"Where did Hermione go?" Ginny asked curiously while tapping Levin's legs and looking around.

"She's still sleeping." Levin gently touched Ginny's fiery red hair and replied with a smile: "Yesterday I used my 'magic wand' to study some complicated magic with her. She may have some tired."

Ginny couldn't help but feel a little angry after hearing this: "This is my first game, and she didn't come to watch!"

Although she knew that Hermione usually worked very hard, she still hoped that her friends could come to cheer her on.

Levin smiled softly and comforted his girlfriend with a tone that sounded distressed for his girlfriend: "Don't worry, she will be here soon. We did practice very late yesterday, so it would be good to let her sleep a little longer."

He paused and then added, "Besides, I believe she will cheer for you silently in her heart.

Ginny felt a little calmer after listening to Levin's words.

She raised her head and looked at Levin's gentle eyes, feeling warm in her heart. She likes the feeling of being with Levin, as if the whole world becomes better.

At this time, Levin gently stroked Ginny's fiery red hair, like stroking a docile kitten.

Ginny didn't mind such an intimate gesture, but showed a look of satisfaction and happiness on her face.

She likes the pampering and care Levin gives her, which makes her feel extremely at ease and at ease.

Just as the two of them were immersed in this warm atmosphere, a sleepy voice suddenly sounded behind them:

"Hello." Levin turned around and found Luna standing behind them, with a usual trance expression on her face.

Many people were looking at her, and some were smiling and pointing at her fancy clothes.

She was seen wearing an eagle-shaped hat, which obviously represented her support for Ravenclaw.

Levin looked at the fat eagle hat on Luna's head and was speechless.

His Chimera transformation is derived from the iconic animals of the four major colleges, among which the eagle form can be described as heroic and domineering.

Why did the eagle become so honest and sweet after arriving in Luna?

Why is Luna's eagle so chubby and looks so silly?

He murmured to himself, the gap was as big as a wolf and a husky!

One is a wild and untamable beast, while the other is a cute and adorable domestic pet.

At this time, Ginny couldn't help but speak:

"Luna, don't you support your best friend?" She said with some anticipation, "This is my first game."

Luna turned her head and showed an apologetic smile to Ginny:

"Ginny, I will support you in the next game! But today, I want to cheer for Ravenclaw even more.

As she spoke, she tapped the eagle hat on her head with her wand.

As if being summoned, the eagle hat opened its big mouth and let out a deafening cry, which shocked everyone around him. ,

Luna laughed happily, as if she was very satisfied with her masterpiece.

"Not bad, isn't it?" Luna said happily.

Levin looked at Luna's proud look and couldn't help but smile.

He stretched out his hand, lovingly helped her straighten the slightly crooked hat, nodded and praised: "Yes, this hat is really unique, it makes you happy when you look at it. Ravenclaw will definitely win today."

Luna hummed to express her gratitude. However, the next second, she reached out and tilted the hat back.

Levin laughed loudly when he saw this, and simply pulled down the furry eagle hat that originally only covered his forehead, covering Luna's entire face.

While the two were having fun, Ronald and Harry walked to the Gryffindor table with nervous expressions on their faces.

As they passed the Slytherin table, they heard a commotion.

Almost every Slytherin student was seen wearing a silver and green scarf and hat, and also a silver badge with a crown.

Malfoy saw Harry coming over and deliberately showed off loudly: "Do you like my new badge?"

Harry thought it would be like last term, with insults written on him, such as "Potter stinks" and the like.

However, this time, he found that the badge said: "Weasley is our king!"

Harry looked at the proud smiles on the faces of the Slytherin students and felt mixed emotions in his heart.

He was thankful that he was not targeted, but for some reason, he felt that he was not as happy as he imagined. Instead, he felt an inexplicable loss, as if... he had fallen out of favor.

Montague, the new captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, stood at the entrance of the auditorium and shouted provocatively: "Weasley, have you reserved a bed in the school hospital? Don't be beaten by Ravenclaw and end up in the school infirmary!"

His voice echoed in the auditorium, and there was a burst of laughter from the Slytherin students.

Ronald's face turned a little green instantly. He clenched his fists and tried to control his emotions.

However, when Malfoy began to imitate Ronald's action of missing the Quaffle in training, Ronald's ears turned red, his hands shook uncontrollably, and the croissant in his hand fell to the ground with a "snap".

"It's okay, Ronald, just ignore them!" Harry walked to Ronald and comforted him softly.

Ronald didn't speak, but looked pale, with fine beads of sweat on his forehead, as if he hadn't heard Harry's comfort, and it was as if his soul had been sucked out of his whole body.

Seeing this, Harry took the initiative to take Ronald's arm and guide him towards the Gryffindor table.

The little lions along the way cheered immediately when they saw the team members arriving, their voices full of anticipation and enthusiasm.

However, these cheers did not cheer Ronald up.

On the contrary, they seemed to be the last straw that broke Ronald's back, sucking away what little morale he had left.

Ronald sat slumped on the nearest stool, staring ahead blankly, as if this breakfast was his last supper.

"I must be crazy to join the team," Ronald whispered in a hoarse voice, "I can't play at all, I'm a loser..."

There were tears in his eyes, and it was obvious that he had fallen into deep self-doubt.

The previous experience of being beaten up by his own sister in the selection competition still affects him to this day.

Ronald was so nervous that he wanted to cry when he thought about facing Ravenclaw, the Triple Crown winner who had dominated for three consecutive years.

Harry looked at Ronald's appearance and felt mixed emotions in his heart.

He said sternly: "Ronald, don't talk nonsense! It's okay for you. It's normal to be nervous. You just need to believe in yourself and perform to your level."

As he said this, he handed Ronald some cereal, trying to cheer him up by eating and drinking.

Angelina also came over. She banged the table and said loudly: "When everyone is ready, we will go directly to the stadium! Ronald, you too, cheer up! We are a team and need your support!"

At the same time, at the Ravenclaw dining table, Nanwen also stood up.

He looked around and saw all the Ravenclaw players gathered around him.

There was a burst of warm applause and cheers in the auditorium.

This is a tribute and expectation to their Triple Crown victory for three consecutive years.

Levin led the Ravenclaw team members confidently through the foyer, down the stone steps, and into the cold air.

The grass was covered with a thin layer of frost, and every step underfoot was accompanied by a soft crunching sound, as if nature was accompanying the players' footsteps.

The atmosphere in the locker room is not that tense. After two months of training, the players are quite confident.

They quickly changed their jerseys and came to the door of the locker room.

Levin, as coach, was the first to go.

He took a deep breath, adjusted his tie, and then took firm steps to lead his team members to the battlefield that belonged to them.

The stadium was buzzing with people, and the audience could no longer contain their excitement and cheered for the team they supported.

Arcane Eyes also began to fly on the field, and the equipment Levin originally donated for the Triwizard Tournament is now used in Quidditch matches.

They capture every wonderful moment and project the game into the void in real time.

In the commentary box, Lee Jordan's rhythmic and unique voice sounded as expected: "Hello everyone, dear audience friends! Welcome to this exciting Quidditch match! I am your favorite commentator———— —Lee Jordan!”

His passionate voice instantly ignited the atmosphere of the scene.

"Now, let's take a look at today's participating team members!"

Lee Jordan continued,

"Fourteen top players are already standing on the field. There are still many old faces in today's game. These are old players who have been famous for many years. They not only have top personal skills, but also represent Hogwarts. First-class level. Of course, the dark horses of the new generation cannot be ignored. These new generation players are also worth looking forward to. For example, the young player Ginny Green, as the youngest sister of the Weasley family, how will she perform in the competition? Let Let’s wait and see!”

Lee Jordan's voice echoed in the commentary box:

*(Thank you) Dear viewers, now Coach Levin personally comes off the court and leads his players to warm up! Look, this is the classic Levin Green holding the ball! You know, he is known as the strongest ball chaser in history His scoring ability is absolutely unquestionable!"

The audience craned their necks to catch a glimpse of this legendary figure.

I saw Levin catching a Quaffle and flexibly shuttled between the players.

He increased his speed, and a bolt of lightning flashed across the court, then suddenly threw away the defender around him!

"He's going to shoot!" Lee Jordan shouted excitedly, "This is Levin Green's super long shot! Look at the arc... Oops!"

Lee Jordan's shouts came to an abrupt end because...this ball was an outrageous non-contact!

The ball actually flew out of the court and didn't even touch the border!

The audience was in an uproar. Some shook their heads and sighed, while others couldn't help laughing.

Levin stood there, rubbed his wrist, and looked back with an embarrassed look on his face.

He sighed and said to himself:

This time he was really embarrassed. If only in the past, he could score this kind of ball with his eyes closed!

Hermione was sitting in the Gryffindor auditorium, her face even more tired than Levin's. She had just woken up, had a hasty lunch and came to the stadium to watch the game.

When she saw Levin's embarrassed appearance in the live broadcast, she couldn't help but blush and spat: "Who is the strongest chaser? Didn't I guard him?"

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