Bodies were scattered all around, and broken limbs could be seen everywhere. Blood and soil were mixed together, forming a shocking scene.

"Where...where is this?" Levin murmured to himself, the shock in his heart was beyond words.

He obviously just traveled to a new world bubble, how could he appear directly on such a tragic battlefield?


Amidst the continuous shouts of death on the battlefield, Levin suddenly heard a faint groan, which came from beneath the pile of corpses.

He walked over carefully, and under the light of the bright moon hanging high in the sky, he could clearly see the appearance of these corpses.

They all had human-like facial features, but their skin was a strange violet color, they were about two meters tall, and their ears were long and pointed elf ears. These features made Levin instantly realize that these corpses were not human. , but belongs to some kind of fantasy creature that often appears in fantasy works——Night Elf.

The corpses of these night elves were covered with wounds caused by various unknown weapons, and some had broken arms and legs. The scene was horrific. The dark red semi-dried blood almost dyed their bodies and the nearby ground red.

Around them, there were some standing figures, and these figures were obviously not of the same race as the corpses of the night elves.

These standing figures are even taller, some even reaching two or three meters or even higher. They look ferocious and terrifying, wearing heavy armor and holding exaggerated alien blades. They were applying wounds to the corpses of the night elves one by one, seeming to be clearing the battlefield.

Levin simply glanced around, but his pupils suddenly tightened. He immediately recognized the identities of the guys in front of him - demons!

"Night elves?! And... demons?"

Levin murmured in shock, a glint of disbelief flashed in his eyes

As a former World of Warcraft player, since Levin recognized Jaina and Onyxia, he also recognized these guys in front of him.

Being on the battlefield, Levin knew he didn't have much time to sort out his chaotic thoughts.

However, just as he was trying to figure out whether he had really arrived in Azeroth, a ferocious-looking Doom Guard suddenly passed by from above and noticed the movement here. It flapped its huge fleshy wings, drew a strange arc in the air, and rushed straight towards Cai Wen's direction.

Levin's heart sank suddenly, and he knew he had to take action as soon as possible.

He glanced around and found that there seemed to be other night elves not far away, riding a hippogryph and fighting another demon in the air. From his own point of view, the other party did not seem to notice him. .

Levin frowned slightly, and an idea quickly flashed in his mind.

Levin frowned and immediately had an idea.

He recalled a complex magic [Dragon Transformation] he learned from Onyxia.

This magic can turn the dragon into any race, and it is almost impossible to be discovered, and it will not be restored by most evil-breaking effects.

The only disadvantage is that this transformation technique cannot choose the appearance arbitrarily, it will only change the caster into a fixed appearance that matches the original appearance.

If a dragon is handsome as a dragon, he won't be too ugly as a human.

If a dragon has hair on its chest after its transformation, then the scales on its chest must also be dense as a dragon.

Levin took a deep breath and began to recite the mantra silently.

As the spellcasting began, his body gradually changed.

In the blink of an eye, the Doom Guard discovered that the unknown creature in front of them suddenly turned into a night elf with blue-black hair and golden eyes.

His face became full of night elf style, and his body exuded an aura similar to that of the surrounding creatures.

The Doom Guards did not recognize Levin's transformation, but as arrogant as he was, he never disdained to pay too much attention to an existence as weak as an ant. In mid-air, he raised the broad-bladed two-handed giant sword high in his hand, with a bloodthirsty and ferocious smile on his face.

"Insignificant mortals, your world will surely burn, for Sargeras!" The Doom Guards roared, their voices echoing on the battlefield like thunder.

As he roared, the giant blade struck Levin with a sharp sound of wind.

The Doom Guard's attacks are powerful and heavy, and each blow is enough to tear ordinary creatures into pieces. However, in Levin's eyes, these attacks were full of flaws. With his super high perception ability, he clearly sensed the attack trajectory of the opponent's swing. Even though his agility attribute was only higher than that of ordinary people, he still easily dodged the attack.


The dull sound of the giant sword cutting into the pile of corpses came from his side, and Levin raised his hand and started to fight back.

From the ground next to the pile of corpses, thick vines suddenly emerged, wrapping around the Doomsday Guard's weapons like living snakes.

The power of these vines was surprisingly strong, preventing the Doom Guards from firing the giant blade for a long time.


The Doom Guard unexpectedly glanced at the night elf opposite. He obviously did not expect that this seemingly weak creature could actually cast spells and have the means to fight back. But soon, he recovered from his surprise, and green flames suddenly rose from the swords in his hands.

With a "coax", the green flames burned blazingly, quickly burning out the vines summoned by Levin. A ferocious smile appeared on the face of the doomsday guard again. He seemed to be impatient to see the scene of Levin being slaughtered. .

Then, the Doom Guard let out a deafening roar, raised his two-handed sword above his head, and prepared to launch a ferocious jump attack towards Levin's position. His eyes flashed with bloodthirsty light, as if he had regarded Levin as a turtle in a urn.

"Suffer death!"

The doomsday guard roared, his muscles tightened, and five stars exploded in an instant.

However, just when he was about to jump up, a strange sound came from "Crash!"

The doomsday guard was shocked to find that his feet were tightly entangled with countless vines, unable to move at all. These vines emerged from the ground at some unknown time and bound him firmly in place. The power of his just taking off was instantly resolved by the vines, and his whole body was violently pulled down. This time, the ferocious jump chop completely cut him into the air.


Immediately afterwards, several arrows pierced the night sky and rushed towards them with sharp whistling sounds.

These arrows penetrated into the Doom Guard's body accurately, and the additional force on the arrows made him lose his balance. Dragged by the vines, the Doom Guard roared and fell on his back, hitting the ground about five meters in front of Levin.

The strange red and green soil was splashed by the impact of the doomsday guard landing, forming a trail of dust.

However, Levin was not affected at all. His eyes flashed with determination and he raised his hand again. More and more vines were seen emerging from the ground, wrapping around the Doomsday Guard's arms, neck, and waist like living snakes, tying him firmly to the ground.

At the same time, the ground beneath the Doom Guard began to dent, as if a bloody mouth had opened, trying to swallow him in.

During the struggle, the Doom Guard sank deeper and deeper, and the originally ferocious roar gradually turned into a howl. This was accompanied by the sound of bones being crushed, which made people's hair stand on end.

Next, the doomsday guard struggled deeper and deeper, and its original ferocious roar turned into a howl, mixed with the sound of bones being crushed.

When only one of the doomsday guard's heads was left exposed on the ground, he finally lost all signs of life, leaving only his wide-eyed expression, which seemed to still contain the fear and unwillingness before his death.

Next, a large purple bird with huge wings flapped gracefully through the sky.

Its feathers shine with a mysterious luster in the moonlight, looking very elegant and majestic.

Just when this large, four-legged purple bird was about to fly out of sight, a slim female night elf wearing a battle priest's light armor suddenly jumped off the bird's back.

Landing lightly in front of Levin.

Levin immediately noticed the sudden appearance of the night elf.

Her face was beautiful and dignified, and her eyes shone with determination. She was obviously a battle-experienced warrior, and she was the one who shot the arrow just now.

She first glanced at the Doomsday Guard who had lost all signs of life not far away, with a look of surprise and palpitations flashing in her eyes. Obviously, she had never seen the Doom Guard die in such a painful way. (Wang Zhao Zhao)

However, she quickly retracted her gaze, turned to Levin, and asked in an urgent tone: "`々Are you okay?"

Levin could tell that the deep concern and worry in her voice was not fake.

Through constant [Glague] and [Language Understanding] magic, Levin can easily understand what the other party is saying.

He nodded and replied with a smile: "My name is Levin Cuiye. Thank you for your timely help, female."

The so-called "Green Leaf" is actually the night elf-style adaptation of Levin's original name "Ye" to better integrate into this strange world.

Just like he named himself "Grimm" in the Harry Potter world.

Levin has not forgotten his situation and purpose. He recalled the wizards who died under Voldemort, let his face show a sad look and asked: "You

Why are you here? What happened here?"

In the new January, please send me a wave of flowers, monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, and custom orders. This is really important to the author.

The plot has finally advanced to this point. The World of Warcraft chapter will return to the Harry Potter world in about chapter 40 or 50, and the floating city will also begin to officially advance. I hope you will support it. .

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