Umbridge's mood at this time was actually one of ups and downs.

The reason why she took such a risk was to rashly find Fudge with only a few confessions, just to prevent Dumbledore from using Fawkes' ability to let Harry Potter and the others escape.

She knew that she could only take real action after Fudge and the others went to the principal's office to keep an eye on Dumbledore.

After all, she had seen Phoenix-like abilities up close in her office. In order to ensure nothing went wrong, she had to go behind Fudge's back and agree to some cases that she considered unreasonable.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but quicken her pace, walked in front with her head held high, and led a group of people straight to the fourth floor with great momentum and momentum.

At the same time, in the Room of Requirement, Harry and the others were practicing the Patronus Charm attentively.

Suddenly, Seamus Finnegan rushed in, shouting in horror: "We are surrounded! I just saw Filch outside with the people from the Special Investigations Operations Group surrounding this place. It seems that Umbridge We are no longer satisfied with letting Filch guard this place alone!"

Seamus' words hit everyone's hearts like a heavy hammer. Everyone stopped practicing and stared at him blankly.

Harry felt a pang of regret wash over him.

They saw the notice in the afternoon, but didn't pay much attention to it.

He believed that no one would be willing to betray them for Umbridge. As a courageous Gryffindor, he had no intention of abandoning his original training plan because of such a trivial matter - what was the difference between that and surrendering to Umbridge?

"Umbridge must have discovered something," Harry said solemnly, "Is it related to the new interrogation notice?"

His brows knitted together, and he couldn't help but start to think about his next response strategy.

Seamus looked around the room and frowned: "Ronald hasn't come here yet. He won't be caught, right?"

Neville defended Ronald on the side: "Don't forget, Ronald is often late. This time it may just be because he was delayed by something else."

These words made everyone feel a little more at ease.

However, Colin Creevey's brother Dennis Creevey raised his hands with a pale face and said in a trembling voice: "Colin hasn't arrived yet. He is not usually late. Is there something wrong this time?" What happened?"

His words made everyone feel relieved again.

Angelina asked sharply: "What should we do now? Will we be discovered? Umbridge's punishment is terrible!"

She also knew she was afraid at this time.

Harry straightened up and glanced at the somewhat panicked people. He tried to look calm and said: "Don't panic, everyone, they can't get in anyway!"

After everyone heard this, they all thought of the special nature of the Room of Requirement.

Harry was right. Most people would never have thought that there was such a magical room here without warning, let alone entering it. From this point of view, staying in the Room of Requirement is the safest. , therefore, everyone finally became calmer.

However, they did not realize that as the leader, Harry himself was still nervous, and the wand he was turning nervously in his hand betrayed his inner thoughts.

For a moment, he couldn't think of a good solution. Instead, the thought "It would be great if Hermione or Levin were here" was running through his mind. He knows that if they are here

I will definitely find some good solution.

At the same time, outside the corridor——

"Why are we guarding this empty corridor?" Dumbledore clasped his hands, pretending to be confused.

Umbridge dragged the dazed Ronald to Dumbledore. When she saw the flash of surprise on the other person's face, she finally showed a proud smile and said loudly: This is my witness, Mr. Ronald Weasley told us, Tonight, in a secret room on the eighth floor of the castle called the Room of Requirement, Mr. Harry Potter will hold an illegal assembly of the D.A—Dumbledore Army—there. "

Dumbledore glanced at Ronald and said in a low voice: "Looking at Mr. Weasley's current state, I'm afraid his words cannot be used as evidence. He is obviously not conscious, and this is not of his own will. I seriously doubt that Mr. Weasley was kidnapped. Someone illegally used Veritaserum.”

At this point, his voice became more severe, "Hogwarts prohibits the use of Veritaserum on students. This is protected and recognized by the law issued by the Ministry of Magic in the Kingdom of Hell."

Umbridge was a little flustered, but she still said: "We only added two drops of Veritaserum to him, don't worry [the effect will not have any bad effects on Mr. Ronald Weasley]"

Her voice became smaller and smaller, and she felt a little lack of confidence. After all, she was forced to do this because she had no other choice, otherwise she would never let Fudge know about it.

However, she believed that as long as Dumbledore's guilt could be established, or Potter could be expelled, Fudge would pretend that the incident never happened.

"Dolores..." Fudge couldn't help but say. The invalidation of evidence obtained through Veritaserum has always been one of his governing ideas. His political philosophy has always been to give priority to tolerance, otherwise he would not have been able to do so in the first place. France defeated Barty Crouch, who was known for his toughness.

Umbridge gently reminded: "Minister, in special times, we need to use special methods. As long as the dose of truth serum is controlled well, asking a few simple questions will not cause harm to students."

Fudge frowned and seemed to hesitate, but in the end he didn't say anything to stop him.

When Umbridge saw this, he felt happy and immediately said, "Besides this, I still have other evidence.

After saying that, he immediately disappeared into the flames of the fireplace again.

When she reappeared, she was holding a student in one hand. The two students' eyes were as dazed as Ronald's.

"Dolores, how dare you do this to my students!" Dumbledore's angry expression appeared on his face for the first time after seeing Colin Creevey and Euan Abercrombie. He could see that Umbridge was unhappy with them. The use of excessive amounts of truth serum is undoubtedly a serious physical and mental harm to students.

Therefore, without giving Umbridge a chance to ask, he directly pulled out his wand and knocked the two of them down.

But what he did was no different from admitting his mistake.

"It seems the evidence is conclusive." Fudge's voice was full of excitement, as if he had seen the dawn of victory.

He had completely forgotten about Umbridge's use of Veritaserum at this moment, and did not care about Dumbledore's increasingly gloomy expression.

Dumbledore ignored the excited Fudge, but stared at Umbridge. The stern look in his eyes made Umbridge take a step back involuntarily.

"`w Umbridge, don't you know that excessive use of Veritaserum may cause irreversible damage to the brain?"

Umbridge's expression changed slightly, but quickly returned to normal.

With Fudge by her side, she forcibly changed the subject and pointed to the corridor: "Dumbledore, don't do this. It doesn't matter even if you insist on not admitting it. Based on what Mr. Weasley said, we can conclude that they must be there. here."

After saying that, she looked at Fudge again and suggested, "Minister, we can send people to guard here in turns. Even if they don't want to come out now, they still have to eat, right?"

Fudge also echoed Umbridge's words, narrowed his eyes, and walked a few steps in the corridor: "Although we can't see them now, we can indeed send people to guard here. Dumbledore, I may have to wrong you and your Fawkes. Oh my God. Although I don’t have the authority to arrest you directly, I still have the authority to let the Auror keep an eye on you and your bird for a period of time to prevent your phoenix from secretly picking them up."

"Cornelly, there's no need, I'll let them out right now." Dumbledore's eyes calmly swept across the entrance to the Room of Requirement, and then took out a piece of parchment.

He touched the wand lightly against the parchment, and then handed it to Fox beside him.

Fudge mistakenly thought that Dumbledore was indicating that he wanted to surrender, and immediately shouted excitedly, jumping up and down on tiptoes, like a child who got candy.

"Aha! Dumbledore, you can't use the phoenix, even to deliver messages. I know that your phoenix can teleport people."

Upon seeing this, Percy quickly echoed: "Oh, the minister has thought carefully, and the minister is right!"

However, Dumbledore just shook his head slightly, his half-moon glasses drooping on his crooked nose, "I think you will find that you are wrong about this."

. "

As he spoke, Dumbledore pulled out a golden phoenix tail feather from Fawkes. The tail feather shone dazzlingly under the light. With a slight wave of his hand, the tail feather held the letter and turned into fire before disappearing in front of them.

In the Room of Requirement, a phoenix tail feather suddenly appeared in Harry's hand.

He was stunned for a moment, and then heard Dumbledore's voice coming from the letter above: "Come out.

The little wizards in the Room of Requirement had absolute trust in Dumbledore, so when Dumbledore's voice came from the letter and asked them to come out of the exit, they all breathed a sigh of relief and filed out of the exit obediently, thinking that Dumbledore The problem has been solved. .

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