Just when Umbridge was about to pretend to be fainted, Gabrielle's "concerned" voice came from the crowd. She pretended to say: "Oh, Professor Umbridge seems to have choked on the water, who can give her artificial respiration quickly?" Otherwise she would be in danger."

As soon as these words came out, the students stepped back faster.

Are you kidding, giving Umbridge artificial respiration? That's simply pushing their limits.

Not to mention the indescribable smell exuding from her body at the moment, just the thought of having such close contact with her made everyone feel chills.

However, Gabrielle was reluctant. She set her sights on Malfoy and said morally: "Malfoy, aren't you a prefect? ​​Now is the time to embody our Slytherin style. Go and give Professor Umbridge artificial respiration." .”

However, Malfoy just felt queasy.

He had just taken a few sips of sewage, and already his whole body was filled with colors. When he thought about Umbridge swimming in that kind of water just now, Malfoy felt ten times at least for five minutes.

Pansy Parkinson behind him turned even green.

She had recently forgiven Malfoy and was even fantasizing about when she would be able to steal his second kiss.

But seeing the scene in front of her, she began to doubt herself.

Although she really loved Malfoy, if she was really asked to do something intimate with Malfoy in this situation, she wasn't sure whether she could do it.

Principal Dumbledore, followed by a group of teachers, rushed to the scene with the corner of his robe causing a gust of wind in the corridor.

The moment everyone saw Umbridge's tragic situation, they all turned to Professor McGonagall.

To be honest, she was quite suspicious. After all, Umbridge had just caused trouble in her class, and the conflict between the two was quite obvious.

However, in the minds of the students, there is another person who is more suspicious--that is Professor Trelawney.

Not long ago, she was forced by Umbridge to make a mysterious and almost cursed prophecy to her, and now, that prophecy has come true.

"Does she really know how to lower her head?" A young wizard whispered, but his voice resonated with the crowd.

Professor Trelawney is always talkative and is regarded as a fortune teller and an old liar, but now, her image seems to have suddenly become taller.

It seems that the so-called old liar is also a bit genuine. The only problem is that she has always kept her skill "without telling others that she knows the head-dropping technique."

There are already young wizards planning how to please Professor Trelawney and learn this skill from her.

Headmaster Dumbledore did not approach Umbridge, he just waved his wand lightly.

With his actions, the sewage on the ground disappeared instantly and returned to its original cleanliness.

But that indescribable smell still lingers in the air, reminding people of what just happened.

Just then, Peeves arrived. He was hanging in mid-air, with a joking smile on his face and humming a song:

"There was a toad in the water pipe and the toilet. She had a big appetite and drank a lot...

Dumbledore approached Umbridge, pointed his wand at her, and asked her with concern: "How are you, Dolores, can you tell us who attacked you?"

Being questioned by Dumbledore himself, Umbridge could no longer pretend to be unconscious.

She slowly raised her head and stared at Peeves with a vicious look: Peeves did it!" She said through gritted teeth.

Peeves was doing somersaults in mid-air. When he heard these words, the smile on his face froze instantly.

He stared at Umbridge with wide eyes, unspeakable grievance in his eyes.

Everything depends on me! It’s rare that I didn’t cause any trouble at the Halloween dinner, but I ended up taking the blame!

Umbridge is sick.

She was lying on a bed in the school doctor's office, a single room with a small balcony, and the environment was pretty good.

But this is not because she enjoys any special treatment, but because the indescribable smell of "snail noodles" on her body is really intolerable.

It is said that when the odor on a person's body can reach the next level, he should no longer stay in any public place.

In the eyes of everyone, Madam Pomfrey was a school nurse who was always smiling and affable, but even she believed that what Umbridge needed was not medication, but a thorough bath.

As a result, Umbridge was "invited" to a remote attic of the hospital to "recuperate".

Umbridge was naturally annoyed, but after experiencing the cesspool, she no longer dared to express her opinions freely.

She just wrote to the Minister of Magic Fudge overnight, asking him to send Aurors to protect her.

Fudge was happy and soon sent her two old-fashioned Aurors. They stayed at the door all day long and acted as Umbridge's security guards.

However, the two Aurors could always hear Umbridge shouting in the room: "Someone is trying to harm me!"

Her voice was sharp and harsh, making the two well-informed Aurors shiver.

The "murderer" Umbridge calls is Peeves.

The evidence is that this prank-loving elf has secretly visited her Umbridge in the middle of the night.

But according to Peeves, he just wanted to explain to her that he did not attack her!

Although Peeves is naughty, mischievous and mischievous, he is also a principled prankster!!

"I only ate one bowl of noodles, so I paid for one bowl of noodles!" Peeves somersaulted in the air and shouted loudly, "If you say there was no attack, that means there was no attack! You have to say that I ate two bowls of noodles. , put the blame on me, isn’t this bullying an honest person?”

His voice echoed in the corridor, causing a burst of laughter.

But the other ghosts stayed away from him because his prank this time was so disgusting.

Bloody Barrow even came to him several times, saying that he wanted to make him look good.

Peeves' heart was full of grievances. He felt that he was even more wronged than Dou E, the ancient Qi alchemist in the Dragon Kingdom who knew the weather spell.

He angrily turned somersaults in the air, shouting: "Believe it or not, I committed suicide to prove my innocence?"

However, his voice echoed in the air, but no one really cared.

Yes, he is just an elf who likes to play pranks. No matter how much he swears, people will not believe him.

He can't even get close to the kitchen now because the house elves think he's dirtying the kitchen.

Peeves' grievance did not gain everyone's sympathy, but made people more suspicious of him.

For several days, the students were discussing Umbridge's attack by Peeves.

Peeves' figure was floating in the corridor, and he could feel the pointing eyes, as if they were saying: "Look, that's Peeves, he has a guilty conscience."

Myrtle was very happy, she finally had the capital to show off to others.

Every day, boys come over to ask her what happened that day. She describes the scene vividly, which makes the boys marvel.

Ronald is one of them. He specially finds Myrtle every day and listens to her tell the "happy" story.

When she said she was excited, he laughed along with her, satisfied, and commented excitedly to Harry.

However, the good times did not last long. After a few days, news began to spread in Hogwarts: Ronald was Peeves' accomplice.

Who makes him care so much about this matter? There must be some collusion with Peeves!

Ronald's smile disappeared. He felt extremely wronged and tears rolled in his stomach.

If he knew the truth of the matter, he would be doubly aggrieved. The news was that one of the real culprits, his two twin brothers, was released with the purpose of fishing in troubled waters and trying to help Marietta clear away the suspicion.

At the same time, Filch's performance also made people unable to forget this incident.

He was wearing a thick mask, a strange hat on his head, and brightly colored overalls with suspenders, and was busy in the bathroom holding a thick tube.

He is repairing water pipes.

No one could have imagined that this administrator, who usually only scolded students with a straight face, had such skills.

Looking at Filch's busy figure, people can't help but sigh: Sure enough, everyone who can serve at Hogwarts has their own unique skills!

I don't know when he will save his Princess Peach.

But when it comes to Princess Brigitte, people can't help but think of Umbridge.

(Wang Nuohao) But judging from Princess Brigitte’s pink dress, maybe Umbridge is his Princess Brigitte?

From the appearance, Umbridge is indeed a bit interesting, she is more like the daughter of Bowser and Princess Peach.

That is, the configuration of an uncle, an enemy, and the daughter of his first love.

The story of Yin Liuxia and Yang Buhui actually happened at Hogwarts!

In addition, after Umbridge came to Hogwarts, Filch was the first person to respond to her, which shows that their relationship is more than simple.

So soon, the love-hate relationship between Umbridge and Filch spread in Hogwarts.

As for Umbridge's hospitalization, the happiest person was Professor Snape.

He finally had the opportunity to serve as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for a while again, which made him feel extremely satisfied.

He found a good way: As long as Umbridge remained hospitalized, he remained a substitute teacher.

In this way, he can continue to teach the courses he loves while avoiding the curse of directly assuming the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Deep down, he even hoped that Umbridge could stay in the hospital for a longer period of time, so that he could enjoy the pleasure of being an acting teacher for a longer period of time.

If Umbridge knew what Snape was thinking, she would probably sit up in her dying state and fire him directly. .

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