot of valuable information to Levin, including their current geographical location and the latest developments in the War of the Ancients.

After successfully resisting the fierce initial demonic attack, resistance forces sprung up across the Dark Night Empire, led by Black Crow Castle, which successfully defeated a demonic attack on the battlefield.

Originally, Tyrande stayed in the captured Suramar to provide healing and logistics to the resistance. When the night elf rebels led by Lord Curtalos Ravencrest of Black Crow Keep arrived in Suramar, the Moon King The priestess decided to go into battle.

For strategic reasons, Suramar was abandoned, and the remaining soldiers and civilians gathered under the banner of Kurtalos. Tyrande left with the army, and many civilians joined her.

However, the battle situation only changed from a one-sided massacre to a slightly relieved stalemate. These were still the vanguard of the Burning Legion. Subsequent demonic armies will swarm in from the portal at any time to launch a large-scale attack.

After the initial defeat, the demons stepped up their offensive against the Dark Night Empire. One of their leaders, Sargeras' right-hand man, "The Defiler" Archimonde, personally organized the offensive.

In order to fully resist the power of demons, the rebels realized that they needed to find powerful allies.

Since almost all the highborne elves who had mastered the power of magic surrendered to the enemy, the resistance had no choice but to focus on the Sisters of Elune, who represented their faith, and the Fat God of the Wilds, who represented the Emperor of Nature.

Malfurion volunteered to seek help from the forest demigod Cenarius, and then went to Mount Hyjal with Cenarius to seek help from the unruly demigods of the wilderness.

The early stages of the call for help went surprisingly smoothly.

Under the leadership of Cenarius, this team of elite soldiers bravely passed through the demon-infested battlefield near the capital, overcoming obstacles all the way, and finally arrived at the foot of Mount Hyjal successfully.

However, it is not easy to convince those demigods of the wild who are used to being free to fight side by side... Just when they were at a deadlock, the demons of the Burning Legion suddenly launched a fierce attack on Mount Hyjal. , took the initiative to help them "persuade" the demigods.

This sudden battle broke the deadlock and made the hesitant demigods realize the seriousness of the situation.

"Both the demigods and the Aspect Dragon have decided to join the battle, and they are gathering near the capital Zin-Azshari." Levin touched his chin and said thoughtfully, "It seems that the War of the Ancients has passed the time of being passively beaten. The difficult period has entered a stalemate stage. Now, the night elves only need to wait for those powerful reinforcements to be assembled before they can launch a decisive charge.

If Levin remembers correctly, there were some heartbreaking incidents during the days when reinforcements were being gathered.

For example, a younger brother who was spying on his brother-in-law betrayed his own people, threw himself into the dark embrace of the Burning Legion, and became the first-generation demon hunter.

In addition, Onyxia, the King of Black Dragons and the Guardian of the Earth, her father - the future Deathwing - betrayed the Dragon Clan.

He took advantage of the huge pressure of the Burning Legion's invasion and cleverly encouraged the guardian dragons to work together to create an extremely powerful artifact - the Dragon Soul. However, he did not keep his promise

Using this artifact to wipe out the demons, he instead targeted his own brothers and sisters. The Blue Dragon tribe suffered a frontal impact from this sudden betrayal and fell into a huge crisis of genocide.

Levin shook his head and put away these messy thoughts, "Forget it, that's not what I should be concerned about now.

During the days when Cenarius was arguing with the wild demigods and trying to persuade them, Tyrande also stood up.

She volunteered to lead a group of troops to the holy place of Elune's faith, the throne of the sky - Lasalraza.

Their mission is to contact the power of the Sisters so that they can establish a close connection with Black Crow Castle, the main force of the resistance. More importantly, they must also try to break up the Sisters of Elune who are imprisoned by the upper elf. High level personnel.

However, 5.9 fate does not always seem to favor the righteous party.

Just as Tyrande and her team embarked on the journey with enthusiasm and hope, things developed far beyond their expectations.

I don't know if someone has leaked the news, but the shadow of the devil has quietly fallen, and an elite ambush has laid an insidious ambush on the road the special envoy must pass.

The sudden attack broke the tranquility of the air. The roar of demons, the roar of war and the shouts of soldiers intertwined to form a tragic war song. Tyrande and her team suffered heavy losses under the crazy attack of the demon army, and the team was completely scattered.

Just when Tyrande was about to fall into despair and her life hung on a thread, a majestic wild hippogryph fell from the sky, fluttered its wings and rescued Tyrande from the clutches of the devil.

This hippogryph was a companion she unexpectedly acquired before setting off. Fortunately, she brought a hippogryph with her on this trip, not her signature white tiger—it was actually the saber she had raised since childhood, Ash. Alas - if not for this, the future leader of the night elves would have played GG as soon as he debuted.

Then, Tyrande saw Levin fighting with the remaining demon soldiers, so he took action in time, and the two of them worked together to eliminate the demons who were left to clean up the battlefield. .

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