After dealing with the portraits, Levin's eyes fell on the exquisite silverware. They stand on the table with slender legs, seemingly unaffected by the chaos around them, quietly puffing out smoke and spinning slowly. Levin carefully looked around this room full of history and mystery, without moving anything rashly.

He walked to the door and opened the heavy door inlaid with monster copper rings. Stepped up the spiral staircase and opened the door to the stone monster.

Umbridge stepped onto the stairs with gleaming eyes. As soon as he entered the principal's office, he wanted to rush straight to the principal's desk.

At this moment, Umbridge's eager figure appeared at the bottom of the stairs. Her eyes were shining, and she stepped onto the stairs with a greedy look on her face, "I couldn't wait to rush towards the principal's desk.

As he spoke, he waved his wand lightly, and the power of psychic powers struck Umbridge through the air.

Umbridge screamed in horror, but found that he could not move at all. The force was like an invisible big hand, holding her tightly and lifting her to the side easily.

At this moment, Professor McGonagall burst in excitedly, and then saw that Umbridge, who had been arrogant before, was now standing next to Levin like a servant with a look of horror on his face.

"They really colluded together! Dumbledore was kicked out of school because of their conspiracy!"

Professor McGonagall's brows furrowed together, a trace of anger and disappointment flashed in his eyes, and then he said: "Green, Professor Umbridge! You entered the principal's office without Dumbledore's permission!"

"Professor McGonagall, I think you can't enter the principal's office without my permission."

With a sinister yet friendly smile on his face, Umbridge slowly arranged his hair that was messed up by Levin's spell, "I, 720, am the current principal of Hogwarts, and Dumbledore is just a fugitive."

As she said this, she glanced at Levin fearfully and said, "In addition, you should call Mr. Levin Green professor, he is now your colleague."

McGonagall's lips pressed together tightly, and her fingers subconsciously tightened around her wand, but then weakly let go.

This made Umbridge's smile grow wider, and she enjoyed the feeling of being in control of the situation.

Professor McGonagall thought of the artificial Milky Way that was still hanging above the auditorium, and his eyes became a little helpless. He turned his head to look at Levin, and couldn't help but recall the lovable appearance of Levin when he was in the junior class during his Transfiguration class.

She felt heartache and self-blame in her heart. Although she was not the other party's dean, McGonagall had always regarded Caiwen as his student.

She couldn't help but wonder: "Why are the more talented little wizards more likely to go down the wrong path?"

Ronald, who was watching outside the principal's office, punched Harry next to him with his arm, a flash of pleasure quickly flashed across his face, and thoughts were running wildly in his mind: "Look, I knew Levin Green was not a good guy.

Harry stared at Levin, his eyes filled with sadness.

He once had some illusions about Levin, thinking that although he did not stand up to testify for them and tell the world about Voldemort's return, he might have his own difficulties and plans.

However, the scene in front of him made his fantasies and excuses disappear. Obviously, all this could not even be said to be that Levin had become Umbridge's accomplice, but that Umbridge was completely following Levin's instructions. This made Harry's heart full of (ajaj ) was disappointed and pained, and he felt betrayed.

Outside the principal's office, a crowd of onlookers surged like a tide. Teachers and students gathered here, their eyes fixed on the door. In the office, "Zhi Green was concentrating on breaking the spell cast on the appliances in the principal's office.

Those spells were once cast by the great white wizard Dumbledore himself, aiming to protect his beloved school and the items he cherished. However, at this moment, these powerful protective spells seemed to be vulnerable to Ravenclaw's genius.

Levin's wand drew elegant arcs in the air, each movement precise and powerful, as if playing a silent symphony.

With each wave of his hand, one spell after another was successfully broken, and the principal's personal belongings were piled aside one by one. The books on the bookshelf seemed to be summoned by some mysterious power, and they automatically It flew away from its original position, spinning and flying in the air, and finally stacked neatly in the open space next to it.

Finally, Levin withdrew his wand, a satisfied smile on his face.

He turned around, faced the eager eyes outside the door, stretched out his hand and made an elegant "please" gesture to Umbridge: "Now, this place belongs to you."

The expression on Umbridge's face instantly became extremely distorted, like a toad about to swallow a juicy fly. She quickly twisted her fat body and almost couldn't wait to sit on the chair belonging to the principal. When she finally sat down, she let out a long sigh and closed her eyes, as if she was feeling the sense of power brought to her by the wooden backrest of the principal's sofa chair.

Seeing this scene, Professor McGonagall's face turned pale, and she was so angry that she was shaking. Fortunately, with the timely support and comfort of Principal Hufflepuff Pomona Sprout, she did not faint from anger like before.

The two female professors looked at each other and saw the helplessness and anger in each other's eyes. They knew that the matter had reached this point and there was no room for recovery. So, they turned around and prepared to leave the principal's office that already belonged to Umbridge.

The moment he turned around, a crystal teardrop fell from the corner of Professor McGonagall's eyes.

She thought heartbrokenly that the principal's office, which was once full of wisdom and warmth, had now become a victim of the power struggle. And where is the white wizard Dumbledore, whom she once respected and loved?

"Huh? Please wait a moment, Professor McGonagall, where are you going?" Seeing this, Levin, who had his hands behind his back, looked at the headmaster of Gryffindor in surprise.

Professor McGonagall originally needed help from others, but now he was stunned, as if he was awakened by Levin's words.

She slowly straightened up, pushed Professor Sprout aside with a slight but firm force, looked directly at Levin, her tone was very respectful, as if she was really talking to a colleague: "Do you have any other instructions? ,Professor Green?"

The blood and courage returned to her already pale cheeks. She turned around and looked at Levin without being humble or condescending, her tone was very respectful, as if she was really talking to a colleague.

But anyone could hear the sarcasm in her tone.

However, Levin pretended not to hear it and said seriously: "Professor McGonagall, you have the best relationship with Dumbledore in the entire Hogwarts. Aren't you going to keep these personal belongings of his for him?" "

After saying that, Levin's lips curled up into a smile, and he winked at McGonagall and Sprout as if a prank had succeeded.

McGonagall, who was still filled with grief and anger, widened her eyes so much that her glasses slid down to her nose.

She looked at Levin in disbelief, feeling that all her anger was in vain: "What?! You mean you want me to keep Albus' belongings? You didn't mean to..."

Before she finished speaking, Umbridge, who had been sitting on the principal's chair with his eyes closed and feeling, couldn't sit still.

She stood up suddenly and said in a sharp voice: "Wait a minute, Professor Lu Lin, what are you doing?!"

She tried to grab Levin with her hands, but in the end she didn't dare to actually touch him, so she could only stop awkwardly in the air.

Levin glanced at everyone suspiciously, frowning slightly, and his tone was full of misunderstood grievance: "What are you wondering? Dumbledore has been dismissed from the position of principal of Hogwarts after leaving. What he left behind has exerted protection. Magical items are completely illegal occupation of the principal's office. I'm just here to correct him on this - but what else can I do? No matter which company, after the employee is fired, he has no right to occupy the principal's office. Employees’ personal belongings, right?”

Umbridge stamped his feet anxiously next to him, his cheeks flushed with emotion, and said eagerly: "Wait! Mr. Levin Green, our Ministry of Magic needs to find evidence of Dumbledore's crime and whereabouts from these items! You can't... .Please don't give them to McGonagall to take away."

She was about to give orders in her usual bureaucratic tone, but had to change her tone to a more tactful tone.

"Our Ministry of Magic?" Levin still maintained a calm expression. He glanced at Umbridge lightly, "Dolores, I don't remember that I told you... I have never heard of Sister Gianna... .”

At this point, he looked like he suddenly realized that he had let something slip, and slowly changed his words,

...I mean, the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, run by Lady Jaina Proudmoore, issued a warrant to seize Dumbledore's belongings and property. It is illegal to temporarily seize a wizard's property without a warrant. "

"I...I don't have a permit, but...I'm going to get it right now! Minister Fudge can also issue the relevant permit!"

Umbridge seemed a little at a loss and his voice was trembling.

After the other party brought up the Legal Enforcement Division and Gianna, she had no choice but to hold on to Fudge as her last trump card in an attempt to make Levin change his mind.

"Of course you can do that, Dolores." Levin's smile gradually faded, and he slowly walked towards Umbridge with his hands behind his back.

The new headmaster of Hogwarts unconsciously backed away from Levin's momentum until his back hit the cold wall. .

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