My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 552 The Ministry Of Magic’S Werewolf Policy

Lupine did not deny his worries. After all, Levin's performance in the Goblet of Fire, the strength he showed now, and his public attitude towards Voldemort all made him worried.

What concerned him even more was that Penello brought him here to show Levin's sphere of influence like a tour.

Those heavily armed guards, giants, and even a television station—that's all Levin's property.

All of this convinced Lupine that Levin definitely had some ulterior purpose.

Voldemort's return is a definite fact, but the Minister of Magic Fudge still chooses to turn a blind eye; his own affairs have caused subtle changes in the attitude of the school directors towards Dumbledore, leaving the great headmaster in an isolated and helpless situation.

In this precarious moment, Dumbledore still maintained calmness and restraint, asking the Order of the Phoenix not to act rashly, so as not to alert the enemy.

However, if Levin Green really chooses to cause trouble at this time... Lupin doesn't dare to think about it anymore.

Levin seemed to see Lupin's worries and doubts,

He took a few steps forward and asked softly: "Professor Lupin, why do you think werewolves suffer such harm in wizard society?"

Lupine frowned. He looked into Levin's deep eyes and felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

Although he and Levin have known each other for a long time, the other person's thoughts have always been so elusive.

Levin is not a discriminating person against werewolves, Lupin is sure of that.

So what is the purpose of asking him as a werewolf?

Lupine took a deep breath and tried to answer this question from the perspective of a bystander: "Is it because werewolves caused the death of many innocent victims? Or is it because their existence itself threatens the stability of wizard society? And harmony?”

Levin shook his head gently and rejected Lupin's answer: "Far more victims die at the hands of dark wizards every year than at the mouths of werewolves. Many of the victims are lying in Knockturn Alley. The product counter is sold as a product. But even a half-giant like Hagrid will visit Knockturn Alley from time to time. In fact, it is much easier to take a person's life with magic spells than with your teeth and claws. .”

Lupine frowned slightly, following Levin's words, and asked tentatively: "Are you saying that the discrimination faced by werewolves in wizard society is mainly due to our contagiousness?

Levin nodded and affirmed: "That's right, Professor Lupin. Ordinary wizards treat werewolves much more harshly than they treat humanoid creatures such as vampires, goblins, and Veela. And all of this is because werewolves are contagious. sex."

Lupine did not speak, but quietly listened to Levin's explanation. The other person's words touched on a deep-seated problem in wizard society.

Levin continued: "Although Wolfsbane Potion is a great invention, it is not omnipotent. In fact, there is no magic potion in the world that can completely prevent the transformation process after being infected by a werewolf."

He paused, seeming to be thinking about how to express himself more accurately.

"Moreover, the Wolfsbane potion itself also has big problems. It needs to be taken regularly before the full moon to ensure that you are just a sleepy ordinary wolf when you transform into a wolf. But in this state, for you Is it really safe?”

Lupine nodded, agreeing with Levin's view.

Seeing this, Levin put his hands behind his back and said slowly:

"Although Ulimchi is unbearable for me, there is one sentence she said that hits the key point."

His voice was low and powerful, and every word struck Lupin's heart like a heavy hammer, "Since you were able to get tampered with the Wolfsbane potion this time, who can guarantee that your potion will not be used next time?" Will I be manipulated again?"

He sighed, his tone full of helplessness and worry,

"If the situation in the wizarding world was still the same as it was in the third grade, it might not be a big deal. But now the situation is completely different. Voldemort has been resurrected and he is eyeing Hogwarts. Principal Dumbledore is once again caught up in the conflict with Minister Fudge. During the battle, your every move is under the enemy's surveillance.

Levin turned around, looked at Lupin who was deep in thought, and then continued:

"In this case, Principal Dumbledore couldn't find a professor who was willing to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, so he had no choice but to ask you to go back and fill the vacancy. Although this would avoid giving Fudge the opportunity to insert people from the Ministry of Magic into Hogwart. tz, but you are indeed risking the safety of others.

"You should be lucky. It seems that it was Fudge's people who tampered with your potion this time."

Levin looked into Lupine's eyes and said with concern, "If Voldemort's people were here to interfere, you would probably be in Azkaban by now."

Lupine raised his head, a flash of shock in his eyes.

He couldn't deny the truth of Levin's words. What Levin said really made him feel scared.

Levin continued: "This is not an isolated case, Lupin. In fact, from the moment Dumbledore decided to let you enter Hogwarts in his early years, he was already risking other people's lives or the future. If it weren't for James Tom Potter's final awakening, Professor Snape who was deceived by him may have been killed by you in the Shrieking Shack, or he may have been infected and followed your footsteps and became a werewolf."

"What's even more ironic is that after all this farce, Professor Snape had to admit that James Potter, whom he hated the most, was actually his savior. This was very important to Snape.

It is undoubtedly an extremely cruel torture. "

As Levin spoke, he couldn't help but feel sorry for Snape.

Lupine felt a surge of complicated emotions in his heart, and the words in the screen had already touched upon the past that he couldn't quite remember.

The students' grand farewell had once healed the scars in his heart, but at this moment, those deep-seated pains seemed to have been ruthlessly uncovered, and the bloody wounds were exposed to the air again.

He tried hard to refute Levin, but found that he could not find a suitable reason.

This feeling made him both desperate and angry, as if he was trapped in an inescapable vortex.

He gave up on himself and said: "What exactly do you want to say? You asked me to come here just to analyze all this for me? Do you want me to admit how correct your suggestion of not letting me come to school was?"

Speaking of this, he directly expressed all his dissatisfaction with Levin.

"Why don't you acknowledge Voldemort's return on TV? What do you and Jaina want to do? The forces revealed by your Alfa United Company have grown so powerful. If you are willing to join forces with Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix... .”

He didn't say any more, but the implication was already obvious.

.........Please give me flowers 0

Levin looked at Lupin's excited expression and couldn't help but sigh.

He knew that his words touched Lupine's pain, but he also believed that only by facing the past could he better face the future.

He gently put his hand on Lupin's shoulder, stopping his questioning which sounded a little excited and self-defeating.

Then, Levin handed the refilled cup of black tea to Lupin and said softly:

"Please take a sip of tea and calm down, Professor Lupin. I don't mean to disrespect you, and I certainly don't want to meet you to hurt you in front of you. I just want to tell you some of my thoughts frankly."

Lupine looked at the black tea handed over by Levin, and his emotions gradually calmed down.

He took the tea cup and took a sip gently. The bitter aroma of tea filled his mouth, seeming to take away some of the worries in his heart.

Levin waited patiently for Lupin's mood to stabilize before speaking slowly: "Professor Lupin, have you ever thought about why the research on drugs related to lycanthropy is progressing so slowly?"

"Stop asking me questions in a roundabout way, Levin Green, just tell me what you have to say directly." There was obvious impatience in Lupin's tone, and he was obviously tired of Levin's way of talking.

Levin bowed slightly and apologized to Lupin: "Please forgive me for my bad habits, Professor Lupin. Then, let me talk about my thoughts."

He paused, seeming to collect his thoughts, and then continued:

"The Ministry of Magic's policy on werewolves has always been confusing and inefficient. As early as 1637, the Ministry of Magic established a set of werewolf management regulations, requiring werewolves to sign a promise not to attack anyone, and to do so once a month. Lock yourself up safely.

"You can probably guess what the result will be."

Lupine sneered, "No one came to sign, because no one was ready to walk into the Ministry of Magic and admit that they were a werewolf. The reason is best known to me. The humiliation is more unbearable than the wolf transformation itself."

"You're right."

Levin nodded slightly in agreement, "The later Werewolf Registry also encountered the same dilemma. Although they set up a directory and hoped that werewolves would take the initiative to register their personal information, over the years, that record has always been incomplete. Inaccurate. Newly transformed werewolves would rather hide their identity than face the public humiliation.

Levin sighed and continued: "Furthermore, the responsibility for the management of werewolves within the Ministry of Magic has always been unclear. The Beast Department and the Humanoid Department passed the blame to each other, and no one was willing to take on this responsibility. For a period of time, werewolves The registration office and capture team were placed under the jurisdiction of the beast department, while the humanoid department established the so-called 'Werewolf Support Service Office'. But that office was in name only, and no werewolves were willing to go in and ask for help. For the same reason, the registration office was also There was no one available. Eventually, the 'Support Services Office' was forced to close, and the registration office remained in name only for a long time until Catalana took over and was revived."

Lupine nodded and said in a deep voice: "As a werewolf, I have always paid attention to these measures taken by the Ministry of Magic. I have personally experienced the difficulties and struggles you mentioned. This is why I chose to conceal my identity in the first place. Instead of registering. The kind of discrimination and exclusion from wizarding society as a whole is unbearable."

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